Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1321: Mystic Snake Ancestor's Promise

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Chapter 1321: Mysterious Snake Ancestor's Promise

"There really is a master in this heavenly mountain range. It seems that this little black snake cannot really be killed directly!"

"Scare him first!"

And just as the Devouring Heavens Sword was about to stab the seven-inch ancestor of the mysterious snake, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a very cold coldness.

The next moment, the figure flashed, and Mo Wentian's sword was actually chopped off towards the tail of the ancestor of the mysterious snake.

"Human, you ..."


The screams sounded, and in the void, the tail of the ancestor of the black snake was cut off directly.


Falling on the ground also stirred up dust on the ground.

"Little black snake, you haven't surrendered to the emperor, the emperor will chop your body one by one until you reach your seven inches and take out your snake courage!"

Looking at the screaming ancestor of the mysterious snake, Mo Wentian's eyes were cold and proud.

"Slay my body one by one?"

For Mo Wentian's remarks, the ancestor of Xuan snake had no doubt at this moment.

If he was not surrendered, Mo Wentian would certainly do so.

Thinking about this, the body of the ancestor of the black snake shivered a little, and a little fear rose in the eyes of Mo Wentian.

"This human is really arrogant. He still has to cut the ancestor's body one by one!"

"This human being is so vicious that he imprisoned the ancestor's spirit and cut off the ancestor's body!"

"Going on like this, my ancestors have to die!"

"We shot directly and killed this human, then our ancestors will not bear this kind of pain!"

"Our black snake family, the most important thing is the order. Without the order of our ancestors, we can't rush!"


Looking at your scenes in the void, the myriad snakes, the anger in my heart, sprang up.

If it hadn't been for the orders of the ancestors of the black snake, these black snakes would have already shot.

"It seems that you black snake is not immortal until the Yellow River, no tears without seeing the coffin!"

"Bite the God of God, cut it again!"

Looking at the ancestor of Xuan Snake, he didn't surrender, Mo Wentian's eyes narrowed.

The icy voice sounded, without any hesitation, a sword shot again, chopped towards the ancestor of the mysterious snake.

"Do not……"

"Don't cut it, don't cut it!"

Looking at Mo Wentian again with a sword and beheaded, Xuan Snake's ancestor's face was full of fear, and he said quickly.

On his Devouring Sword, he felt a breath of death coming over him.

The black snake ancestor at this moment, the last line of defense in his heart, was completely defeated at this moment.

At this moment, there is only one idea in the heart of the ancestor of the black snake, and that is to survive.

And listening to the ancestor of the mysterious snake, Mo Wentian slightly raised the corner of his mouth, and a wicked smile spread.

"Don't cut it?"

Mo Wentian looked at the ancestor of the black snake, and there was a touch of light in his eyes.

"Human, as long as you don't kill me, I will do whatever you want me to do!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, mysterious snake ancestor's eyes, said a little flash.

"Whatever it is?"

Mo Wentian laughed.

"But you are the ancestor of the most powerful and highest-ranking snake in this region. You asked for mercy from the emperor. Do you want to understand whether you want to submit to the emperor?

Looking at Xuanshe slightly, Mo Wentian's voice was extremely deep.

The practice of this mysterious snake ancestor, but the actual situation has reached the peak of the emperor.

Don't watch Mo Wentian surrender the mystic snake ancestor so easily. In fact, this is not easy. Mo Wentian represses this black snake ancestor with his soul. Mo Wentian, I'm afraid I've exhausted.

"This one……"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, the look of the ancestor of Xuan snake changed instantly.

Surrendering, and surrendering to a human being who can't be perfected by the King, is undoubtedly a humiliation to the ancestor of the black snake.

"Humans, I promise to you in the name of the ancestor of the Xuan snake family, and I promise that from now on, you will enter the inner area, and my Xuan snake family will not shoot at you!"

"And in the inner region, if you need the help of my black snake family, my black snake family must help you!"

The next moment, it seemed to remember something. The look of the ancestor of Xuan Snake changed again. Looking at Mo Wentian, he swore an oath.

"What is this black snake ancestor saying?"

"He begged for mercy from this heavenly human being, and promised him, am I right?"

"This human is really so terrible, even the ancestors of the Xuan snake family in the inner region begged him for forgiveness!"

"This human being is really terrible!"


Listening to the words of the mysterious snake ancestors, countless white tigers flashed awe-inspiring in their eyes and talked.

"Willn't you shoot at me and help me?"

Don't you ask Tian Tian look indifferently to the ancestor of the snake, promise?

What is promise? Will the promise be fulfilled for this black snake ancestor?

Mo Wentian would not believe the promise of this ancestor snake.

"Do you believe in the promise that the Emperor will believe?"

The next moment, Mo Wentian looked at the ancestor of Xuan Snake with a slight grin on the corner of his mouth, but there was a chill in his voice.

"Humans, the ancestors have made the biggest concessions, but you are not satisfied?"

Hearing that the sound of mysterious snake ancestor's breathing became heavy, the anger in his heart was even more spontaneous.


"If you want to satisfy the emperor, submit to him!"

"Only by surrendering Bendi and becoming Bendi's dog will Bendi believe that your promise to Bendi is true!"

Looking at the appearance of the mysterious snake ancestor, Mo Wentian's eyes were filled with a cold cold mang, and his voice was extremely cold.


When I heard these words of surrender again, the face of the ancestor of the black snake turned pale.

He originally thought that as long as he made a concession, Mo Wentian would let him go, but he did not expect that Mo Wentian did not shake the idea of ​​conquering him at all.

"Ben Dike still has a lot to do. Give you three breaths to consider!"

"After three breaths, if you don't submit, then you must blame the emperor for taking your life!"

Looking at the ancestor of Xuan Snake, Mo Wentian's eyes were a bit cold.

"I, I, I ..."

The ancestor of the mysterious snake is full of unwillingness, but he is the strongest peak of the emperor. In the heavenly mountains, even the master of the heavenly mountains will give him some face!

Would he surrender to Mo Wentian's hands. If Mo Wutian is better than him, but Mo Wentian's cultivation is only the perfect state of the King of Heaven.

"A breath!"

"Two breaths!"

But just as the ancestor of the mysterious snake died, Mo Wentian's cold voice sounded.

Hearing Mo Wentian's remarks, the mind of the ancestor of the Xuan snake trembled slightly.

"Three ..."

"I promise!"

Mo Wentian's breath hadn't fallen down yet. The mysterious snake's ancestor's eyes flashed and he bit his teeth and agreed.

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