Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1402: Just refused?

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Chapter 1402 Just Rejected?

"Your purpose is to take the Dragon Dragon Sky Map, I can help you take the Dragon Dragon Sky Map!"

The next moment, Ji Wujing's eyes flashed, and the road was low.

"Can you help me win the Dragon Map?"

Looking at Ji Wujing, Mo Wentian's eyes raised a look of astonishment.

"That's right, Dragon Map, I can help you take it!"

"But this young master has a condition!"

Ji Wujing's expression suddenly became serious and his voice became cold.

"What are your conditions?"

Mo Wentian's eyes narrowed and he asked subconsciously.

"My condition is very simple. I will help you win the Dragon Dragon Sky Map, and you will help this young master to take down one of the deepest temples in the mysterious temple!

Looking at Mo Wentian, Ji Wujing's eyes flashed.


"In this Xuan Shen Temple, there is still inheritance?"

"Whose heritage is that?"

Wen Yan, Mo Wentian's eyes, a moment of light rose, and said quickly.

"That heritage cannot be cultivated at all for your people, but it is a treasure to me!"

In the eyes of Ji Wujing, a dazzling light passed by instantly.

"Can our people not cultivate?"

"Are you not human?"

Listening to Ji Wujing's words, Mo Wentian began to look at Ji Wujing in front of him.

"Ask the Emperor, I can tell you my identity, I already told you!"

"The conditions of the young master have also been said. Ask the God how is it considered?"

Ji Wujing did not answer Mo Wentian's question, but switched the topic.

"It's not impossible to cooperate!"

"But there is a doubt in Ben's heart!"

Suddenly, Mo Wentian seemed to think of something, the light flashed in his eyes, and the low road.

"What doubt?"

"Ask the Emperor and say it!"

In the eyes of Ji Wujing, the slightest cold flashes flashed.

"Master Ji, yours is that if this Emperor guessed right, neither the owner of this heavenly mountain nor the beast owner of the orc will be your opponent!"

"According to your strength, wouldn't it be easy for you to take down the heritage in the Xuan Shen Temple, why do you cooperate with this emperor?"

Looking at Ji Wujing, Mo Wentian said all the doubts in his heart.

I do n’t really want to understand this point.

In front of Ji Wujing, although Mo Wentian didn't know what kind of realm his cultivation had reached, Mo Wentian had a strong hunch in his heart. This man's cultivation must exceed the emperor's completeness.

Since this person's cultivation is so strong, no one in the entire ancient relics is his opponent.

Then he wanted to get a heritage, and even came to him for cooperation.

The more I think, the more puzzled I am.

"Since you asked, it wouldn't hurt to tell you!"

"With the strength of the young master, everything in the ancient relics, the young master can do anything!"

"But as for the inheritance, the young master can't take it, because the protoss must help you to take down the inheritance!"

Ji Wujing talked about the inheritance, and his expression was instantly dignified.

A few days ago, he received news that the inheritance he had come to the ancient relics turned out to be sealed by the people of the Protoss.

Had it not been for the inheritance to be sealed by the Protoss, he would not have come to Mo Wentian, a successful king of ants.


"Ji Wujing even said that I am a protoss?"

"Is it true that I am a protoss?"

After hearing the words, Mo Wentian's heart couldn't help but start to wonder, secretly said in his heart.

I have been puzzled for a long time whether I am a protoss.

"Ask the Emperor, how are you thinking?"

"As for this young master, you don't need to doubt, waiting for you to help me win that inheritance. Twenty days later, I will naturally help you win the Dragon Dragon Sky Map!"

Seeing Mo Wentian didn't respond, Ji Wujing's eyes flashed, and he spoke again.

"Wait for the Emperor to win the Dragon Dragon Sky Map, then help you win the lineage?"

Mo Wentian's eyes were full of suspicion.

Unable to say why, Mo Wentian always had a feeling of being used by Ji Wujing.

He wants to take down the Dragon Blade, and it is not difficult for him to take it down.

As for the cooperation with Ji Wujing in front of him, Mo Wentian has no interest at all.

"Ji Shaozhu, cooperation, I think it's fine!"

"Bendi is a man who likes freedom!"

"Working with you, after all, there is a **** to this emperor!"

The next moment, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed coldly.

"Ask the Emperor that he is unwilling to cooperate with Ben Shao?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Ji Wujing's expression suddenly cooled down, and a cold chill was heard in the low voice.

According to his identity, his cultivation is that he comes to Mo Wentian to cooperate, and then he already looks down on Mo Wen Tian.

Unexpectedly, Mo Wentian even rejected him.

This was beyond his expectation.

"Bendi's words are already clear!"

"I don't think it matters!"

Mo Wentian's eyes were indifferent, and he could not see the slightest emotion.

In front of Ji Wujing, there are too many doubts, even if it is his identity, where he comes from, Mo Wentian is not clear.

Mo Wentianhe would not choose to cooperate with such a person.

"Ask the Emperor, today you will not agree to cooperate with this young master, you will definitely regret your decision today!"

Ji Wujing's voice was extremely cold.

"Remorse my decision today?"

"Master Ji, you can be wrong. Bendi never regrets any decision he made!"

Listening to Ji Wujing's words, Mo Wentian even laughed.

"Boy, I don't see how good you are, our young master, but let go of the means to invite you to cooperate, and you turned it down!"

"If it weren't for the people who inherited the need for the Protoss, our young master wouldn't be with you like you!"

At this moment, a figure stepped forward, looking at Mo Wentian, his face full of fierceness.

At the same time, the breath on the figure rose rapidly.

The murderous sentiment could not be concealed.

This figure is not someone else, but a red-haired middle-aged man following Ji Wujing.

"That being the case, I don't think there is much to say about the Emperor!"

"Master Ji, leave!"

After hearing the words, Mo Wentian looked cold again.

After speaking, without any hesitation, the figure flashed and disappeared into the void.

At the moment Mo Motian's figure disappeared, Ji Wujing fell directly towards the red-haired middle-aged man behind him.


The body of the middle-aged man flew upside down.


A spit of blood spurted from the man's mouth.

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