Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1405: Torn face?

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Chapter 1405 Tear Your Face?

"Monarch, then I'll go to practice!"

Jiang Quan looked at Mo Wentian and looked respectfully.


Mo Wentian nodded, his face indifferent.

The next moment, Jiang Zhen and Jiang Quan walked directly towards the door without hesitation.

With the disappearance of Jiang Zhen and Jiang Quan, only Mo Wutian and Xiaozhan Fantasy Sky and Little Black Snake remained in the room.

"Xiao Hei, how did Bendi let you check?"

Suddenly, it seemed to be remembering something, Mo Wentian flashed a light in his eyes and asked Shen Shen.

"Back to the Emperor, you have let me find out what I can find out!"

"The chief of the Youlong tribe was summoned away by the owner of the Tianji Mountains!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, the little black snake quickly and respectfully said.

A few days ago, Mo Wentian asked him to investigate the news of the Youlong clan leader. As soon as he found out, he immediately returned to report to Mo Wentian.

"Called away by the owner of the Celestial Mountains?"

"That day, the owner of the Jishan Mountain called the Youlong tribe chief, why can you find out?"

Mo Wentian's eyes narrowed for a moment, and a cold cold mang passed, asking coldly.

"Emperor, I have been investigating this for a long time, but I have not been able to detect it!"

The little black snake seemed to be afraid that he could not detect the matter clearly, and even the voice of his voice became small.

"So what happened to You Qinyu?"

"What's going on with him these days?"

Mo Wentian's eyes flashed.

Although You Qinyu hasn't come to Mo Motian for the past few days, Mo Motian has a strong hunch in her heart.

You Qinyu will certainly not let him go like this. As for why he has not come to trouble him, Mo Wentian is not clear.

"Going back to the emperor, this young master of the Youlong tribe has been very honest in the Youlong tribe these days!"

"He seems to be working hard to improve cultivation to strength!"

"He has threatened that after ten days, he will fight against Ku Haobin!"

"and also……"

Looking at Mo Wentian, in the eyes of the little black snake, there was a flash of light.

"What else?"

Mo Wentian frowned slightly, and asked coldly.

"Also ... and You Qinyu also said, when he killed Ku Haobin, he will also kill you!"

"And also said that the voiceless maiden was severely beaten ..."

The light flickered in the eyes of the little black snake.

"If you want to slay this emperor, even him and his dad are not enough!"

"Uncontrollable guy, after ten days, Bendi will give him colors!"

The cold voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes rose instantly.

And just when Mo Wen was full of intentions.

In the land shrine in the middle.

A figure stood in the hall of the Earth Temple, eyes full of arrogance.

Below the hall, there is a beautiful shadow.

This Qian Ying, if Mo Wentian is here, must be able to recognize that this person is not someone else, it is the voiceless maiden who Mo Wentian brought her back.

"Voiceover, shouldn't you explain the things you do to your clan these days?"

The old man in the hall stepped out and came to Qingyin in an instant.

Looking at the unvoiced sound close at hand, the old man's eyes flashed coldly.

At the same time, the power of this person rolled out.

A terrible coercion immediately shrouded toward Qingyin's body.

Qingyin's cultivation has reached the peak of the emperor, but under the pressure of this old man, Qingyin's pretty face was instantly pale.

As if she was under tremendous coercion at the moment.

"The patriarch is angry!"

"These things that Qingyin has done these days are not for the self-interest of Qingyin, but for our Kunpeng tribe!"

Looking at the patriarch Qing Zhan's angry face, the voice of Qingyin was indifferent.

"What are you doing for our Kunpeng tribe?"

Listening to the voiceless voice, Qing Zhan's eyes were full of doubt.

Although Qingyin and Ku Haobin's affairs had long been clear to him, he had no objection to Qingyin and Ku Haobin's affairs.

Because he and the patriarch of the Moyuku tribe have long been accustomed to the Youlong tribe.

Tens of thousands of years ago, his Kunpeng tribe and the Moyouku tribe secretly started to cooperate.

Although he knows about Qingyin and Ku Haobin, he also knows that Qingyin and Ku Haobin cannot be concealed. Sooner or later, the people of Youlong will know.

But the voiceless maiden is now telling this, which is really beyond his expectation.

When he got the news, he didn't know what to do.

"Yes, what I do is for the future of our Kunpeng family!"

Qingyin looked at Qingzhan, his voice was loud and powerful, and his eyes looked firmer.

In the Tianji Mountains, the Xunpeng family was always restrained by the owner of the Tianji Mountains, but also suppressed by the Youlong family.

All disciples of the Xunpeng tribe are extremely reluctant to be suppressed by the Youlong tribe.

However, their strength, but they are not comparable to the Youlong family, they have only been able to be humans with their tails under the Youlong family.

Qingyin was very clear about these things. All Mo Wentian asked him to come back and persuaded Qing Zhan, the chief of the Peng family, to cooperate with him, and she brought the topic here.

"For the future of Kunpeng?"

"Do you know that you announced your relationship with Hao Bin so quickly, how much trouble did this lead to the patriarch of the Moyuku tribe?"

"You said it was for the future of the Kunpeng family?"

"I really want to hear how you are for the future of the Kunpeng family!"

Listening to Qingyin's words, the anger on Qing Zhan's body became more and more terrible.


With that said, he even shot it directly on the table beside him.

The table instantly shattered, leaving only dust on the ground.

With the palm of his hand, countless warriors in the entire Dixuan Hall talked instantly.

"Master Patriarch, this is angry, I think we are far away!"

"The Maiden of the Voiceless Voice came back. I heard that she was called away by the patriarch as soon as she returned. Now in the hall, there are only the Matriarch and the Maiden Voiceless. I think the patriarch is angry because of the Maiden Voiceless!"

"Maybe you do n’t know, the maiden of the voiceless voice went to marry the young master of the Youlong tribe this time, but in the end he rejected the young master of the Youlong tribe, but was mixed with the young master of the demon Youku tribe. ! "

"No wonder the patriarch is so angry!"

"Voice maiden always looks lonely and arrogant, but it was such a person!"


Countless disciples of the Xunpeng family quickly retreated.

But their eyes were staring at the tallest and most luxurious hall in the Dixuan Hall.

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