Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1408: To Kunpeng

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Chapter 1408: To The Peng Clan

"Want to cooperate and let me go in person?"

Mo Wentian looked at the unvoiced voice, his expression suddenly cooled down, and there was a cold chill in his voice.

"Boss, this patriarch of the Kunpeng family is really a big shelf!"

"You're helping them, but he even let you go in person, it's so proud!"

While listening to the unvoiced words, Xiaoxiong's terrible anger rose instantly.

"Yes, boss, the patriarch of the Kunpeng tribe is really deserving of you, and even asked you to go to the Kunpeng tribe yourself!"

In the eyes of Xuantian, there was a touch of anger and a deep voice.

"The chief of the Kunpeng family, since they want the emperor to go!"

"I really want to see it!"

The eyes narrowed, and Mo Wentian's eyes rose instantly.

Mo Wentian has never seen the patriarch of the Kunpeng clan. This person dared to say so. He really wanted to see what this person wanted him to do.

"Boss, he only wants you to go alone, there must be fraud!"

"We can't go!"

Hearing the words, Xiao Yan and Xuan Tian's expressions instantly dignified and said quickly.

The strength of the Kunpeng tribe, they all heard the little black snake reporting to Mo Wentian. Although the strength of the Kunpeng tribe was not as good as that of the Youlong tribe, it was not what the current Mo Wentian could block.

They were worried about what would happen if they asked you to go to the Youlong tribe.

"can not go?"

"Xiao Yan, Magic Sky, Bendi knows that you are worried about Bendi!"

"That being the case, then go with this emperor!"

Looking at Xiao Yan and Huan Tian, ​​Mo Wentian's eyes fluctuated slightly.

The next moment, it seemed to be remembering something, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed, and the corner of his mouth slightly raised a radian.

"Come with you?"

"Boss, but the chief of the Kunpeng tribe, just let you go alone, and I and Magic Sky go with you, will this ..."

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Xiao Yan's eyes flashed a trace of refined light.

"You're right, this patriarch of Kun Peng asked me to go alone!"

"But they didn't say they wouldn't let you and Magic Sky go!"

The indifferent voice sounded, and the arc rising at the corner of Mo Wentian's mouth became more intense.

"Monarch, this patriarch did not say it!"

"Master Xiaoyan and Master Xuantian can indeed go with you!"

At this moment, the ray of light in the voiceless voice passed.

For Mo Wentian's remarks, the voiceless voice instantly understood.

Xiaozhang and Magic Sky are monsters, not human races, and the chiefs of the Kunpeng family only said that they would let Mo Wentian go alone, but did not say that they could not take the monsters.

"Voiceover, what else did the chiefs of your Kunpeng family say?"

Immediately, Mo Wentian seemed to think of something, looked at Qingyin, and asked coldly.

"Back to Emperor Hui, our patriarch just said so!"

"The others didn't say anything!"

Qingyin looked at Mo Wentian and answered truthfully.

"From your observation, what is your patriarch's attitude towards cooperating with Bendi?"

Han Man flashed in his eyes, and Mo Wentian lowered his voice.

"Our patriarch ..."

"He seems to be very disdainful of working with you!"

"But the emperor, I believe, as long as you go, you will surely convince our patriarch!"

Voiceless said, the sound could not help lowering.

It looked like he was afraid that Mo Wentian would be angry when he heard this.

"Don't bother working with Bendi?"

"Your patriarch, Bendi is getting more and more interested!"

After hearing the words, Mo Wentian's eyes shrank suddenly, and an extremely cold chill spread instantly.

"Voiceover, you lead the way!"

"Xiaoyu, Magic Sky, let's go!"

The next moment, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all, and hurriedly yelled at Qingyin and Xiaoyan.

"Yes, the lord!"

"Okay, boss!"

"Okay, boss!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Qingyin agreed respectfully.

Xiao Yan and Xuan Tian also quickly prepared.

"Buzz ..."

Immediately, the voice of Qingyin flashed towards the Peng Peng family.

Mo Wentian followed closely behind, Xiao Yan and Huan Tian fell on Mo Wentian's left and right shoulders and followed.

An hour of time passed quickly.

The figures of Mo Wentian and others appeared before the gate of Dixuan Hall when they appeared again.

With the appearance of Mo Wentian and others, countless warriors swarmed in an instant.

"Who is behind the Voiceless Virgin?"

"Where did I seem to have met that man? Oh! I remembered, that man is the enthusiastic Emperor of the Kingdom of God who has recently spread in the inner region!"

"Mo Wentian? That is the big brother that the unvoiced maiden recognized in the Youlong family!"

"This person's cultivation is only the perfection of the King of Heaven. The sage of the voiceless maiden actually recognizes a warrior who is a perfection of the king as the elder brother. I really don't know what the maiden of the voiceless thinks!"

"Don't underestimate Mo Wentian, his strength is not measured by cultivation!"


The eyes of countless disciples of the Xunpeng clan fell on Mo Wentian.

They looked different, and some warriors seemed to be a little scared.

It looked like he was afraid of asking questions.

In the eyes of some warriors, they are full of disdain.

They don't think how powerful a little Heavenly King can be.

"You all step down for me!"

Qingyin listened to this words, and his expression cooled down instantly, and he drank coldly towards the soldiers around him.

"Voice sound, since these disciples want to see what is going on, let them be optimistic. Isn't the emperor afraid that they can't see?

Mo Wentian looked indifferent at this moment.

The corner of his mouth was a slight grin, and a radian rose instantly.

"Yes, ask God!"

Hearing the words, the voiceless voice looked instantly respectful.

"Boss, let's go directly to the patriarch of Kunpeng!"

Suddenly, Xiao Man flashed in his eyes and said quietly.


"Voiceless, take us directly to meet the heads of your Kunpeng tribe!"

Mo Wentian nodded slightly.

At this moment, Mo Wentian's look became serious instantly.

"Yes, ask God!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Qingyin quickly agreed.

Immediately, he immediately led the way.

A group of people quickly walked towards the main hall of the Kunpeng clan.

With the departure of Mo Wentian and others, the countless disciples of the Xunpeng clan talked again.

"The voiceless maiden's respect for the attitude of asking the emperor does not seem to treat the brother at all, but treats the master!"

"The voodoo lady has always been so cold and arrogant. She should be so respectful to Mo Wutian, the king's successful warrior, I think it must not be easy!

"That direction seems to be the direction to the Patriarch's Hall. Did Mo Wentian come to see the Patriarch's failure?"

"I remembered that the patriarch said that Mo Wentian wanted to cooperate with him!"

"Mo Wentian came this time. I think Bacheng is discussing cooperation!"


Countless warriors looked at the direction Mo Motian left, and the light in his eyes flickered endlessly.

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