Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1418: One not left?

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Chapter 1418: Not One?

"Dry town, let go of your mind!"

The next moment, Mo Wentian seemed to think of something, a cold flash in his eyes, a cold voice.

"Yes, the lord!"

"Don't kill me, I'll let go!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, Ku Zhentian didn't hesitate, said respectfully, and quickly let go of his mind.

With the words of Ku Zhentian, countless Xun Peng Wu warriors came full of surprise.

"Submit? Let's be happy? The patriarch of the mighty Desolation tribe really chose to surrender to the emperor of the Kingdom of Heaven?"

"This is simply incredible. The patriarch of the Moyuku tribe is the strongest peak of the emperor, and the emperor who eats the kingdom of the gods is just the perfect state of the king!"

"Some genius' strengths are not measured by cultivation!"

"This emperor of the Kingdom of Heaven is not easy!"

"In the heavenly mountains, it will change!"


Looking at the proud figure in the void, countless warriors, the expression in their eyes, changed.

At this moment, in the eyes of Mo Wentian, they were no longer scornful, but a horror born from the bottom of their hearts.

They can make the dead town in front of them surrender. They don't think that it is just relying on Xiao's strength, but more about Mo Wentian's own strength.

"You, fine!"

"Shin of God!"

At this moment, Mo Wentian looked at the deadly kneeling Ku Zhentian who was very respectful, with a slight grin at the corner of his mouth.

Having said that, Mo Wentian's hands shot numerous seals directly into the void.

"Buzz ..."

One by one the secrets were printed, and the simple atmosphere spread.

After a few breaths, a slave character formed in the void.

"go with!"

Angrily, Mo Wentian's hand waved, and that slave character instantly fell into the heart of Ku Zhentian's eyebrows.


With that slave character falling, Ku Zhentian screamed instantly.

His body, as if bearing tremendous pain, rolled up on the ground.

"What's wrong with the patriarch of the Moyuku tribe? He seems to be in pain?"

"Ask Heavenly Lord what did he do to him?"

"I just saw a slave!"

"The patriarch of the Demon Withering Tribe, at this moment is being asked about the divine spirit mark of the Emperor of Heaven. A man's divine spirit mark counts into his divine spirit, and he will naturally suffer!"


Looking at the painful appearance of Ku Zhentian rolling on the ground, countless warriors exploded the pot again.

A quarter of an hour passed quickly.

The screaming had stopped abruptly, and a figure reached out and patted the dust on his body, and he got up from the ground.

"Meet the master!"

Kneeling in front of Mo Wentian, looking at Mo Wutian, said with respectful expression.

"Get up!"

"In the future, like Qing Zhan, they will call me to be the monarch!"

An indifferent voice sounded, Mo Wentian almost didn't even look at the dry town sky.

The look was extremely indifferent. It seemed that Mo Wentian was normal but not ordinary in conquering the withered sky in front of him.

"Thank you, Lord!"

Ku Zhentian stood up and quickly thanked him.

"Boss, there are countless disciples of the Xunpeng tribe, see this scene!"


At this moment, Xiaoxuan looked at the countless disciples of the Xunpeng tribe, and the light flashed in his eyes.

"Qing Zhan, it's time to tell your disciples about your cooperation with Bendi!"

After hearing the words, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all, and hurriedly whispered to the side of Qing Zhan.

"Yes, the lord!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Qing Zhan quickly agreed.

"Listen to the disciples of the Kunpeng clan. From today, my Kunpeng clan has reached a cooperation with the questioning Emperor!"

"Seeing God in the future is just like seeing me, respecting God!"

The next moment, Qing Zhan took a step forward, glanced around and said coldly.

"What? The patriarch has really cooperated with Mo Wentian? This is incredible!"

"Our Kunpeng clan is the second-ranked ancient clan in the Tianji Mountains. Our emperor alone has reached a hundred emperor strongmen. The clan master chose to cooperate with a successful warrior?

"The patriarch chose to cooperate with asking the emperor, there must be a reason for the patriarch!"

"I think our Kunpeng tribe is about to be ruined!"


When Qing Zhan said this, countless warriors immediately talked.

Although some warriors were outside the hall, when they heard Qing Zhan's words, they had this idea in their hearts, but when things really happened, they still had some difficulties in their hearts.

"Quiet me!"

"My patriarch knows that you are a bit skeptical about the sudden cooperation between the patriarch and asking the Emperor, but the patriarch tells you that the choice of the patriarch to cooperate with the asking emperor is not a temporary headache, but a deliberate consideration for the future of our Kunpeng family. I chose to cooperate for the sake of thinking! "

Listening to the sound of those words, Qing Zhan's eyes flinched and he drunk.

When Qing Zhan said this, countless warriors calmed down instantly, and they seemed to be waiting for Qing Zhan's next explanation.

"Qing Zhan, then talk to them!"

There was a flash of cold in his eyes, and Mo Wentian said with a cold face.

"Yes, the lord!"

Qing Zhan looked back, her eyes full of respect.

"For the situation of our Kunpeng tribe, you must be very clear about yourself!"

"If we keep going like this and don't make changes, you want to be free from being oppressed by the Youlongs and want freedom, this is simply impossible!"

"And you ask the Lord in front of him, but he is able to save us from this sword and fire!"

Looking at the disciples of the Xunpeng tribe in front of them, Qing Zhan said with a cheering face.

"Master Patriarch, why do you ask God can save us out?"

"Yes, I ca n’t even compare with me when asked about the emperor's cultivation!"

"Yes, the people who want to get out of this heavenly mountain range are too much. Among them, there are even strong men who are comparable to the half-step emperor's perfection, but they all died under that power, Ask the emperor ’s cultivation to be a complete success of the genius, this ... ”

"Master Patriarch, please think again!"


Countless disciples of the Xunpeng family looked at Qing Zhan and said earnestly.

In fact, what they said was not unreasonable. In front of them, they asked, because Xiuwei was here.

The half-step emperor's consummate strongman died under that power. How can they dare to believe that the emperor's consummate warrior is in front of him?

"Qing Zhan, you are too much nonsense!"

"Unreasonable disciple, none will stay!"

Looking at the disciples who did not agree, he was encouraging those hesitant disciples. Mo Wentian flashed coldly and drunkly.

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