Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1428: Not suitable for life

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Chapter 1428: Unsuitable For Life

"Small sister, stand back!"

"This kid's strength is no longer comparable just a few days ago!"

Watching Xiaoyan immediately shot, Mo Wentian quickly exited to stop.

"Not comparable a few days ago?"

"Boss, who among us can be his opponent now?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Xiao Yan's face was full of dignity.

"So, only Bendi can fight him!"

"Anyway, he won't be allowed to leave the Demon Clan today!"

"If he leaves this time, it will be a very bad thing for us!"

His eyes flickered, and Mo asked Tian coldly.

"Boss, are you fighting him?"


Looking at Mo Wentian, Xiao Yan's face raised a touch of worry.

Xiao Mo still knows about Mo Wentian's strength. It is really very easy for Mo Wentian before the battle.

But at this moment, You Qin Yu's strength has increased greatly. Mo Wentian is not as easy as trying to kill him.

"Boy, Master Ben will not talk nonsense with you, wait for me to clean up the Moyou Kuzu, and then come to clean up you!"

And at this moment, You Qinyu's eyes fell on the disciples of the Moyou Ku tribe. The killing intention in that eye was terrible.

"Little miscellaneous, it seems that your news is really unintelligible!"

"I want to slay my disciple of the Demon Youku, should you first ask me this monarch?"

The figure flashed, and Mo Wentian choked directly in front of the countless disciples of the Moyou Ku tribe.

For the You Qinyu in front of you and the disciples of the Youlong clan, today they are all going to die in the hands of him.

Even if you told them that his relationship with the Moyuku tribe is okay anyway, the dead will not speak anyway.

"You disciple of the Moyou tribe?"

"Ask you this monarch first?"

"Boy, what do you mean by that?"

Hearing words, You Qinyu's heart was puzzled.

For a moment, he failed to understand the meaning of Mo Wentian's words.

"You Qinyu, you are so stupid!"

"What does it mean that you can't hear the emperor? You are so embarrassed to be the young master of the Youlong clan. I don't think you are even qualified to be a human!"

And at this moment, the heart was already full of anxiety to You Qinyu, and Ku Haobin stepped forward, looking at You Qinyu, with a sarcastic expression on his face.

"Ku Haobin, you ..."

"When will it be your turn to speak with Master Ben!"

"You get out of me!"

Looking at Ku Haobin in front of you, the murderous intention in You Qinyu's eyes was terrible.

The next moment, You Qinyu shot with a punch and blasted towards Ku Haobin.

"Ku Haobin, go away!"

Looking at this scene, Mo Wentian quickly reminded.

After hearing the words, Ku Haobin's figure flickered instantly and disappeared in place.

At the moment when Ku Haobin's figure disappeared, You Qinyu's punch hit the ground directly, smashing a huge pit of the size of dozens of feet.

"Boy, so you're irritated. Your state of mind is really not suitable for being a man. It's good to be a dog!"

The sound of ridicule sounded, Mo Wentian looked at You Qinyu with a sneer.

"Be a dog?"

"Boy, you ..."

"Today I will kill you, tear it into pieces, and burn them under the fire of the red lotus industry!"

Fist clenched, bone joints creaked, looking at Mo Wentian, You Qinyu almost squeezed out from the teeth.

Each of those words carried a terrible sense of Xiao killing.

"I'm afraid it won't do what you want!"

Do not ask the look of heaven, extremely indifferent.

"By the way, the Emperor remembered two good news. I should tell you so that you can stare before you die!"

Suddenly, it seems to be thinking of something. Looking at You Qinyu, Mo Wentian said with a slight grin on his face, with a smile on his face.

"You also have good news for Master Ben?"

"Master Ben wants to hear what good news!"

Hearing that You Qinyu almost blurted out subconsciously.

"Now this emperor is not only the emperor who eats the kingdom of heaven, but also the emperor of the Kunpeng tribe and Moyouku tribe!"

"This should be the best news for your young dragon master, right?"

Mo Wentian coughed, cleared his throat, and increased his voice.

"What? The boy said that he was not only the emperor of the Kingdom of Heaven, but also the emperor of the Xunpeng and Moyouku clan?"

"Is this the Peng Peng family and the Moyou Ku clan secretly subdued by this boy?"

"How is this possible? The patriarch of the Moyuku tribe and the patriarch of the Kunpeng tribe are not low in strength, how could they be willing to submit to this kid's feet?"

"This kid must be talking big, this is impossible!"

"But the patriarch and young master of the Moyuku tribe just called the kid the emperor, and their attitude towards the kid was very respectful, this ..."


With Mo Wentian's remarks, countless disciples of the Youlong tribe suddenly froze.

Looking back, they looked at the figure in the void, and their eyes were full of incredibleness.

"Hahahaha ..."

"Boy, are you funny?"

"Can you become the emperor of the Moyuku and Kunpeng tribe?"

But at the moment, You Qin Yu, for Mo Wentian's words, did not believe it at all, and he was unwilling to believe it.

If it is true, as Mo Wentian said, both the Peng Peng tribe and the Moyouku tribe are subservient to Mo Wentian's feet, which is definitely a bad thing for his Youlong tribe.

What's more, Mo Wentian in front of him has great hatred with him, and Mo Wentian conquered the Moyuku and Kunpeng clan, would he let him go.

Now his strength has indeed improved a lot, but he does not have the confidence to block the patriarchs of the Mowentian and Kunpeng clan as well as the patriarch of the Moyuku clan.

"Yu Qinyu, my Moyou Ku and Cun Peng have completely surrendered to the emperor!"

"I look forward to the emperor's horse head!"

And at this moment, a figure stood up and said with a serious face.

This figure is not someone else, it is the patriarch of the Moyou Ku tribe, Kuzhentian.

"Master, I've got the news. The Kunpeng tribe and Moyouku tribe have indeed surrendered to Mo Wentian's feet!"

Just as Yu Qinyu was stunned, a voice came again.

You Duxiu looked at You Qinyu, her eyes were full of dignity.

"Really surrendered?"

"This ... how is this possible?"

Wen Yan said that You Qinyu's body could not help but take a few steps back. In his eyes, it was incredible.

"Young Master, the news is real, it's really surrendered!"

"Not only that, but even the disciples of the Xunpeng and Moyouku tribe have no objection, they have all surrendered!"

You Duxiu lowered the voice.

"Ku Zhentian, how dare you surrender to an outsider, you are not afraid of the wrath of your master and destroy your demons?"

The next moment, it seemed to be remembering something, You Qinyu's eyes flashed coldly, looking at the dry town sky, his face cold.

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