Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1457: he came?

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Chapter 1457: He Is Here?

Looking at Mo Wentian, the child's face looked very open.

"Hahahaha ..."

"It turned out to be a little boy!"

At this moment, looking at the transformed Ling Ling, Xiao Yan laughed.

That looks like it seems to be funny.

"Little boy?"

"I'm not a baby boy. When it comes to age, I will definitely grow you tens of thousands of years!"

Listening to Xiao Yan's words, Blade Ling's face was displeased, and his voice became cold.

Although the spirit of the blade is light and windy, in fact, the spirit of the blade is very mindful of his appearance.

He has grown to tens of thousands of years, but his appearance is always the same.

"All right!"

"Blade spirit, the emperor wants you to surrender the emperor, not just talking!"

"Let go of your mind!"

The cold voice sounded, and Mo Wentian stepped forward, looking at the blade spirit of Youlong Blade, and the light in his eyes was extremely cold.

Mo Wentian was a little surprised that this blade of spirit surrendered so quickly.

But it was only an instant that he recovered.


"It's not impossible to be happy!"

"But I have a condition before letting go!"

Hearing, in the eyes of Blade Spirit, there was a flash of light.

He spoke the words himself, and of course he acknowledged it. He was not incapable of surrendering to ask questions.

But let go of him, he also knew exactly what it meant.


"What conditions?"

Looking at Blade Spirit, Mo Wentian was almost a subconscious blurt.

"My conditions are simple!"

"It's okay for me to be happy, but the immortal mark you gave me can only be ten thousand years!"

"After ten thousand years, I want to restore my freedom!"

The look of Blade Spirit was extremely serious.

"The mark of the soul can only last for 10,000 years?"

"Boss, this blade spirit is just playing tricks and can't promise him!"

As soon as Blade Ling said this, Mo Wentian had time to speak in the future. Xiaoying's voice sounded first.

"No need to say much!"

"Ten thousand years, ten thousand years, Bendi promised you!"

Mo Wentian's eyes flashed.

Mo Wentian also has his own plan for the spirit of the Youlong Blade.

This blade spirit, looking at it, is not like a person who is willing to be bound. He is willing to surrender himself for 10,000 years. Mo Wentian already feels OK.

After all, Mo Wentian won this battle just to compete for the Dragon Dragon Sky Map.

"come on!"

"My mind is let go!"

Seeing Mo Wentian promised to come down, the blade spirit suddenly let go of his mind.

"Shin of God!"

Watching Blade Spirit let go of his mind, Mo Wentian made countless seals directly into the void.

With the release of this seal, a slave character appeared in the void.

An immortal breath spread on this slave character.

"Boss, you promised to seal him only for 10,000 years, but the slave characters printed by your slave **** seal seemed to be the same!"

Looking at the slave characters appearing in the void, I recalled the conversation between Mo Wentian and Blade Spirit just now, and Xiaoyan's eyes flashed.

"It was the same before, but it's going to be different now!"

Mo Wentian said with a slight grin, and his face was indifferent.

The next moment, I saw Mo Wentian's gesture of Yin Jue's hand, but it changed.

Above the slave character, the immortal breath suddenly lowered.

"to make!"

With an angry drink, I saw three characters appearing around the slave characters in the void.

These three words are exactly 10,000 years that Mo Wentian promised Blade Spirit.

Ten thousand years are surrounded by three characters. From a distance, the mystery is infinite.

Immediately, with a wave of Mo Wentian's hand, the slave character in the void and the three characters 10,000 years fell towards the edge of the blade spirit.


At the moment the slave word fell, Blade Spirit rolled up on the ground in pain.

At this moment, he seemed to be suffering great pain, and his face was pale.

"Boss, this is the mark of ten thousand years?"

At this moment, looking at the blade spirit rolling endlessly on the ground, Xiao Yan's eyes flashed with a deep voice.

"Yes, this is the 10,000-year mark of the soul!"

Mo Wentian did not conceal in the slightest, and admitted it directly.

A quarter of an hour passed quickly.

That scream also stopped abruptly.

A figure even got up from the ground.

"See you ..."

Looking at Mo Wentian, the blade spirit looked very respectful.

Before Ke Lingling's words were finished, he was interrupted by Mo Wentian.

"Call me Emperor!"

The voice of Mo Wentian was extremely indifferent.

In those somber eyes, there was no slight fluctuation, and he could not see any emotions.

"Blade Spirit meets the Lord!"

After hearing the words, Blade Spirit stayed a little, and then returned to God, and said quickly.

"Get up!"

Looking at the extremely respectful Blade Spirit in front of him, Mo Wentian raised his hand slightly, and Blade Spirit's body seemed to be held up by an upward force and stood up directly.

"You are the spirit of this dragon blade. You have already surrendered to the emperor. Then this dragon blade naturally belongs to the emperor!"

"Go, take the Emperor to get the Dragon Blade!"

The next moment, it seemed to be remembered, Mo Wentian flashed a cold, cold voice.

"Yes, the lord!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Blade Spirit quickly agreed.

Immediately, Blade Spirit walked ahead, and walked directly into the back room.

Seeing this, Mo Wentian quickly followed up, and Xiaoyu, Huantian and others followed closely behind.

"Abominable human beings, you even want to enter the back room and capture my peerless artifact of the dragon family. I think you are looking for death!"

When Mo Wentian just took a step, a terrible killing intention came over him instantly.

Immediately, a figure, holding a peerless war halberd, beheaded towards Mo Wentian.

"not good!"

"It turned out that he was about to break through to the Emperor's consummation. His strength, I am afraid, has reached the Emperor's consummation!"

Looking at the closer and closer figure in the void, Mo Wentian's eyes narrowed.

A bad hunch rose instantly.

The next moment, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all. When the mind moved, the dragon seal seal of the dragon appeared in his hands instantly.

"Boy, let's die!"

A cold voice came, and I saw the figure in the void, holding the war halberd, and falling directly towards Mowen Tian.

"Seal Dragon Seal, stop me!"

Looking at this scene, Mo Wentian didn't even think about it, blocking the Dragon Seal Seal directly in front of him.

With the words of Mo Wentian, the dragon seal seal of the dragon seemed to understand the words of Mo Wentian, and the power on the seal of the dragon seal rose rapidly.

At the same time, the original seal of the Dragon Dragon, which was only the size of a slap, has soared to hundreds of feet in a few breaths. From a distance, it is terrible.

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