Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1467: Reach cooperation

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Chapter 1467: Achieving Cooperation

"Everything promised me?"

"That being the case, Youzhan brother, then I can speak straight!"

Listening to the words of Youzhan, in the eyes of the beast owner, a faint radiant light rose instantly.

But it was just a moment, and then he returned to indifference, coughed, and said coldly.

"But beastmaster, but it doesn't matter!"

The silent voice is extremely deep.

"Yu Zhan, you want me to help you kill Mo Wentian, my conditions are very simple!"

"You help me win the Dragon Map and help me unify the entire ancient relics!"

His eyes narrowed, and the beast owner's eyes were full of arrogance.

In those eyes, it seemed as if he had seen the scenes of the whole ancient relics at this moment.

At the same time, the corner of the beast owner's mouth couldn't help raising a radian.

"Help you win the Dragon Map?"

"Unification of ancient relics?"

Nana whispered in her mouth, her brow frowned.

Unify the entire ancient relics, how can you not know what it means.

The Tianji Mountains are also part of the ancient relics. If the beast owner wants to unify the entire ancient relics, the Jiji Mountains will surely conquer that day.

At that time, he will not be a cooperative relationship with the beast owner, and he will also become the subject of the beast owner.

Thinking about this, hesitant hesitation.


"You, brother, are you unwilling?"

"You don't want to take revenge on Yuer, don't you want to take back your dragon family?"

Watching Youzhan hesitate to respond, a gleam of cold eyes flashed in the eyes of the beast owner, asking in a row.

"I ... I promise you!"

The voice of the beast master came, hesitating for a while, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

It seems that a huge determination has been made in general, and it is difficult to hide a little firmness in the thick voice.

"You fight brother, I knew you would agree to cooperate with this seat!"

"You can rest assured that you are so refreshed that when this place unifies the ancient relics, we will definitely give you a big general to do it!"

Seeing the quiet battle promised, the look of the beast owner changed instantly.

The radian of the corner of the mouth is almost reaching the position of the ear, stepped forward, patted the shoulder of Youzhan, and smiled.

"Brother Beastmaster, even if the general is over, I can't bear the burden!"

"As long as the beast owner can give me my dragon family to take care of me!"

You Zhan looked at the Beast Owner, with a very serious look.

"No problem, I promise you!"

For a moment hesitated, the beast owner said heartily.

"Brother the Lord, when are you going to kill him, boy?"

Suddenly, it seems to be thinking of something, the eyes of Youzhan, looking in the direction of the Xuan Shen Temple, said in a deep voice.

Speaking of Mo Wentian, every scene emerged in the mind of You Zhan, and a terrible sense of killing suddenly burst out from the eyes of You Zhan.

At the same time, You Zhan's hands on both sides couldn't help but clenched into fists, and the bones creaked.

"You are fighting, you can't be too rushed!"

"This boy, I will definitely kill him, but not now!"

"It is three days before the birth of the Shenlongtongtiantu, but the most important thing for us now is to take down the Shenlongtongtiantu!"

Smiling indifferently, the beast owner once again reached out and patted Youzhan's shoulder, said in a deep voice.


After hearing that, Youzhan opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end, she didn't say anything.

"Yu Zhan brother, this seat is also considering for you, your body is not injured!"

"In these three days, you will recover the injury well, and when your injury recovers, it is not too late to kill the kid!"

It seemed a little displeased to look at the battle, and the beast owner said again.

"Thank you, Lord Beastmaster!"

"Everything is listened to by the Beastmaster!"

The voice of the beast master came again, and the light flashed in Youzhan's eyes, which was very indifferent.

Having said that, you did not hesitate at all, and sat down cross-legged.

At the moment you sit cross-legged, the beast owner's eyes looking at Youzhan flashed a complex eye.

"With the conditions of this forum, you must have this qualification!"

"The whole ancient relic, this seat is the only king!"

His eyes narrowed for a moment, the secret way in the heart of the beast owner.

"Buzz ..."

The next moment, it seemed to be remembering something, the figure of the beast owner flashed and disappeared into the void.

As the beast owner left, there was only one battle left in the place.

You Zhan has fallen into cultivation.

An hour of time passed quickly.

Xuan Shen Temple, in front of the secret room.

Mo Wentian and others have seized the Dragon Blade.

"Boss, this Dragon Blade is a peerless weapon, shouldn't you make the next imprint?"

Xiaoxiong looked at Mo Wentian, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

"Master Xiaohuo, both Fireblade and I have surrendered to the Emperor, and the Emperor does not need to make a mark of the spirit again!"

"The Dragon Blade now recognizes the Lord as the Lord!"

Just then, Blade Spirit stood up and said quickly.


Mo Wentian just said quietly, his expression was extremely indifferent.

"There are only three days!"

"Xiaoyu, Magic Sky, these are the resources you just captured in the Treasure of the Dragon Clan. You have refined these resources to improve them!"

"Three days later, when the Dragon Dragon Sky Map was born, you will help me!"

Suddenly, it seems to be remembering something, and ask Mo Tian's look, extremely serious.

Speaking of it, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all, and threw the space rings directly to Xiaoyin and Huantian.

"Boss, rest assured, I will definitely improve myself and help you!"

"Okay, boss!"

Xiao Yan and Magic Sky quickly took over the space ring.

The next moment, the figure flickered and went directly into Wentiange.

As Xiaozhang and Magic Sky entered Wentiange, in place, there were only two blade spirits of the ice and fire of Youlong Blade, as well as Ghost and Youyou.

"Icefire Blade Spirit, you all enter the Dragon Blade!"

The cold voice sounded again.

"Yes, the lord!"

"Yes, the lord!"

Hearing that Binghuo Blade Spirit quickly entered the Dragon Blade.

"Ghost, you, go out with the emperor!"

"You dragon disciples, it's time to deal with it!"

The next moment, Mo Wentian's eyes fell on the remaining two figures.

Looking at the gloomy and sorrowful, wondering the look of the sky, indifferent.

"Yes, the lord!"

Ghost and You are almost the same words.

They looked at Mo Wentian and looked respectful.


With a cold drink, Mo Wentian stepped forward and walked directly towards the Youlong tribe.

For a moment, Mo Wentian came to the gate of the Youlong clan.

Watching Mo Wentian's figure appeared, countless figures quickly bowed down towards Mo Wentian.

It was just their bodies, but they couldn't help but tremble slightly, and it looked like they were afraid.

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