Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1482: Terrible breath

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Chapter 1482 Terrible Breath

The next moment, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all. He stepped forward and wanted to walk towards the valley.

"Boy, don't worry!"

"If you want to enter the valley, you have time, you dragon blade in hand, and the boy named Ji to help you. This supernatural map is definitely yours!"

Just at the moment Mo Motian's legs just stepped out, the voice of the old **** bead sounded in Mo Wentian's mind again.

"Boy, it's better to let those who want to die die first!"

"You look outside first!"

After speaking, seeing that Mo Wentian did not respond, the old man of Shenzhu said again.

"People who want to send dead first?"

"Thank you for reminding Senior Pearl!"

Listening to the old man of Shenzhu, Mo Wentian instantly understood.

His eyes flickered, and Mo Wentian's legs closed.

"Boss, don't you go in?"

Looking at this scene of Xiaoyan, confused in his heart, he asked subconsciously.

"Not in a hurry!"

"Isn't that Beastmaster and Youzhan really trying to take down the Dragon's Power Heaven Map?"

"It's not too late when they first enter the emperor!"

The cold voice sounded, but Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a complex light.

"Boss ..."

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Xiaoxiong opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end, she didn't say anything.

"The beast owner is a mess, don't you really want to take down the dragon dragon sky map?"

"Why not go in?"

"You're not afraid that this emperor will go in advanced. You don't even know what Shenlongtongtiantu looks like?"

The next moment, it seemed to be remembered, Mo Wentian slightly grinned, a spread of evil smile spread.

Although Mo Wentian's face was smiling, the smile on the corner of Mo Wentian's eyes fell into the eyes of Youzhan and the Beast Master, but it was extremely dazzling.

It doesn't look like a friendly smile at all, but like a satire.

"Boy, you are so arrogant!"

"This seat doesn't even look like the Dragon Dragon Sky Map!"

"Boy, you're probably talking about yourself!"

The beast owner looked at Mo Wentian, and an official in his eyes was extremely vicious.

If it is said that the eyes can kill people, I don't know how many times they have been killed.

"Brother the Beast Lord, this boy wants us to go ahead. I'm afraid there will be something terrible when the Dragon Dragon Sky Map is born!"

"Do you want us to let some ants try it first?"

And at this moment, the eyes of Youzhan looked at those warriors not far away, and the eyes were very strange.

"You are fighting, you are a good idea!"

Listening to Youzhan's words, Hanman flashed in the eyes of the beast owner.

The next moment, the beast owner's figure flickered and appeared behind the countless warriors not far away.

Before waiting for the countless warriors to return to God, the beast master pushed out with one hand, and the countless warriors went directly into the valley.


"Do not……"

"Do not kill me!"



As those figures entered the valley, all screams came instantly.

A strong **** smell spread out from the valley.

The **** smell made people want to gag.

"Boss, this ..."

"Afraid of something terrible in this valley!"

Looking at this scene, Xiao Yan's eyes flashed awe-inspiring.

The next moment, Xiao Yan looked at Mo Wentian, Shen Sheng said.

"Among them, there is indeed a fierce breath!"

"All those who entered the valley have been killed by this breath!"

Mo Wentian's eyes flashed.

As long as the beast owner pushed the countless warriors into the valley, Mo Wentian's spiritual knowledge had already begun.

The scene in the valley was also presented in Mo Wentian's mind.

At the moment of countless warriors, he was directly killed by a fierce breath.

Among them, without exception, all seemed to be wiped from the neck by a sharp sword, and a stream of blood poured out from the neck.


"What is it?"

Hearing that Xiao Xiao's heart became increasingly confused.

"I'll know later!"

Do not ask the look of heaven, extremely serious.

Although Mo Wutian felt the fierce breath, Mo Motian couldn't feel it. What was that breath?

"Boy, so many warriors have been sacrificed, you can enter now!"

"That power will never attack you again!"

And at this moment, the voice of the old man of Shenzhu sounded again in Mo Wentian's mind.

"Sacrifice of martial arts?"

"Will not attack me?"

"Senior Pearl, what do you mean by that?"

Wen Yan, Mo Wentian's brow, his eyes tightened.

"Boy, there is a ban in this valley, and the only way to break this ban is to give birth sacrifice!"

The voice of the old God Bead was extremely thick.

"This prohibition is really vicious!"

Taking a sigh of coolness, Mo Wentian couldn't help but sigh.

"Brother Lord, this restraint is broken!"

"We can enter this valley!"

And just as Mo Wentian was amazed, You Zhan seemed to have discovered anomalies, and a bright light rose in his eyes, his face full of joy.

"Entering the valley?"


I heard that the look of the beast owner also stretched slightly.

With a cold drink, the beast owner stepped out and walked directly into the valley.

And as the beast owner entered the valley, the quiet battle followed quickly.

As for the remaining warriors, all remained in place.

Among them, there are some martial arts who want to enter, but with Qing Zhan and withered town, they cannot enter at all.

"Boss, they went in!"

Seeing this, Xiao Yan said quickly.

"They went in, let's go in!"

His eyes narrowed, Mo Wentian also walked towards the valley.

Xiao Yan and Magic Sky followed without hesitation.

Ji Wujing and Ji Ming are also close behind.

And just as Mo Wentian and others entered, a figure descended from the void.

On that figure, the power of the body is vast.

He seemed to be a natural king, and a coercion spread from him.

"Boy, when you enter the valley, you don't want to be alive!"

"The Dragon Dragon Sky Map is for anyone who wants it!"

"And Shenzhu Laoer, you can't let this seat enter the Celestial Realm. One day with this seat, don't even want to enter!"

Looking at the entrance to the valley, Tianji's eyes were terrible.

At the same time, the breath on his body suddenly skyrocketed.

"This ... this is the master of the heavenly mountains!"

"Shenlongtongtiantu was born, and even the owner of Tianji Mountain came out. It seems that the birth of Shenlongtongtiantu is not easy!"

"Don't you know that the Dragon Dragon Sky Map was born? The master of this heavenly mountain range is the controller!"

"The master of the Tianji Mountains is here. Who will he give to this Dragon Dragon Sky Map?"


Looking at that figure, countless warriors immediately talked.

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