Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1487: War Beast Master

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Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1487

Just now, the beast owner went to **** his Dragon Blade, and he had let Binghuo Blade Spirit destroy his arm.

Unexpectedly, the beast owner didn't even know him, and he dared to blame his magic dragon drawing.

This courage, Mo Wentian really let Mo Wentian look at him.

"Boy, one arm?"

"This is already two arms, but what about this?"

"No matter how many arms you destroy this seat, with the strength of this seat, you can restore it!"

The light flashed in his eyes, and the beast owner's face was cold.

With that said, the owner of the beast did not hesitate at all, and when his heart moved, countless spirits appeared in his hands.

I swallowed it, and swallowed the numerous elixir directly into my mouth.

As countless elixir was swallowed by the beast owner, I saw that the beast owner's two destroyed arms began to grow new flesh and blood.

But for a moment, both arms had fully grown out.

Above these two arms, the meridians are extremely clear, and the power spreading out of the arms seems to be a little stronger than the original arms.

"Old miscellaneous, I didn't expect you to have such ability!"

Watching the beast owner's arm recover, Mo Mantian's eyes flashed coldly.

"Boy, I have a lot of skills!"

"But just a few tricks for you!"

In the eyes of the beast owner, arrogance is boundless.

That look, it seems that Mo Wentian is not in his eyes at all.

"is it?"

"If you say so, Bendi really wants to see it!"

Grinning, Mo Mantian's eyes flashed coldly.

For the beast owner in front of him, Mo Wentian had no fear at all.

In particular, his cultivation has broken through to the early state of the emperor, and his Kowloon Eucharist has also broken through to the later period.

Mo Wentian is confident that his combined strength is not worse than the owner of the beast, and even better.

Therefore, no matter what means the beast owner uses, he is not afraid!

"Boy, if you look for death, then I will complete you!"

The sound of angry drinking sounded, and the beast owner's body exploded directly.

And as the beast owner's body exploded, in the void, countless evil spirits, wild wanton, and terrible evil spirits, spread quickly out of the valley.

But for a moment, the whole valley was covered by this evil spirit.

"This ... what's this smell?"

"This breath is weird?"

"This breath is so evil, who is it that radiates it out?"

"Hurry away from this valley!"


The evil spirit spread from the valley. Outside the valley, countless warriors discussed and quickly retreated.

"Old miscellaneous, want to kill me?"

"You're not good enough!"

Mo Wentian looked at this scene in the void, his eyes narrowed.

That evil power is madly attacking Mo Wentian.

"Boy, this evil power is about to devour your ghost furnace!"

"Not only does Ghost Furnace purify these breaths, it also advances your Ghost Furnace!"

And just as Mo Wentian thought about how to fight against this evil breath, the voice of the old **** bead sounded in Mo Wentian's mind.

"Yes, Ghost Furnace!"

After hearing the words, Mo Wutian's heart moved, and the ghost furnace appeared in Mo Wutian's hands instantly.

Without the slightest hesitation, Mo Wentian quickly made countless marks to the ghost furnace.

As each of these seals came out, a terrible suction on the ghost came.

In the void, the countless evil spirits all gathered towards the ghost furnace.

But within a few breaths, the evil breath in the valley was already absorbed by the ghost furnace.

"This ... how is this possible?"

Looking at this scene, an incredibly loud voice sounded.

The next moment, in the valley, the blood of the beast owner's body was gathered again in the void.

"Buzz ..."

The flesh gathered, a Tianshi Beast appeared in the valley.

A blood eye above this man's bloodthirsty look at Mo Wentian.

"you are……"

"Beastmaster is old?"

Mo Wentian stayed a little, turned around and looked at the Tianshi Beast in front of him. Mo Wentian's body was shaking.

Suddenly, Mo Wentian also remembered the Tianshi beast that he saw last time.

The last Tianshi Beast is not the owner of this beast.

The original form of the beast owner is this Tianshi Beast.

"Boy, that's right!"

"The last Sword God Continent is different. You haven't seen the base of this seat for a long time!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, in the eyes of the beast owner, there was a wicked breath of evil. The **** power was even more frightening.

"Old miscellaneous, you disgusting thing?"

"You become like this, do you want to scare the emperor by this ugly?"

Mo Wentian raised a slight brow and looked disgusted.

"Boy, you are awful!"

"But no one has ever dared to say this!"

The extremely cold voice sounded, and a bloodthirsty cold mang rose in the eyes of the beast owner.

"Old miscellaneous, pretend to be a ghost, and fight if you want to fight, what's the point of so much nonsense?"

His eyes flickered, and Mo asked Tian coldly.

In front of this beast owner, the breath on his body, although extremely evil, but Mo Wentian, there is no fear at all.

I ca n’t say why, since taking down the Dragon Dragon Sky Map, Mo Wentian only felt a steady stream of power into his body.

At the same time, the breath on his body was also a little stronger.

"Boy, fine!"

"This seat just likes your refreshing energy!"

"This seat will fulfill you today, die!"

"Hahahaha ..."

In the void, the beast owner laughed wildly.

His blood eyes raised an extremely bright light.

The next moment, a **** power burst into Mo Wentian.

"Old miscellaneous, good come!"

"Seal Dragon Seal, kill me!"

With a cold drink, Shenlong Seal Seal appeared in Mo Wentian's hands instantly.

But within a few breaths, but the palm-sized divine dragon seal seal rose sharply.

In a few moments, it had skyrocketed to thousands of feet in size, and the dragon seal seal in the size of thousands of feet hit the Tiens Beast in the void directly.

"Boy, do you think that the artifact of the early emperor can hurt me?"

Looking at the dragon seal seal that hits him like a mountain, the beast owner's face was so cold.

And the next moment, the countless blood gas shocks, the burst of blood awns, at this moment, turned into a phantom phantom, flew towards Mo Wentian.

"not good!"

Seeing this, Mo Wentian's figure flickered and disappeared in place.

And in the void, the Tianshi Beast that flew towards Mo Wentian just rushed into the air.

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