Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1504: Shakuten Tenkoku!

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Chapter 1504 Back to the Kingdom of Heaven!

Moreover, looking at Ji Wujing, it doesn't look like he was seriously injured.

It's more like he solved the four Demon Strong and returned with victory.

"worry about you?"

"Ji Shaozhu, Bendi is naturally worried about you, but you are taking the origin of this time roulette for this Emperor!"

After hearing the words, Mo Wentian slightly hesitated, and then came back, Mo Wentian grinned.

As for Ji Wujing in front of him, Mo Wentian is getting more and more favorable.

This person not only talked about credit but also morale, which made Mo Wentian's heart more and more recognized.

"Ask the Emperor, things are almost done!"

"I still have some things to deal with, so I will leave first. If I ask the Emperor in the future if there is something that needs the help of the young master, I will send a message to the young master!"

The next moment, it seemed to be remembered, in the eyes of Ji Wujing, the light suddenly skyrocketed, and she said in a deep voice.

"Master Ji, take care!"

Wen Yan said that Mo Wentian didn't stay, but just said with a serious face.


With a slight hum, Ji Wujing turned his head, grinning at Mo Wentian, and then the figure flickered, heading directly towards the void.

And looking at the figure of Ji Wujing, heading towards the void, Ji Ming didn't hesitate at all, and quickly followed up.

"Tear ..."

The next moment, Ji Wujing was seen in the void, reaching out his hand, tearing the void directly, and entering a rolling stream of void.

"Buzz ..."

As Ji Wujing and Ji Ming entered the chaos of the void, the fissure that was originally ripped by Ji Wujing also healed instantly.

Suddenly, in situ, there was only Mo Wentian and Xiaoyin Fantasy Sky.

"Boss, this Ji Wujing did say it!"

"This person is not bad!"

Looking at the disappearing figure, Xiao Yan narrowed his eyes and said aloud.

"Well, this person is really good to Bendi now!"

"But Bendi always felt that he had such a purpose for me!"

With his eyes narrowed for a moment, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed.

"Boss, even if this person has no purpose for you, this person will never harm you!"

At this moment, Xuantian, who had not spoken for a long time, turned his face serious.

"Will not hurt me?"

"I hope so!"

Mo Wentian's eyes flashed.

"Yes, the things in this heavenly mountain should be resolved!"

"The Kingdom of Devouring God is still waiting for us!"

The next moment, Mo Wentian thought of eating the Kingdom of Heaven, and his expression instantly dignified.

Especially thinking of the beast owner escaping, thinking of the look of the beast owner towards the sky fox, watching the sky fox, Mo Wentian's heart, could not help worrying.

But at this moment, the matter of heavenly mountains is not over yet!

He conquered the power of the Tianji Mountains, and he promised to take them away from the Tianji Mountains and give them freedom.

He must do it!

"Xiaoyu, Magic Sky, you all go to inform people of all races!"

"Let them all gather at the entrance of Tianji Mountain in Outland. Bendi took them out of this Tianji Mountain!"

The cold voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes flashed.

"Boss, do you really want to take these people away from the heavenly mountains?"

Upon hearing Mo Wentian's remarks, Xiao Yan's expression was instantly solemn.

"Yes, what Bendi promised will be done!"

Mo Wentian's voice, strong and powerful, the light in his eyes was even more firm.

"But boss, the people in this heavenly mountain range must go through that power if they want to go out!"

"And that power can be wiped out even by the emperor's successful strongman. Do you have a solution to this matter?"

Looking at Mo Wentian's firm face, Xiaoyan's brow tightened even more, and his voice couldn't help being louder.

"Rest assured, there is a solution to this power!"

"Just all you have to gather people, as for the rest, leave it to the emperor!"

Mo Wentian looked at Xiao Yan with a firm look.

It seemed that he was quite sure about taking those people away from the heavenly mountains.

"Boss ..."

Hearing that Xiao Xiao opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

The figure flickered, and headed directly towards Zhongyu.

While Xia Tian disappeared as Xiao Xiao's figure disappeared, Xia Tian quickly followed up.

Watching the disappearance of Xiao Yan and Huan Tian disappeared, Mo Wentian's brow frowned.

"Buzz ..."

And just as Mo Wentian was unable to do anything, a wave of void wave came.

I saw the figure of the old man of Shenzhu again in front of Mo Wentian.

"Boy, that power, but it's just a barrier set by the Demon Strong!"

"If you want to take those people out of the heavenly mountains, you just need to let them into the time wheel!"

In the void, the old man of Shenzhu looked at Mo Wentian and looked indifferent.

"Just take them into the time roulette and they can go out?"

Listening to the words of the old man of Shenzhu, Mo Wentian's eyes were full of magnificence.

Looking at the old man of Shenzhu, he asked subconsciously.

"Yes, kid!"

"Hurry and get this done!"

"In the Kingdom of Devouring God, the beast master is a mess, he won't wait for you!"

Suddenly, it seemed that something had been found, and the eyes of the old man of Shenzhu were narrowed slightly, lowering the voice.

After that, the figure of the old man of God Pearl flashed and disappeared directly into the void.

In situ, there was only Mo Wentian alone.

"In the Kingdom of Devourer, the beast owner will not wait for him?"

"Senior Pearl, the beast owner has entered my kingdom of heaven?"

For a while, Mo Wentian returned to God.

Mo Wentian quickly asked after returning to God.

But at this moment, the old man of the **** bead has disappeared.

Although Mo Wentian knew that the old **** bead had just fallen asleep in the **** bead, but Mo Wentian did not awaken the old **** bead.

Because Mo Wentian knew the old man of the **** bead. The old man of the **** bead would want to tell what he wanted to tell, and he would not say what he asked, no matter how he asked.

"The speed of this matter must be accelerated!"

A flash of cold in his eyes, Mo Wentian secretly said.

The next moment, Mo Wentian's figure flickered and disappeared directly into the void.

When he reappeared, Mo Wentian appeared at the entrance of Tianji Mountain in Outland.

When Mo Wentian's figure appeared, the entrance was crowded, and he looked far away, but couldn't see it at a glance.

These people, Mo Wentian, don't need to think about it, this is someone who wants to follow him out of this heavenly mountain range.

"Boss, all the people you want to assemble are all assembled!"

At this moment, Xiao Xi's figure appeared in front of Mo Wentian, lowering his voice.

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