Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1508: After all, it can't be beat!

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Chapter 1508 After all, I can't beat it!

They just wanted to follow along and see, this beast owner came with all the disciples of the orcs, what did they want?


"Smirked by other forces?"

"Who? Who dares to laugh at this seat?"

"Who dares to laugh at it, this seat went to destroy his clan, dug out his ancestors and eighteen generations, and put it under the fire of the red lotus industry for thousands of years!"

It is okay for Sky Fox to say nothing. Once Sky Fox said this, the beast owner was instantly enraged.

The breath on him suddenly rose.

"If you want to block Yoyo's mouth with violence, then you are only blocking it for a while!"

Looking at the look of the beast owner so angry, the look of the sky fox calmed down.

The voice of Qing Ling is even more indifferent.

"Stink, how dare you laugh at this seat?"

"It seems that this seat does not give you any lessons, you think this seat is really good at talking!"

Sky Fox's voice came, and the beast owner understood the meaning of Sky Fox's words at this moment. Sky Fox was laughing at him naked.

Laugh at him in the presence of all the beast disciples. How can the beast owner's heart be patient?

The sound of angry drinking sounded, and the beast owner punched directly towards the Sky Fox.

"Master Tianhu, be careful!"

Looking at this scene, Xiao Jinghen and Fan Zeng quickly exclaimed.

Immediately, the two figures flickered, blocking directly in front of Tianhu.


Suddenly, the two figures flew upside down.


A spit of blood spewed out of their mouths.

At this moment, Fan Zeng and Xiao Jinghen's faces were instantly pale.

"Fan Zeng, Xiao Jinghen!"

The figure flashed, and the figure of Tianhu appeared in front of the two.

When the mind moved, two elixir appeared in the hands of Tianhu.

At the same time, an incredibly strong herbal fragrance and healing power spread quickly.

"Swallow these two pills!"

"Back down, give me this old thing!"

The icy voice sounded, and Tianhu shoved two elixir directly to Fan Zeng and Xiao Jinghen.

Sky Fox's voice did not allow a beak at all.

After that, the figure of Tianhu flickered and disappeared.

When it appeared again, the figure of Tianhu appeared in the void.

"I didn't expect that there are two dog things that are not afraid of death to die for you!"

Looking at the Sky Fox reappearing in the void, remembering the scene just now, in the eyes of the beast owner, there was a terrible coldness.

Although the words are so spoken, in fact, the words are full of sourness.

What's more, at this moment, the beast owner's heart couldn't help thinking of himself. He was thinking that if he encountered a fatal crisis, would anyone risk blocking him in front of him!

The answer is yes, no!

No one would stop him from a fatal blow.

Thinking in this way, a sadness rose in the beast owner's heart.

But this is only a moment, the next moment, the beast owner will throw this idea out of the clouds!

"You ca n’t eat grapes and say grape sour?"

"A ruthless, meaningless and shameless person like you, even if someone can block you from a fatal move but only get a minor injury, I'm afraid it won't block you!"

Listening to the sour words of the beast owner, Tianhu's eyes rose with a dazzling light.

Immediately, looking at the Beast Owner, Tian Hu said with a mock face.

"Stink, you ..."

"You dare to laugh at this seat so much, because of the power of your body, I will not kill you, but I will beat you fiercely!"

"Let you die than live!"

As soon as Sky Fox said this, the spirit of the beast's spirit almost exploded, and a terrible sense of murder was raised in his eyes.

But the next moment, it seemed to be remembering something, the beast owner even conquered the killing intention, his face was cold.

Having said that, the beast owner didn't hesitate, opened his arms and hugged directly towards the Sky Fox.

That look, it seems to want to hold Sky Fox in his arms.

"Shameless old thing!"

"You die for me!"

"Severe Cold Scepter: Extreme Cold Power!"

Watching the beast owner approaching himself more and more, the look of the Sky Fox changed slightly.

With a sigh of anger, the Arctic Scepter worked in the hands of Sky Fox.

With the extreme cold scepter running, an extremely cold force quickly shrouded toward the beast owner.

At the same time, I saw that in the void, even the air was frozen. Within a hundred feet, it instantly became a snow and ice world.

The cold chill was wanton, and the body couldn't help shrinking.

"So terrible chill, retreat!"

"I feel like my mind is frozen!"

"I did not expect that this beautiful woman is so terrible!"

"No, the breath on this beauty, but the emperor's later stage, but the power she exerted has reached the peak of the emperor, even to the extent that it is complete!

"Mo Wentian, the boy is evil, there is no ordinary person around him!"


The terrible chill struck, and many orcs' disciples quickly backed down by a hundred feet.

They looked at the beautiful shadow in the void, and they all looked a little eye-catching.

They originally thought that the Sky Fox in front of them was just an ordinary woman with a good-looking skin, but it was unexpected that the strength of Sky Fox was so terrible!

The strength of Sky Fox really exceeded their expectations.

"Beauty, you ice force, do you think you can freeze me?"

And at this moment, a treacherous voice came, and a figure was seen, approaching Sky Fox more and more.

The extreme cold power exerted by Tianhu seems to have no effect on the beast owner in front of him.

"The extreme cold staff!"

"Extremely cold frost!"

Watching the beast owner approaching himself more and more, a flash of cold mang flashed in Tianhu's eyes.

With a cold drink, the palms sprinted one by one against the icy staff.

With these one-by-one tactics coming out, on top of the extreme cold scepter, all the terrible extreme cold forces quickly attacked the beast owner.

At the same time, an extremely cold frost formed in an instant and wrapped towards the beast owner.

This terrible frosty cold power seemed to be freezing the beast owner into frost.

"not good!"

"This power has increased!"

Suddenly, feeling the terrible breath, the look of the beast owner changed greatly.

The next moment, I saw the power of the extremely cold frost, and even frozen his legs directly.

It wasn't over yet, and the icy frost continued to freeze towards his upper body, as if to freeze him all.

However, within a few breaths, the force of the extremely cold frost completely frozen the beast owner into an ice sculpture.

Looking at the ice sculpture, Tianhu's eyes flashed in his eyes.

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