Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1517: An avatar of heaven

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Chapter 1517: A Secret of Secret

"Let's all get up!"

The next moment, Mo Wentian's indifferent voice sounded.

With both hands raised slightly, the numerous orc disciples kneeling on the ground seemed to be held up by a force, and their bodies stood up involuntarily.

"The monarch is so strong!"

"Our bodies are standing up!"

"By virtue of the emperor's cultivation, I see that even if the emperor enters the Celestial Realm, it is not ordinary existence!"

"I knew that the Emperor was so good. We should have surrendered the Emperor and followed the Beast Lord. The whole thing must still be frightened, and more importantly, the Beast Lord will never care about our lives!"


Standing up, countless orcs' disciples were shocked in their eyes.

At this moment, their respect for Mo Wentian was a little bit more.

"Boss, what about the disobedient orc disciples?"

Just then, watching those orc disciples who were unwilling to surrender, Xiao Yan asked in a deep voice.

"What to do?"

"Give them another chance, and if you don't want to surrender, give the chicken and tamarin a color!"

"If you don't surrender, you can't blame the emperor!"

After hearing the words, Mo Wentian's eyes shrank suddenly, and a cold cold mang flashed away.

The deep voice couldn't help emitting an extremely cold chill.

"Boss, these people's cultivation is pretty good!"

"In particular, their physiques are several times stronger than ordinary warriors, leaving them with a tremendous improvement in our overall strength to eat the heavenly kingdom!"

Suddenly, Xiao Yan seemed to think of something, the light flashed in his eyes, and he said quickly.


"If you want to strengthen your body, there is a way for the emperor. The most important thing is their heartfelt. If they are not heartfelt, even if the strength is strong, the emperor would rather lack it!"

The voice of Mo Wentian grew colder.

"Boss ..."

Hearing that Xiao Xiao opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

At this moment, Mo Wentian stepped forward and approached the orc disciples who did not want to surrender.

"The Emperor will give you another chance, surrender or die!"

The cold voice sounded, and a rush of coercion spread like a king.

And with this king-like coercion, countless warriors only felt that their knees were a little soft, and their bodies could not help shaking.

It seemed that there was a force invisible that made them kneel down.

"So terrible coercion, I think we'll still submit!"

"Submission is at least alive!"

"What's so good about not surrendering to follow the Beast Lord. He can cause our lives to be disregarded at a critical time. He is ruthless. We surrender to God and we can't say we are unjust!"

"Yes, surrendering to God is our most correct choice!"


With Mo Wentian's remarks, more than half of the remaining orc disciples actually bowed down again towards Mo Wentian.

In their eyes, the expression of respect was immense, and their voice was full of firmness.

At this moment, watching more and more kneeling down towards Mo Wentian, those hesitant warriors also bowed down towards Mo Wentian one after another.

For a moment, all the orcs' disciples bowed down towards Mo Wentian.

Although some of their disciples were still resisting at the moment, at least they had already surrendered in their actions.

"Subdued? Surprisingly?"

Looking at this scene, President Xiao Yan's head is full of incredible.

You know, this orc is the oldest race in ancient relics.

Moreover, the orc had the deepest roots in the ancient relics. He did not expect that Mo Wentian said this, and the disciples of the orc actually surrendered directly.

He thought that at least some of these disciples were those who were loyal to the orcs and loyal owners, but did not expect that the facts exceeded his expectations.

"Meet the Emperor!"

"Meet the Emperor!"


The next moment, all respectful voices resounded.

And at the moment when the sounds were heard, among the tens of thousands of beasts far away, a figure stood in the void.

His eyes looked at the direction of the Kingdom of Devour. The killing in his eyes was terrible.

This person is not someone else, it is the beast owner who fled from the kingdom of God.

"Submitted? The disciples of this seat have surrendered?"

"Why? Why do you surrender to that kid?"

"What good is that kid!"

Li Li sounded loudly, the beast owner punched directly in a small courtyard.


The courtyard turned into shreds instantly, arousing dust from the ground.

"What's good?"

"Are you not sure about this?"

"That kid is more enthusiastic than you. He knows that when you disregard the life and death of the orc disciples, he will help you!"

"Invisible, he has bought the hearts of your orc disciples!"

At this moment, a strange sound sounded in the ear of the beast owner.

"who are you?"

"who are you?"

"Give me out!"

It was said that for a moment, the beast owner did not really hear who it was.

It was just the look of the beast owner, and his eyes were suddenly dimmed. His eyes were all around, his eyes were full of vigilant eyes.

"Hahahaha ..."

"Beast owner, it doesn't matter who I am, what's important is that the Dragon Dragon Sky Map was snatched by that kid!"

"Your orc disciples are all subdued by him!"

"Don't you hate it in your heart? Aren't you angry?"

That weird voice sounded again.

"Who the **** are you?"

"You have the ability to come out to me!"

I heard that the look of the beast owner changed instantly.

Obviously, this person knows about the events in the Tianji Mountains, and also knows that he was eating the Kingdom of Heaven and Mo Wentian.

For a while, the beast owner fell into meditation, but no matter what he thought, he couldn't think of who this person was.

This voice is familiar but strange.

"I already said it doesn't matter who I am!"

"Beast owner, you are the only king in this ancient relic. How long has this boy been in the ancient relic, and your position will be taken away by him, are you willing?"

"And the kid also took the Dragon Dragon Sky Map that should belong to you, and also took away the status of the king of your ancient relics, and made you humiliate like never before?

"If I were you, I would kill that kid!"

Listening to the chilling voice of the beast owner, the owner of that voice still did not answer the beast owner's question.

It was just that he was increasingly facing the contradiction between Mo Wentian and the Beast Owner.

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