Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1529: Whereabouts of the Devil Seal

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Chapter 1529 The Fall of the Demon Soul Seal

I saw that Ji Wujing's speed of printing Indian tactics became faster.

At the same time, Ji Wujing's intention to kill was terrible.

"Booming ..."

The godliness shining with mysterious light were shrouded in the seal.

"Do not……"


"Don't kill us ..."

"Don't kill us, it's not that we're going to hit your Ji family, it's our demon emperor, it's our demon emperor you demons!"


With the countless divine patterns falling towards the seal, countless screams and begging sounds came instantly.

But listening to this cry for mercy, Ji Wujing looked, but there was no fluctuation at all.

The speed of printing the secret in that hand was even a little faster.

Countless seals fell, and those begging for mercy and screams slowly decreased.

A quarter of an hour passed quickly.

Throughout the palace, there was silence.

I saw the place where the light was shining, but it was extremely bleak at the moment, not only that, but also a breath of death was spreading in that place.

Obviously, those monsters were killed by Ji Wujing without exception.

"Ask the Emperor!"

"It's all resolved!"

At this moment, a figure approached Mo Wentian, looking at Mo Wentian, the flash of Hanmang in his eyes.


The voice came, and Mo Wentian came back from the shock, but just hummed and nodded.

"Master, now that this matter has been resolved, shall we leave?"

At the moment, Ji Ming looked at Ji Wujing with a respectful expression.

"Ask the Emperor, shall we leave here first?"

Wen Yan said, without the slightest hesitation, Ji Wujing said to Mo Wentian, Shen Sheng.

"It's really not a long stay here, let's go!"

Mo Wentian's eyes flashed.

Speaking, Mo Wentian stepped out directly and walked towards the entrance of Qingfeng Mountain.

Seeing this, Ji Wujing and Ji Ming quickly followed up.

For a moment, the figures of Mo Wentian and others appeared again in the backyard of the Kingdom of God.

"Master Ji, thank you for solving this demon soul for me!"

Suddenly, what seemed to be remembered, Mo Wentian looked at Ji Wujing and said sincerely.

"Ask the Emperor, you need not thank me for this!"

"I did this not only to ask God, but also to my Ji family!"

"In fact, in the final analysis, I should also ask the Emperor God, I have searched for this demon soul seal for tens of thousands of years, but there is no result at all. It is to ask the emperor God that you found the demon soul seal, and I have accomplished a great thing!

Hearing that Ji Wujing's eyes flashed a complex light, and the deep voice couldn't help lowering it.

"If Ji Shao is convenient, can I answer some of my questions?"

Seeing Ji Wujing talking about this, Mo Wentian couldn't help it.

"Ask the Emperor, please!"

Ji Wujing was straightforward and straightforward.

"Ji Shaozhu, I want to ask, are your Ji family revenge on this ghost family?"

The light flashed in Mo Wentian's eyes, without the slightest twists and turns, he directly expressed the doubts in his heart.

"Yes, my Ji family is not only hostile to the demons, but to the entire demonic world!"

It ’s okay not to ask Mo Tian, ​​and ask Mo Wu Tian, ​​Ji Wujing's voice is extremely cold.

In his eyes, even more anger was rising and burning, as if Xia Yierkang, the anger was about to catch the eye.

"A million years ago, did something happen?"

The next moment, Mo Wentian thought of the million years mentioned by Ji Wujing and Ji Ming in that palace. Mo Wentian couldn't help but ask again.

"Ask God, please forgive me about this!"

"This is the privacy of my Ji family, but when you ask the Emperor, you have entered the Celestial Realm, I will take the initiative to tell you this!"

The moment Wu Motian asked about the matter a million years ago, Ji Wujing's expression changed instantly, and his voice became colder.

"Ji Shaozhu need not be sorry!"

"Bendi said, if you are convenient, it will not be inconvenient!"

Wen Yan, Mo Wentian smiled a little, his expression was extremely indifferent.

It seems that for Ji Wujing not to say this, he really doesn't take it seriously.

"Yes, Master Ji, I remember one more thing!"

"I heard that there are not only one demon seal in this heavenly mountain, but three!"

"It is rumored that the magic soul seal exists in the place where the Dragon Dragon Sky Map was born!"

Suddenly, Mo Wentian thought that Ji Wujing in front of him had been looking for the seal of the demon soul, and a flash of light in his eyes suppressed the voice.

"Three places?"

"Where is the magic dragon seal where the Dragon Dragon Sky Map was born?"

"Ask the Emperor of Heaven what you said, isn't there another magical dragon in your backyard to be born, and there is also a demon seal in the depths of the mountain range?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Ji Wujing's eyes instantly flashed a very bright light, and asked quickly.

"Theoretically, that's it!"

"If the Emperor didn't slay the demon ancestor last time and leave that person, maybe Ji Shaozhu will find it easy to find the demon soul seal!"

Mo Wentian looked at Ji Wujing and nodded slightly.

But the next moment, thinking of the ancestor of the Demon Realm that he had killed, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a cold coldness.

"Buzz ..."

Just then, a fierce void wave came.

Immediately, they saw a welcome, appearing in the void.

"Senior Pearl!"

Watching the phantom of the old man of Shenzhu appeared, Mo Wentian exclaimed.

"Boy, there are three things in this demon soul seal, but there isn't a place where the magic dragon seal is born!"

The old man of the **** bead looked extremely serious, looking at Mo Wentian, said in a deep voice.

"Senior Pearl, what do you mean by that?"

Wen Yan, Mo Wentian's eyes were full of doubtful eyes.

"Boy, this demon soul seal. Since this kid with the last name Ji is going to be solved, I didn't want to say this!"

"But this boy named Ji can solve it, let me tell you!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, the old God Pearl did not say this explicitly, but secretly gave Mo Wutian a voice.

Listening to the old man of Shenzhu, Mo Wentian couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"Predecessor Shenzhu always doesn't tell the truth!"

Mo Wentian's heart was a secret way.

"Ahem ..."

"Boy, the words of this seat have been very clear, where the magic dragon seal is born, there may not be a magic soul seal!"

"But these three demon seals, your kid wants to know, I will tell you!"

The next moment, the old man of Shenzhu coughed, pretending to be serious.

"Senior Pearl, thank you so much!"

The old man of the **** bead had to perform a show in front of Ji Wujing and Ji Ming, and he had no choice but to attend.

For a while, Mo Wentian seemed to have never happened, and thanked the old man with a sincere face.

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