Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1531: Heavenly mountains, must go

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Chapter 1531 The Heavenly Mountain Range Must Go

Mo Wentian's cultivation is, but the emperor's initial state, Mo Sitian can escape from the last demon soul that escaped from the demon soul seal.

In Ji Wujing's view, this is already very good.

But the demon soul seal in the Qingfeng Mountains is the worst of the three demon soul seals.

The worst is that Mo Wentian can only be a bare seal. If you want a long-term seal, Mo Wentian's strength is simply not enough!

And the two magic soul seals in this Tianji mountain range are many times stronger than those in the Qingfeng mountain range. No matter what the idea is, Ji Wujing does not want to ask Tian to follow him to the Tianji mountain range.

"Boy, you can't follow them!"

"The demon souls in those two demon soul seals are not comparable to the demon soul seals you met. Their magic energy can invade your body instantly, let alone your immortal body. Cultivation has reached the sixth floor! "

"Even if your immortal body is cultivated to the seventh, seventh and eighth layers, those magic qi can invade into your body!"

At this moment, when Mo Wentian was going to follow Ji Wujing and Ji Ming, the old man in the void in the void changed his look instantly.

Quickly said to Mo Wentian.

He was very clear about Mo Wentian's strength. If Mo Wentian followed, the demon soul in the devil's seal, if he escaped, then Mo Wentian would not just be injured!

Even being killed directly by the demon soul, how could the protoss of the tribe look at Mo Wentian like this.

Thinking about this, the old man of Shenzhu became more worried.

"Senior Pearl, there is no need to say more!"

"Begging for wealth and wealth, not to mention, this demon soul seal is also what I have been looking for, and I naturally want to participate!"

"No matter how dangerous it is, I will share it with Ji Shaozhu!"

Listening to the old man of Shenzhu, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a complex light.

But the next moment, Mo Wentian took a deep breath, and said incomparably in his voice.

"Boy, you ..."

Hearing that the old man of the **** bead opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but looking at Mo Wentian's confident face, the old man of the **** bead did not say anything.

However, at this moment, the old man of God beads regrets in his heart.

If this time asked Mo what happened in the heavenly mountains, how did he explain to the people above him, how did he ...

Thinking of this, the old man of Shenzhu wants to punch himself fiercely.

But this is all in vain, Mo Wentian has made up his mind to follow Ji Wujing Ji Ming to go to Tianji Mountain to settle the soul seal.

After following Mo Wentian for so long, the old man of Shenzhu still knew about Mo Wentian's character.

Once Mo Wentian decides, no matter who it is, he wants to change.

"Ask the Emperor, do you really want it?"

At the moment, Ji Wujing also looked at Mo Wentian and couldn't help asking.

"Bendi think it out!"

"Master Ji, it's not too late, let's go!"

Mo Wentian's eyes were full of firm eyes.

After speaking, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate in the slightest, and the figure flickered towards the direction of Tianji Mountain.

Seeing this, Ji Wujing and Ji Ming looked at each other and quickly followed.

With the disappearance of Mo Wentian and others, only the old man of Shenzhu remained.

"I can't rest assured, boy!"

"Let's go together!"

Gently longing for a breath, there was a faint light in the eyes of the old man of Shenzhu.

Immediately, the figure flashed and quickly followed.

Mo Wentian's departure from the Devouring Heaven Kingdom was not known to anyone except Ji Wujing, Ji Ming's God Pearl.

Tens of thousands of feet away, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed.

The next moment, when the mind moved, a note appeared in Mo Wentian's hands.

"Xiao Xun, Magic Sky, Bendi has some things to deal with!"

"During the period when the Emperor was not eating the Kingdom of Heaven, the matter of eating the Kingdom of Heaven will be left to you!"

Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all, and hurriedly preached.

After speaking, Mo Wentian passed the note directly.

And at the moment the Kingdom of Devouring Heaven is in the hall.

Xiaoyin and Hun Tian, ​​after having dealt with what Mo Wentian ordered, came back and received this transmission.

"It's the boss's voice!"

The light flashed in Xiaoyan's eyes.

"Listen to what the boss said!"

Unable to say why, looking at the musical note from Mo Wentian, the magical heart of the magic sky aroused a bad hunch.

There was a complex flash of light in his eyes, and Hun Tian quickly urged.


Xiaoyan nodded, and immediately crushed the note.

At the moment when the note was crushed, Mo Wentian's words sounded instantly in their ears.

"Boss left the Kingdom of Devourer?"

"Boss, where did this go?"

"Why didn't the boss take us?"

"Is something bad happening?"

After listening to the note, Xiao Yan and Xuan Tian's hearts were full of question marks.

But at the moment, none of them could answer.

"Magic, should we go to the boss?"

The next moment, it seemed to be remembering something, Xiao Yan's eyes flashed, and she said in a deep voice.

"Looking for the boss?"

"The boss doesn't take us there. Naturally the boss has reason?"

"The boss asked us to stay in the Kingdom of Devouring God, we will stay here and wait for the boss to come back!"

There was a flash of light in Xuantian's eyes, which lowered the voice.

Although Magic Sky didn't know where Mo Wentian went? Why not take them there?

However, Huantian knew clearly that Mo Wentian had no reason to take them without him.

And in this kingdom of god-eater, now is the time to rectify, Mo Wentian no longer consumes the god-king kingdom. As Mo Wutian's closest person, they naturally want to solve things for him.

Xuantian thought like this, and his expression became serious instantly.

As for the thought of looking for Mo Wentian, it disappeared instantly.

"Magic sky, if you don't go, then I will go alone!"

Xiaoyan, however, had only one idea in her mind, which was to find Mo Wentian.

Said, Xiao Xi's figure will leave the hall.

"Xiaoyu, the boss let us stay in the Kingdom of Devouring God. Although the boss didn't say, we also have our responsibility here!"

"Did you forget the beast owner who escaped?"

"But the Beast Lord may come to us again at any time. If we were not there when he came, you said that in the current Kingdom of Devourers, who can stop him?"

Seeing Xiao Yan was about to leave, the magical look suddenly became serious, and said quickly.

"Magic sky, you are right!"

"We really can't leave!"

Listening to Xuan Tian's words, Xiaoyan flashed a light in his eyes, turned and sat directly on the chair beside him.

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