Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1541: Valley collapse

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Chapter 1541 Collapse of the Valley

"Ask the Emperor, I know what you mean, but the power of the demon soul seal is too strong!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, Ji Wujing's eyes flashed a complex light, which lowered the voice.

"Master Ji, this vein of fire will temporarily give you strength!"

"There are also these artifacts and elixir. If Ji Shaozhu needs it at all times, even if it is used!"

Suddenly, what seemed to be remembered, Mo Wentian flashed a light, said in a deep voice.

After speaking, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all, and a few heart rings appeared in Mo Wentian's hands.

The next moment, with a wave of his hand, the countless space rings fell into Ji Wujing's hands.

"Ask the Lord, thank you for your help!"

After taking the space ring, Ji Wujing's eyes flashed a light, and said in a deep voice.

In Ji Wujing's view, this is Mo Wentian helping him, not that he is helping Mo Wentian.

He came to the ancient relics, on the one hand, to win the inheritance, but more importantly, a million years have passed. This demon soul seal has reached the limit of the seal. Before long, the demon soul seal will automatically break !!

He came to the relics of the ancient world just to seal the demon soul. If it was possible, Ji Wujing naturally chose to destroy all the demon soul seal.

After all, as long as I think of the scene a million years ago, Ji Wujing's eyes can't help but soar.

At the same time, the breath on Ji Wujing's body quickly rose.

"Master Ji need not thank me!"

"These ghosts, be careful!"

Mo Wentian looked at Ji Wujing, and there was a complex light in his eyes, which lowered the voice.

After speaking, Mo Wentian stepped forward without any hesitation, and walked directly out of the valley.

With Mo Wentian's departure, only Ji Wujing and Ji Ming remained in the valley.

Looking at the back of Mo Wentian's departure, Ji Ming's eyes flashed.

"Young Master, in fact, asking the Emperor also has some strength, why do you want to let him go out?"

The next moment, it seemed to be remembering something. Ji Ming looked at Ji Wujing and said puzzled.

"Why let him out?"

"Jiming, there is a saying called The Fearless!"

After hearing the words, Ji Wujing's expression changed slightly, she said quietly.

"The fearless?"

"Young Master, are you saying that you can't let Ask the Heavenly Lord know about our heavenly world?"

Listening to Ji Wujing's remarks, Ji Ming seemed to understand something instantly.


"We do n’t want to ask too much about the heavenly world and the demon world!"

"Let him know too much, maybe he will be afraid of our heavenly world, so he won't enter our heavenly world!"

"And I have asked the Emperor about it. I have already reported it to the people above, and the people above have given orders. Let us ask the Emperor to join us!"

"So Ji Ming, be careful!"

In the eyes of Ji Wujing, a dazzling light rose.

But at the moment, Ji Wujing's voice was extremely cold.

"Yes, Master, I see!"

Listening to Ji Wujing's remarks, Ji Ming all understood, and immediately nodded and agreed.

"Ji Ming, get ready, this demon soul seal, it's time for us to solve it!"

The next moment, Ji Wujing dropped his eyes on the demon soul seal.

Looking at the demon soul seal, Ji Wujing blinked in his eyes.

At the same time, the breath on his body quickly skyrocketed.

"Master, this demon soul seal is much stronger than before!"

"We need a lot of power, naturally we need a lot!"

"Ask the Emperor of Heaven to give you the Fire Spirit Vein, this Fire Spirit Vein seems to come in handy!"

Looking at the demon soul seal, Ji Ming's expression froze instantly.

Immediately, thinking of that vein of fire, Ji Ming couldn't help it.

"The power in this vein of fire seems to be endless!"

"Hope it can help us kill all these demons!"

The icy voice sounded, and as soon as the mind moved, the fire veins appeared in Ji Wujing's hands.

Holding the fire spirit vein, in the eyes of Ji Wujing, the light suddenly skyrocketed.

"Ji family boy, you want to kill us, I think you are delusional!"

"We are tens of thousands of demons, you want to kill us? I'm afraid you haven't killed us yet, you're exhausted!"

"You still need to be a little self-aware!"

"Yes, boy of the Ji family, don't take the old road of your Ji family who died in our hands!"

"Quack quack ..."


Looking at Ji Wujing, he was about to strike towards the demon soul seal. Among the devil soul seal, the countless devil souls screamed curiously.

The enchantments were extremely dark and looked far away, like black smoke, which made people's chest breathless.

"Devils of the Devil Realm, I am afraid this time will not be as you wish!"

"Ji Wujing today, I swear to kill you. Only by killing you can I be relieved of my anger!"

"To comfort the strong in Ji Family!"

The sounds came, Ji Wujing's intention of killing was terrible.

At the same time, Ji Wujing's hands lighted up the **** pattern instantly, and those **** patterns flashed with extremely bright light.

Watching the **** pattern light up in Ji Wujing's hands, Ji Ming's power quickly gathered towards the palm of his hand.

Immediately, after seeing Ji Ming's palm, the lines of godliness also lit up.

It is just that the bright **** pattern in Ji Ming's palm is obviously much dimmer than Ji Wujing.

"Young Master, this soul-killing strategy, we work together!"

With a cold drink, Ji Ming gathered the power directly towards Ji Wujing's palm.

With Ji Ming's power gathered on Ji Wujing, Ji Wujing's hands, the **** pattern that lit up, became more and more bright.

The power spreading over the **** pattern is even more vast, and it looks terrible from the distance.

"Soul Killer!"

The next moment, Ji Wujing didn't hesitate at all, and hit the seals on the magic soul seal directly.

With each of these seals coming out, a death-like breath instantly shrouded toward the demon soul seal.

"Booming ..."

All of a sudden, the whole valley trembled violently.

It seems that the power of this soul killer is too powerful, but the whole valley seems to collapse in a few breaths.

And at this moment, Mo Wentian outside the valley, looking at this scene, a flash of cold mang flashed in his eyes, and quickly went to Ji Wujing's voice.

"Master Ji, quickly come out of the valley with the demon soul seal!"

"The valley is about to collapse!"

The next moment, Mo Wentian directly crushed the note.

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