Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1543: Shot together

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Chapter 1543 Shoot Together

"Senior Pearl!"

Watching the figure of the old man of Shenzhu appeared, Mo Wentian couldn't help exclaiming.

"Boy, this demon seal shouldn't have taken it out of the valley!"

"But since you took it out of the valley, you can only follow the method of extinction created when the demon soul was sealed millions of years ago!"

"It's just that this set of secret methods has never been implemented. Today, you two boys, you are going to start this first!"

The old man of Shenzhu looked at Mo Wentian, and there was a faint light in his eyes, and a deep voice said.

"The law of extinction?"

"Predecessor Shenzhu, are you saying how to destroy the demon soul in this demon soul seal?"

Listening to the words of the old man of Shenzhu, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed an incomparable light in an instant, and he couldn't help asking.


"It is the method of destroying the demon soul in this demon soul seal, but this method has never been implemented by the Ji family and the protoss, and I don't know if this method is feasible!"

The old man of God beads nodded.

But when it comes to that method, the look of the old **** bead is dignified.

"Senior Pearl, no matter if this method is not feasible, how do you know without trying?"

Hearing that, Ji Wujing stepped forward, watching Shenzhu Old Man, said in a deep voice.

"Ji, you're so refreshing!"

"But you're right, you have no other solution besides this method to solve these demons!"

"I thought you were capable of killing the demon soul in this demon soul seal, but I didn't expect it to happen so much!"

"Things have come to this point, and that can only be the case!"

With Ji Wujing's remarks, the eyes of the old Shenzhu fell on Ji Wujing's body.

Looking at Ji Wujing, the elder Shenzhu said in a long breath.

"Shenzhu, it's your old thing, you dare to come up with an idea!"

"God beads, when we go out, we must swallow your spirits. I see how you can make an idea!"

"Shenzhu, you poor worm, you are just a dog of the Protoss. You are still here to advise them, you will regret it!"

"Boy, kid of the Ji family, don't bother to listen to God beads, he doesn't know anything!"


And at this moment, in the seal of the demon soul, the countless demon souls seemed to be sensing something, and immediately became loud.

I saw in the seal of the demon soul, countless demon souls, even surging.

"Senior Pearl, you have some grudges against these old miscellaneous people in the demon world?"

Listening to the loud noises, Mo Wentian's eyes raised a very bright light.

Looking at the old man of Shenzhu, Shen Shen asked.

"Boy, there are things you shouldn't know!"

"What you have to do now is to solve the demons in these demons' seals!"

I heard that in the depths of the eyes of the old man of Shenzhu, a complex flash of light flashed instantly.

The next moment, the old man of Shenzhu coughed, pretending to be calm.

"Senior Pearl ..."

Looking at the old man of Shenzhu, Mo Wentian opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

It was just when the eyes looked at the old man of Shenzhu that there was a touch of light.

Although Mo Wentian didn't know what the entanglement between the old **** bead and the people in the demon world was, but there was a strong hunch in the mind of the man, and it was definitely not a good thing that happened between the old **** bead and the people in the demon world.

Otherwise, why did the demon souls threaten to come out and swallow him alive!

"Senior Pearl, what is this solution?"

And just as Mo Wentian and Shenzhu Old Man hesitated, Ji Wujing's voice sounded instantly.

"The solution?"

"Boy, kid, this solution is actually very simple!"

"As long as you type the seal of the seal just now and hit it in the opposite direction towards the demon soul seal, the devil soul in the demon soul seal will surely die!"

Ji Wujing's voice came again, the light of Shenzhu old man's eyes flashed, and said in a deep voice.

"I understand!"

"Thank you for your guidance!"

Wen Yan, in the eyes of Ji Wujing, the slightest rays of light passed by.

The next moment, a little gift to the old man of God beads.

"Boy, kid Ji already understands, you understand!"

Seeing that Ji Wujing had understood, but Mo Wentian still looked dumb, the Shenzhu old man couldn't help asking coldly.

"Senior Pearl, I already knew it!"

"Rest assured, the demon soul in this devil's seal will surely die in the hands of Mo Motian!"

The voice of the old **** bead came, and Mo Wentian slightly raised the corner of his mouth, raising a touch of arc.

Although it seemed that Mo Wentian was stunned just now, in fact, Mo Wentian completely listened to the words of the old Shenzhu.

Not only that, Mo Wentian secretly has begun to practice the anti-printing secrets of the seal of the demon soul seal.

At this moment, Mo Wentian's eyes could not help falling on the demon soul seal.

Looking at the demon soul seal, Mo Wentian was like looking at a pile of dead bodies, with an indifferent look.

"Boy, I hope you don't let me down!"

Although the old man of Shenzhu saw Mo Wentian's self-confidence from the look of Mo Wentian, the old man of Shen Zhu couldn't help it.

"Senior Pearl, look at it!"

"I will not let you down!"

Mo Wentian's voice was full of crickets, and his eyes were filled with firm eyes.

I can't say why, although he has never used the reverse seal, he has a strong hunch in Mo Wentian's heart. This time he will only succeed.

"Master Ji, let's do it together!"

The next moment, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all, and said coldly towards Ji Wujing.


After hearing that, Ji Wujing quickly agreed.

Immediately, Mo Wentian and Ji Wujing shot at the same time, hitting countless marks on the seal of the demon soul.

With the myriad of seals coming out, in the void, I saw a myriad of mysterious and immortal patterns, which instantly shrouded over the demon soul seal.

On those divine patterns, there was a breath of death.


"No, don't kill us!"

"People of the Ji family, people of the Protoss, as long as you don't kill us, we can do it!"


"Do not……"


With the breath of death, shrouded over the seal of the demon soul, and in the seal of the demon soul, countless demon souls screamed instantly.

Suddenly, I saw that the number of demon souls in that demon soul seal suddenly decreased.

Although the breath of death is terrible, there is still a magical spirit in the seal of the demon soul. It seems that Mo Wentian and Ji Wujing's combined force is not enough to kill them.

A quarter of an hour passed quickly.

In the seal of the demon soul, the demon qi has been reduced a lot, but there are still some demon souls. The remaining demon souls, except for reducing the breath, have no sign of being killed.

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