Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1555: Mikado Peak

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Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1555

"Okay, boss!"

Xuantian agreed without hesitation.

"Roar ..."

And at this moment, the scales on Xiaoyan's body grew rapidly as the fire spirits were tempered.

A quarter of an hour later, where Xiaoyan had dropped the scales, all new scales had grown.

On the newly grown scales, a mysterious light flashes, and the power on the scales comes out.

However, the only bad thing about this is that the scales of Xiaoyan's upper body that have been successfully tempered are shining with mysterious light, but the lower body that has not been successfully tempered is quite bleak, which looks very strange.


Xiao Yan's figure flickered out of the vein of fire.

Looking at Mo Wentian, Xiao Yan called quickly.

"Xiaoyu, the fire spirit fluid in the fire spirit vein is not enough to make your body fully tempered successfully, this is my thoughtless!"

Looking at Xiao Yan's appearance, Mo Wentian's heart raised a guilt, and said the voice down.

"Boss, I don't blame you, I want to thank you!"

"Thank you for taking my body one step further!"

Xiaoxiong looked at Mo Wentian, grinning slightly, and raised a smile.

Mo Wentian exhausted countless strengths, and promoted his cultivation and tempering. Although this physical tempering was only half successful, Xiao Yan did not blame Mo Tian.

Physical tempering has been half successful, and at least it has been generally successful. Although it looks a little weird, these little puppets are not attentive.

"Little sister ..."

Listening to Xiao Yan's words, Mo Wentian opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"Boss, my physique has been tempered successfully!"

"Magic Sky's physique has also been tempered successfully, and then we ..."

The next moment, it seemed to be remembering something, Xiaoyan's eyes flashed, she asked in a deep voice.

"Xiao Xun, Magic Sky, then you can promote it!"

"Fire spirit, you and me will protect the law for them!"

Before Xiao Yan's words were finished, Mo Wentian's cold voice sounded.

"Okay, boss!"

"Okay, boss!"

Wen Yan, Xiao Yan and Xuan Tian quickly agreed.

Immediately, the figure of the two flickered and entered the vein of fire again.

Mo Xiaotian sat down cross-legged at the moment Xiaoyan and Huantian entered the vein of fire.

"Xiaoyu, Magic Sky, this is the resource I collected in the Tianji Mountains. There are many five-level elixir!"

"You are refined, and promoted!"

The next moment, it seemed to be remembering something. Mo Wentian's mind moved, and space rings appeared in Mo Wentian's hands.

There are many elixir and artifacts in those space rings.

"Thank you, boss!"

"Thank you, boss!"

Seeing this, Xiao Yan and Xuan Tian quickly took down the space ring.

Immediately, the elixir and artifacts were refined by Xiaoyao and Huantian.

And as the elixir and artifacts were refined, the breath on their bodies quickly skyrocketed.

"Roar ..."

The next moment, a terrible dragon groaned.

And with this dragon groaned.

Numerous warriors far from the Tianshou Mountains are gathered towards this Tianshou Mountains.

"What a terrible dragon groan, is this a Shenlong dragon breaking through?"

"This dragon's groan is really terrible, this dragon is too vast!"

"This breath seems to be asking the divine dragon next to the emperor, and the cultivation of that divine dragon is about to break through again?"

"Did the cultivation of that dragon have reached the late emperor's time, this time, wouldn't it be possible to break to the peak of the emperor, or even the emperor's success?"

"It's too strong!"

"Ask the Emperor, I think it is about to become the king of our ancient relics!"


In an instant, countless warriors talked.

At this moment, they seemed to have seen the figure, and the arrogant and peerless figure was ordinary, and their eyes were full of admiration.

A warrior from a small world, the sword **** continent, how long it took before this time, even the establishment of the Kingdom of Devourers.

Moreover, they have conquered so many forces. In the eyes of these warriors, Mo Wentian has actually become the king of this ancient relic.

Talking, the countless warriors turned out toward the Tianshou Mountains.

And just as the countless warriors rushed towards the Tianshou Mountains, in the Tianshou Mountains.

The power of Xiao Yan is stronger as he grows older.

Above Xiaolong's scales, the twinkling light grew brighter.

"Boss, I feel that my cultivation will also improve!"

And just then, the voice of the magic sky came.

I saw the power of the magic sky at the moment, and it was endless.

As if the next moment, the cultivation of the magical sky will break into the next realm.

"Xiao Xun, Magic Sky!"

"You are all OK!"

Looking at the two men's power soaring, Mo Wentian's look was extremely serious, but his voice was full of confidence.

"Booming ..."

"Roar ..."


Raging power rolled out.

All of a sudden, the entire Tianshou Mountains trembled violently.

"This ... what's going on? How do I feel the whole mountain tremble?"

"This power is really too strong!"

"No, this doesn't seem to be a breakthrough!"

"Yes, I feel it, it seems that there is a breath of the furry magical beast next to the Lord of Heaven!"

"Is the fantasy beast breaking through?"

"The illusion of the magical beast, that's terrible!"


And at this moment, the countless warriors rushing towards the Tianshou Mountains looked at the scene in front of them and instantly exploded the pot.

"Roar ..."

"Boss, my cultivation is about to break!"

Suddenly, Xiao Ling's voice came from the veins of fire.

At this moment Xiaoyan, the power of his body is rolling, and there seems to be a terrible power in his body, as if the next moment, it will be violent.

This is exactly the result of Xiao Yan swallowing several fifth-level elixir, and the countless powers flooded Xiao Xiao's body.

"Do you want to break through?"

"Small sister-in-law, calm down!"

Watching Xiao Yan's mighty body rolling, Mo Wentian said quickly.

"Roar ..."

The sound of dragons rang again.

At this moment, Xiao's breath suddenly rose again.


"The Emperor's Peak, break me!"

The sound of angry drinking sounded, and Xiao's breath quickly skyrocketed.

But for a few breaths, the breath of Xiao Yan's body broke directly into the peak of the emperor.

Moreover, this is not over yet, Xiao Yan's breath is still growing.

"Still growing?"

"Mr. Xiaofei's cultivation is to break into the Emperor's success?"

Looking at Xiao Yan's breath, it was still growing, and Mo Wentian's eyes skyrocketed.

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