Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1557: Barely conquer

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Chapter 1557 Barely Conquer

In fact, this demon king Renzhen is a smart person.

He got the news, and heard that the beast master could not fight Mo Wentian, and was fleeing everywhere. As for his beasts, he was all subdued by Mo Wentian.

As soon as this news was received, Ren Zhen immediately made up his mind to take the initiative to bring the demons to surrender.

In this way, at least he still takes the initiative. In Mo Wentian's interview, he still has at least a little face.

What surprised him was that he wanted to surrender actively, but Mo Wentian didn't even want to subdue him.

This is indeed somewhat unexpected.

"You say so, it turns out that the beast owner has always let you make your entire demon clan against me. Are you just a passive bearer?"

Listening to Ren Zhen's remarks, Mo Wentian couldn't help but give a slight grin, an evil smile rose instantly.

What Ren Zhen said right now makes sense, but would Mo Wentian believe it?

Obviously, Mo Wentian has no affection for Ren Zhen in front of him.

He didn't forget, when he first entered this ancient relic, how did the monsters send people to find him.

"Yes, we are being coerced by the beast owner!"

"We didn't want to ask God the Lord as your enemy at all, it was the beastmaster who forced us!"

Wen Yan said that in the eyes of Ren Zhen, a flash of light flashed, and he hurried along Mo Wentian to say this.

Moreover, when Ren Zhen said this, his innocent expression seemed to him that what he had done to Mo Wentian was really persecuted by the beast owner.

"Yes, ask the Emperor, all beast owners, if not for the beast owners, how could we do something to you?"

"Ask the Emperor, you must believe in us, believe in our king, we are all coerced by the beastmaster!"

"Yes, the beast owner said at that time, if we don't listen to him against you, he will destroy my demons!"

"Where will our demon clan be the opponent of the beast owner, and I also want to ask the emperor to understand one or two!"


With Ren Zhen's words coming out, behind Ren Zhen, countless monster disciples also quickly said.

They looked at Mo Wentian, with innocent expressions on their faces.

"Hmm ..."

"Boss, this group of people are really acting!"

And Xiao Xiao, who looked at this scene, was full of disgust.


"They are dying. They want the emperor to spare them!"

Mo Wentian's eyes narrowed suddenly, and a flash of cold mang flashed in his eyes.

For the disciples of the demons in front of him, Mo Wentian has nothing to say, but since he wants to unify the entire ancient relics, even if he doesn't want them, he can barely accept them.

"Boss, are you going to really spare them?"

Looking at Mo Wentian, a small amount of light flashed in Xiaoyan's eyes, Shen asked.

"Excuse them?"

"It's just a group of ants, and it can't make any storms. Keep it!"

The voice of Mo Wentian was indifferent.

"But the boss ..."

Looking at Mo Wentian, Xiaoyu opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end, she didn't say anything.

"Ask the Emperor, we really want to surrender to you!"

"We have been admiring you for a long time, and we also want to ask the Emperor to let us submit to your feet!"

And at this moment, watching Mo Wentian hesitant to speak, Ren Zhen's voice came again.

"In view of your sincerity, Bendi will reluctantly accept you!"

"But before accepting you, Renzhen, let go of your mind!"

Mo Wentian looked at Ren Zhen in front of him and the countless disciples of demons, and there was a cold, cold, cold voice in his eyes.

In fact, as early as when Ren Zhen said he wanted to submit to him, Mo Wentian had already launched a divine spirit to investigate the spirit of Ren Zhen.

Mo Wentian found that in addition to Ren Zhen ’s own soul, there was also a mark of this soul in this town. Mo Wentian was also very familiar with this, which is the mark of the beast owner.

Don't worry, Mo Wentian also knows that this town must have surrendered the beast owner before.

And now this town actually risks being killed by the beast owner to actively ask him to surrender. Since he wants to be a dog who asks about Heaven, it is naturally only traces of him.


Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Ren Zhen froze for a moment.

In his body, there is still the imprint of the beast owner's spirit. Do n’t ask God to let him be happy, would n’t he know that he had surrendered the beast owner.

And now he came to submit to him, would Mo Tian think that he was disloyal and unwilling to conquer him?

For a while, Ren Zhen was worried.


"Bendi makes you happy, don't you let go?"

"You intend to surrender to the emperor verbally, but in fact surrender is not as good as that of the beast owner?"

Looking at Ren Zhen's drowsy look, Mo Wentian's eyes froze slightly, and said coldly.

"Ask God, you ..."

"You all know, but I am not the one who actively surrendered the beast owner. It was the beast owner who forcibly suppressed me. You also know that according to my strength, where can I be the beast owner's opponent ...

Upon hearing Mo Wentian's remarks, Ren Zhen instantly understood that he wanted to hide it, but in fact he had been seen through by Mo Wentian.

His expression suddenly became tense, and he quickly explained.

"Don't talk so much nonsense, Bendi only wants obedient dogs!"

"If you want to surrender to this emperor, then let go of God, and let this emperor erase the immortal mark left by the old miscellaneous beast owner, leaving the immortal mark of this emperor!

Before waiting for Ren Zhen to finish speaking, Mo Wentian interrupted coldly.

"Yes, yes, emperor, I will let go immediately!"

Hearing that Ren Zhen quickly let go of his mind.

Watching Ren Zhen let go of his mind, Mo Wentian's hand moved towards Ren Zhen's spirit, and the beast owner's immortal mark was erased instantly.

"Shin of God!"

"to make!"

The next moment, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all, screamed angrily, and made countless seals directly.

With the printing of these secrets, in the void, a simple and boundless slave character appeared.

There was a strange light on this slave character.

"go with!"

With a cold drink, Mo Wentian waved his hand, and the slave characters in the void fell towards Ren Zhen's eyebrow.


As the slave character fell into the eyebrows, Ren Zhen rolled up on the ground as if suffering great pain.

A quarter of an hour later, Ren Zhen stood up and looked at Mo Wentian. His eyes were full of respect.

"Renzhen meets the monarch!"

With a quick pass, Ren Zhen kneeled in front of Mo Wentian, and said quickly.

"Get up!"

Do not ask the look of heaven, extremely indifferent.

"Yes, the lord!"

Hearing that Ren Zhen stood up.

"Ren Zhen, since you have surrendered Bendi, then you will obey Bendi's orders. Bendi lets you do whatever you want, Bendi doesn't let you do anything, don't do anything!"

Mo Wentian looked at Ren Zhen with a cold face.

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