Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1564: Mice crossing the street

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Chapter 1564: A Mouse Crossing The Street

And as Mo Wentian said this, the countless warriors of the hidden forces in the dark felt only a cold chill towards them, making them unable to shrink.

"It's terrible. Asking the emperor is so terrible!"

"Everyone can offend in the future, just don't offend asking God!"

"This beastmaster is really miserable. This is the end to ask the Emperor!"

"I will see if the Emperor will let him go!"

"The beast owner has already been drawn as a minor. I think it would be better to kill him directly, at least he is happier!"


Countless military soldiers hiding power, looking at the cold and arrogant figure in the void, a look of fear rose in his eyes.

At this moment, they secretly made up their minds, that is, they can offend anyone, but they cannot offend the sky.

Mo Wentian listened to the sounds of discussion coming from the dark. The corner of his mouth couldn't help raising a radian.

He didn't ask Tian that he wanted to use the beast owner to deter these hidden hidden forces. In this way, after he left the ancient relics, these hidden forces did not dare to subdue the Kingdom of Heaven.

"Boss, this old mess, what are you going to do?"

And the next moment, it seemed to be remembering something, Xiaoyan looked at the horrified beast owner in front of him and asked Shen Sheng.

"What to do?"

"Some things haven't been dealt with yet, naturally he can't be killed!"

After hearing the words, Mo Wentian's evil smile rose even more intensely.

"Is there anything left?"

"Boss, what else do you want this bossy to do?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Xiaoya's face was full of doubt, and he couldn't help asking.

"It's almost resolved here. Take this old mess and go back to the Kingdom of God!"

Mo Wentian did not answer, but a flash of light in his eyes suppressed the voice.

"Okay, boss!"

"Okay, boss!"

Xiao Yan and Magic Sky didn't hesitate in the slightest, and agreed quickly.


The next moment, Mo Wentian coldly sang, and the figure flickered, and disappeared directly in front of Tianshou Mountain.

And looking at Mo Wentian's figure disappeared, Xiaoyi's dragon body was also wrapped around the beast owner, and quickly followed, and Phantom Tian followed closely behind.

With the departure of Mo Wentian and others, in front of the Tianshou Mountains, countless warriors discussed again.

"Ask the Emperor's early state of the Emperor. Even the Emperor's successful beast owner looked at him and wanted to run away. Ask the Emperor how terrible this power is?"

"It's okay to ask the Emperor's strength, but it's also terrible to ask the Lord Xiaojun and Lord Xuantian around him!"

"It's really a collection of geniuses. The Kingdom of Devourers will be the number one force in our ancient relics!"

"Following the question of God, it must be right!"

"Ask the Emperor, it's so wicked!"


In an instant, countless warriors talked.

At this moment, those demon disciples who had just surrendered to Mo Tian and watched the end of the beast owner, they were very fortunate at this moment.

Especially the demon king Renzhen, at this moment, his heart was relieved, and he felt that his initiative to surrender Mo Wentian was correct.

If he had not surrendered to Mo Wentian before, his end would be worse than that of the beast owner.

A quarter of an hour passed quickly.

When Mo Wentian and others appeared again, they already appeared in the Kingdom of Devouring Heaven.

Watching Mo Wentian's figure appeared, countless disciples who devoured the kingdom of heaven quickly bowed down to Mo Wentian.

"It's the monarch back!"

"Meet the Emperor!"

"Meet the Emperor!"

"The emperor is back. Who is the man who is curled up by the little sister?"

"That man seems to be the beast owner of the orcs?"


They looked at Mo Wentian with a respectful look on their faces.

But the next moment, I do n’t know who it was. I saw the figure with Xiao Hu's body curled up, countless disciples of Devouring the Kingdom of God, and immediately exploded the pot.

Listening to the sound of this argument, Xiao Xun's dragon body loosened, and a figure fell from the void.


At this moment, the beast owner was exhausted, and Xiao Xiao was thrown in such a way. His body was severely hit on the ground, and a scream sounded instantly.

"Really beastmaster!"

"Why the Beast Owner looks like this, it is too miserable!"

"If you don't say it, I really don't see that this is the beast owner!"

"This is the end of offending our monarch!"

"This is the old thing that the beast owner deserves!"


With Xiao Yan's throw, countless disciples of Devouring the Kingdom of God saw it clearly.

Looking at the person in front of him is really the beast owner, countless disciples who eat the kingdom of heaven, eyes full of contempt, and his heart is even more pleasant.

Among the disciples who eat the kingdom of heaven, there are some disciples from the races of the ancient relics. Before they became disciples of the kingdom of god, they were not less bullied by the beast owners.

At this moment, the Beast Lord became like this, and their hearts were naturally rejoicing.

What's more, the minds of some warriors even hope that the beast owner in front of them will be beheaded and killed soon.

"You're right, this is the Beastmaster!"

Looking at the countless disciples of Tianguo Kingdom, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a cold and extremely cold, cold voice.

"Boss, you tell the disciples that this is the Beastmaster. Do you want to give this Beastmaster to these disciples?"

Unable to say why, listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Xiao Yan's eyes widened, his eyes stunned.

"Your proposal is great!"

"After I ask some questions clearly, the beast owner will leave it to the disciples to deal with it!"

After hearing the words, Mo Wentian's eyes instantly flashed a very bright light.

The disciples who eat the kingdom of heaven have an abomination to the beastmaster in their hearts. Now the beastmaster has become like this, and then put it into their hands.

Although Mo Wentian has not seen a specific scene, he has already thought of the scene in his mind. For the beast owner, it is more uncomfortable than killing him.

"Listen to the disciple of the Kingdom of Heaven, listen to this old mess and leave it to you after the emperor has dealt with some things!"

"At that time, what do you want to do, just do it!"

The next moment, Mo Wentian seemed to think of something, and the corner of his mouth grinned slightly, raising a wicked smile.

"Leave it to us for disposal? The emperor said that he would give us the beast-owner's debris."

"Did I hear that right? The emperor said he would leave it to us for disposal?"

"I can finally get rid of bad feelings. When I was a disciple of Tianniu, I was not bullied by orcish disciples!"

"The opportunity is coming, I must cut his meat one by one!"


With Mo Wentian's remarks, countless disciples who consumed the kingdom of heaven suddenly became excited.

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