Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1566: Release you, is it possible?

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Chapter 1566: Let You Go, Is It Possible?

The Beast Lord in front of him, let alone Mo Wen Tian and Xiao Zhuo Tian Tian. Even if he is even a disciple who eats the Kingdom of God, the Beast Lord will not be their opponent now.

I do n’t know if I was naive, who gave the beast owner this courage, even at this time, I still talked to him about the conditions.

"Boy, you ..."

"Are you kidding me?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, and then looking at Mo Wentian's look, the beast owner instantly understood that he was drinking.

"Yes, Ben is playing with you!"

"Beastmaster, it seems you are not stupid!"

Mo Wentian did not conceal it in the slightest, and said it directly.

"Boy, you ..."

"You are horrible, you want to know, I won't tell you!"

It was said that although the beast owner's heart had already exploded, but according to his current strength, he could not even run away, and he could not do anything. He could only threaten this.

"Old miscellaneous, don't you say?"

"This emperor gives you a chance, don't you say, Xiaoyu, keep pumping me!"

Looking at the unwillingness of the Beast Owner, Mo Wentian looked coldly, and said coldly towards Xiao Yan.

"Okay, boss!"

"I promise not to **** this girl!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Xiao Yan didn't hesitate at all, and quickly agreed.

Talking, Xiaolong's dragon body quickly rose up, and his power increased.

The dragon's tail was lifted up, as if the next moment, it would be drawn towards the beast owner.

"No ... don't smoke me, I say!"

"I said!"

Watching Xiaoyan's dragon tail fall towards himself again, recalling the scene of being pumped by Xiaoyan, the beast owner counseled instantly, and said quickly.

"Little sister!"

"This old mess, if you are willing to say it, give him a chance!"

Seeing that the beast owner said so, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a sly light, which lowered the voice.

"Okay, boss!"

Hearing that Xiao Xiao immediately lowered the dragon tail.

After following Mo Wentian for so long, would Mo Xiaotian not understand what he said just now, it was Mo Wen Tian who deliberately made Xiao Wu scare the owner of the beast.

And now the reaction of the beast owner is exactly the result Mo Motian wanted.

"Say, how much do you know about Tianhu?"

"Tell everything you know!"

The next moment, Mo Wentian looked at the owner of the beast and sighed coldly.

"Tianhu, I beat her, except for her national appearance!"

"More importantly, I like the race of Sky Fox!"

"She is an ancient fox tribe!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, the beast owner lowered his voice.

At the same time, a look of memories rose in the eyes of the beast owner.

"Ancient Foxes?"

Nana whispered in her mouth, and Mo Wentian's eyes flashed.

He seems to have heard this ancient fox tribe, but for a while, he couldn't remember, where did he hear it.

"go on!"

The next moment, it seemed to be remembered, Mo asked Tian Leng drink.

"Yes, I said I said!"

"In the ancient Fox clan, they practiced the nine-day **** fox method. The nine-day **** fox method has terrible power!"

"And this ancient fox tribe will also communicate the power of heaven and earth. This is their destiny. This can make their cultivation skyrocket!"

A cold drink came, the beast owner did not dare to have the slightest neglect, and said quickly.

"The Law of the Nine Heavenly Foxes?"

"The power of communication between heaven and earth?"

With a whisper in his mouth, Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of cold mang.

Although Mo Wentian didn't know exactly what it was, he couldn't say why. Mo Wentian felt that each of them was not simple.

At the same time, Mo Wentian's mind couldn't help but remember that the ice power exerted by Tianhu came.

The icing power displayed by the Sky Fox is generally different from the warriors who practice ice attributes.

When the beast owner said so, Mo Wentian seemed to understand something.

"Apart from these, what else do you know?"

"Give me more!"

For a moment, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a light, cold drink.

"I ... that's all I know!"

A cold voice came, and the beast owner's body shrank, his voice trembling.

"That's all you know?"

"Then when you were in the Tianji Mountains, why did you want to capture Sky Fox?"

Suddenly, it seems to be remembering something, Mo Wentian's soaring road in his eyes.

"You may not know, this ancient fox is not an ordinary person!"

"They're the women who even the Emperor of Heaven!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, when he said this, the beast owner's eyes couldn't help raising a wave of fanaticism.

In the ancient times, any one of the Tianhu people was an exquisite presence. They were not only terrible in their talents, but also their appearance was the best in the world.

Not to mention the ancient relics, even in the heavenly world of martial arts holy land, any strong person wants to find an ancient fox tribe woman.

But unfortunately, the ancient foxes are very mysterious. Even if the cultivation of cultivators has reached the level of veneration, or even a stronger cultivation, they dare not show any respect for the ancient foxes.

It is rumored that the ancient fox family is a certain emperor!

"Even the Emperor Tiandi?"

Nana whispered in her mouth, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a complex light.

Tiandi ’s existence is beyond Tianzun ’s realm. From the perspective of Mo Wentian, the strongest in Tianzun ’s realm is already terrible, not to mention this Tiandi.

Between the moments, Mo Wentian's brow could not help but frown.

"Yes, even the emperor is stunned!"

"So last time I saw that Sky Fox is an ancient fox family, I really wanted to get it!"

"But I want to get more than the beauty of Sky Fox, but more importantly, I want to get the power of her destiny and communication!"

"This power can make any warrior soar!"

"But unfortunately, now this fox has not yet awakened his destiny!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, the voice of the beast owner could not help lowering it.

"Old miscellaneous, your abacus is really good!"

Listening to what the beast owner said, Mo Wentian's palm couldn't help but clenched his fists, and a terrible sense of murder was raised in his eyes.

I have to say that in front of this beast owner, for 100,000 years, he can become the king of the ancient relics. His calculation is still very good.

But unfortunately, he met Momotian.

"I ... I should have said it already, you ... can you let me go?"

There is only one idea in the heart of the beast owner at this moment, and that is to leave this place.

He never heard the words Mo Motian said just now.

"Let you go?"

"Old miscellaneous, do you think it is possible?"

After hearing the words, Mo Wentian gave a slight grin and raised a wicked smile.

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