Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1570: Ancient book old man reappears

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Chapter 1570: Ancient Book Old Man Reappears

"Boy ..."

Looking at Mo Wentian's full-fledged look, the old man of Shenzhu opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"Yes, Senior Shenzhu, I want to ask you one more thing!"

The next moment, what seemed to be remembered, Mo Wentian looked at the old man of Shenzhu and asked Shen Shen.

"whats the matter?"

The old man of Shenzhu looked extremely indifferent.

"Senior Pearl, Tianhu's cultivation cannot be broken. Why?"

Mo Wentian directly expressed his doubts.

Especially when Mo Wentian thought of what the beast owner said, his heart became even more worried.

"Boy, Sky Fox's identity, you must have known it from the Beast Master!"

"Tianhu is an ancient fox family, her identity is not simple!"

"If my guess is correct, now she, Xiu Wei, breaks through the barrier, I am afraid that she will awaken her destiny!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, the look of the old **** bead instantly dignified.

"Live destiny?"

"Senior Pearl, do you know the destiny of Sky Fox?"

Mo Wentian looked at the old man of Shenzhu, his eyes full of suspicion.

"Boy, Sky Fox's destiny and magical power are the power to communicate!"

"And this extremely yin power cannot only exist with the ancient Fox family, this extremely yin power can also be swallowed by other people!"

"Once other people have devoured it, the cultivation will definitely skyrocket. Maybe the cultivation will break directly from the emperor's early stage and directly break into the perfect state of Heaven!"

The voice of the old **** beast could not help suppressing it a bit.

When the old **** bead talked about this overcast power, in the eyes, he couldn't help raising a hot glow.

That ’s an overwhelming power, not only him, but even the strongest in the realm of Heavenly Emperor, also thought of getting that power.

However, even if the Sky Fox in front of him awakens his destiny, the Old Man of God Pearl will not devour the power of Sky Fox.

After all, following Mo Wentian for so long, in the mind of the old God Pearl, the old God Pearl has regarded Mo Wentian as his own loved one, and Tianhu is the person who asks Mo Wentian, which is naturally also the loved one of the old Shen Zhu.

But what I have to say is that if Sky Fox can communicate with the power of Yin, this is a great attraction for anyone.

"Swallowed up from the early days of the Emperor to break directly into the perfection of the Supreme Master?"

"This ... this is too terrible!"

Listening to the old man of Shenzhu, Mo Wentian was stunned for a while.

Looking at the old man of Shenzhu, his eyes were a little incredible.

Sky Fox's breath now, apart from being holy, seems to be nothing special compared to other warriors.

"Boy, Sky Fox's horror just hasn't shown it yet!"

"Your boy has taken the Dragon Dragon Sky Map. Must he leave the ancient relics?"

"A sky map of Shenlongtong can lead four people to go together, you should take Tianhu to Tianxian Realm!"

The old man of Shenzhu looked at Mo Wentian, and said slightly at the corner of his mouth.

"Take Sky Fox to Sky Fairy Realm?"

Nana whispered in her mouth, and Mo Wentian was lost in thought.

Regarding the matter of taking Tianhu to Tianxian Realm, Mo Wentian never thought about it, but now being said by the old man of Shenzhu, Mo Wentian's heart was lingering.

"Boy, Tianxianjie is Heaven of Fox!"

"And if you don't take Sky Fox to the heavenly realm, let Sky Fox stay in this ancient relic. I'm afraid her cultivation is difficult to get into. As for her destiny, it is even harder to wake up!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, the look of the old **** bead suddenly became serious.

"Senior Pearl, I see!"

"Thank you!"

After hearing the words, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a complex light, and she said in a deep voice.

"Okay, kid, I should tell you what I have told you. As for the final decision, this is your business, and I can't control it!"

"This seat is a bit sleepy, first go to rest among the **** beads!"

The old **** bead yawned and said that the illusion of the old **** bead gradually vanished in the void.

Immediately, the figure of the old **** bead disappeared.

"Senior Pearl!"

At this moment, Mo Wentian seemed to think of something, and said quickly.

"Boy, what else do you have?"

It was said that the old man of the **** bead had just wanted to enter the **** bead, and Mo Wentian's voice came.

"Senior Pearl, I also want to know, why did you let me take the Sky Fox to the Celestial Realm?"

"Isn't Sky Fox able to comprehend destiny in this ancient relic?"

Looking at the old man of Shenzhu, Mo Wentian asked in a deep voice, and a look of doubt appeared in his eyes.

"Boy, there are some things you don't need to ask so clearly. You just need to know. The seat that tells you will naturally tell you. As for what the emperor does not want to say, no matter how you ask, this seat will not say! "

The old man of the **** bead looked extremely indifferent, suppressing the way of the voice.

"Senior Pearl, I see!"

Wen Yan, Mo Wentian nodded.

"Boy, the thing you should think about now is not the Sky Fox, but the magic battle in the Heavenly Mountain!"

"But there is a magical warrior who has broken the seal of the demon soul for him. Once the seal is opened, the consequences are unthinkable. This is what you should consider now!"

Suddenly, it seemed to be remembering something, the light in the eyes of the old man of Shenzhu flashed and said in a deep voice.

"Thank you for reminding Senior Pearl!"

Listening to the words of the old man of Shenzhu, Mo asked the look of the sky, instantly dignified.

Having said that, the old man of Shenzhu completely fell asleep in the Shenzhu, leaving only Mo Wentian alone.

"How the **** does the ghost soul solve it?"

"The cultivation of the magic war has reached the perfection of the Supreme Master!"

Nana whispered in her mouth, and Mo Wentian's brows couldn't help narrowing her eyes, and her eyes rose with a cold chill.

As for how to solve the magic war, Mo Wentian at this moment really has no way at all.

"Buzz ..."

Just then, a wave of void came.

Later, I saw a figure appearing in front of Mo Wentian. This figure, Mo Wentian is also very familiar, this is the old man among the ancient books.

"Old Books Seniors!"

Watching the old man appear, Mo Wentian's expression changed slightly, respectfully.

"Boy, are you thinking about how to solve the demon soul?"

Looking at Mo Wentian, there was a faint light in the eyes of the old man of ancient books, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but raise a radian.


"Predecessor, what can you do to the demon soul?"

Since the old man of the ancient books had already asked, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all, and quickly expressed the doubts in his heart.

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