Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1578: Arrogant Demon War

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Chapter 1578: Arrogant Demon War

What's more, Tianji also felt an extremely cold chill that was coming towards him.

The chill, if he hadn't forcibly stabilized it, his body would be trembling now.

"The heavenly machine is old and messy, Master Ben told you last time!"

"It's nothing but three times, and you have already met the young master for the third time. The first two times have made you escape by chance. This time, you don't want to escape again!"

"Ask the Lord, leave this old thing to me!"

"This time, I will definitely kill him!"

At this moment, Mo Wentian had not spoken, and a figure stood out, his face cold.


"So good!"

"I'll leave it to you!"

Mo Wentian nodded slightly.

For Ji Wujing, Mo Wentian's heart still believes in his strength. To solve the immediate opportunity, Mo Wentian has no doubt at all.

"Boy, you ..."

"What do you want to do?"

"I am now a person in the Devil Realm, you dare to shoot at me, aren't you afraid that my strong man in the Demon Realm will come?"

Listening to the conversation between the two, Tianji's unpleasant premonition grew stronger and stronger.

But the next moment, it seemed to be remembering something.

"People in the demon world?"

"The main thing that Ben Shao killed was your demon world!"

It is okay for Tianji not to mention the demon world. When Tianji mentions it, Ji Wujing's anger is born.

At the same time, the breath on his body skyrocketed instantly, and the killing in his eyes was unabashed.

Tianji thought that mentioning the demon world would scare Ji Wujing and Mo Wentian, but what he didn't expect was that Ji Wujing in front of him was the person he hated most.

It's true that stealing chickens doesn't make rice eclipse. If Tianji knows that Ji Wujing is the person who is the greatest enemy in the world of heavenly demon, he will not move out of the world of heavenly demon.

"Void sword trick!"

The next moment, Ji Wujing had no hesitation.

With a sigh of anger, the sword of nothingness is directly displayed.

With the execution of the sword of nothingness, the magic sword in his hand began to become illusory.

But that terrible sword, but the power is terrible and unparalleled.

Looking at Ji Wujing's shot towards himself, Tianji never thought about it, and spit his leg directly in the direction of Zhongyu.

"Old miscellaneous, want to run again?"

"This time, it's impossible for you to escape the palm of this young master!"

Seeing this, Ji Wujing's figure flashed, and quickly followed up.

With Ji Wujing's departure, there was only Mo Wentian Xiaoyu, Magic Sky, and Ji Ming left in place.

That day Ji Wujing alone solved it enough, Ji Ming did not follow up.

"Boss, is it all right for Ji Shaozhu to solve this opportunity?"

Xiaoxiong looked at Mo Wentian, the light in his eyes flashed.

"no problem!"

"The cultivation of this natural machine is, in front of us, wrong. It should be in the ancient relics. Except Ji Shaozhu and Ji Ming, he is the strongest being!"

"However, in this case, he is just an ant in front of Ji Shaozhu!"

The powerful voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes looked firm and abnormal.

For Ji Wujing, Mo Wentian has also undergone a huge change.

Even in Mo Wentian's heart, he quietly recognized Ji Wujing.


"Boss, then Master Ji Ji solved it, then we ..."

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Xiao Yan seemed to understand something, nodded, and his face suddenly realized.

But the next moment, Xiao Yan seemed to think of something, but his eyes fell on the demon soul seal.

"Little thing, deity is not something you can see, get out of me!"

"You ants are not enough for me to grit!"

With Xiao Yan's eyes falling, Xiao Yan's words were too late to finish, and a cold drink sounded instantly.

This sound is exactly what the magical battle in this demon soul seal.

Ji Wujing has hunted down Tianji. With Ji Wujing's strength, the magic battle is very clear. This heaven has gone.

At this moment, his heart sank even more.

However, as soon as he thought that he was the demon of the Youmo tribe, a pride came from the bottom of his heart, which was pride that belonged to more than 10,000 people.


"Not enough teeth?"

"Boss, it's bearable and unbearable, this demon war is really too abominable!"

"I must kill him!"

Hearing the words, Xiao Yan's anger rose instantly.

The figure is instantly transformed into a magnificent dragon, standing proudly in the void, and the rolling dragon power is even more magnificent.

Having said that, Xiao Xiao hadn't waited for Mo Wentian to promise, and a tail was drawn directly on the seal of the demon soul.


A loud noise sounded.

"Buzz ..."

The next moment, I saw the dark and magical energy in the seal of the demon soul.

At the same time, a slight crack appeared on the seal of the demon soul.

"Quack quack ..."

"It turned out that the deity misunderstood you, and you turned out to be a descendant of that man!"

And at this moment, in the seal of the demon soul, the demon war actually smiled slyly.

That laughter was a complex emotion.

Originally, he just wanted to ridicule Xiao Xiao, but he did not expect that his casual taunts had brought him benefits.

Xiaoyao's tail drew up, and the fissure seal had appeared a slight crack.

And these tiny cracks let the magic war see hope.

Incarnate magic, his demon soul can go out of this rift.

"not good!"

"Xiaoyu, Magic Sky, you retreat!"

"This old mess is coming out of the seal of the demon soul!"

Watching the change in the seal of the demon soul, Mo Wentian's heart instantly raised a bad hunch.

Looking back, he said quickly towards Xiaoyu and Xuantian.

"Coming out of the Devil Seal?"

"Boss, I just twitched my tail just now, this ..."

Hearing that Xiao Xiao's eyes fell on the demon soul seal.

Looking at the situation above the seal of the demon soul, as Mo Wentian said, Xiao Yan's face was full of impressive colors.


Watching Xiaoyan's face stunned in the void, Mo Wentian said coldly again.

Mo Wentian's voice came again, and Xiaoxi came back to God.

The next moment, the subconsciousness receded quickly.

"Jiming, you stay here to help Bendi!"

Immediately, Mo Wentian's eyes looked at Ji Ming aside, and said coldly.

"Okay, ask God!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Ji Ming also returned from the drowsiness, looking very serious, and quickly agreed.

"Quack quack ..."

"Boy, the kid of the Ji family is not here. Do you think you can stop me with your ants?"

And at this moment, the wacky laughter of the magic battle sounded again.

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