Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1580: Did the magic battle escape?

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Chapter 1580: Devil Escape?

At the same time, Mo Wentian's heart raised a bad hunch.

The escape of the magic war means danger, and it is coming soon.

If at this moment Ji Wujing is okay, but at this moment Ji Wujing has followed the heavens, and Ji Ming has been injured.

"It seems that only Bendi has fought with you!"

His eyes flickered, and Mo Wentian's eyes rose with a cold coldness.

At this moment, Mo Wentian's power also skyrocketed.

The next moment, Mo Wentian's figure flickered, holding the God Devouring Sword, and chopped off the magical energy that fled from the group directly.

The billowing soul-killing power was reckless in the void.

"Boy, it's not enough to kill me by your strength!"


And looking at Mo Wentian chasing towards him, the group of magic qi at the moment formed a phantom in the void.

This phantom is a middle-aged man. The middle-aged man is shrouded in black robes. The magic of his body is rolling like a demon in ancient times. The terrible power spreads even more.

Just looking at it gives a sense of suffocation.

Those hollow eyes, now looking at Mo Wentian, did not hide the intention of killing in his eyes.

After that, the figure flashed directly and disappeared.

The next moment, when it reappeared, it appeared at a distance from Mo Wentian.

"Wraith Palm!"

Angrily slammed, the magic battle directly photographed towards Mo Wentian.

"Booming ..."

With the release of the magic battle, the entire void shuddered, and the rolling magic was shrouded in the direction of Mo Wentian. From a distance, it was terrible.

"Boss ..."

"Boss ..."

"Ask the Emperor ..."


Looking at the void, Xiao Yan and Xuan Tian, ​​and even Ji Ming's heart mentioned his throat.

Xiaoyan and Magic Sky, although they don't know how strong the figure in front of them is, but at the moment of the magic war, they were already injured internally.

Blood dripped from the corners of their mouths.

Looking at Mo Wentian, their eyes were full of worry.

But at this moment, although they are very worried, they are incapable of relying on their strength.

Suddenly, a little guilt rose in the hearts of Xiaoyan and others.

"Rest assured, this old mess can't kill the Emperor!"

And at this moment, when Mo Wentian looked at the magic battle and was about to fall, he looked back at the distant path full of worries, and even the corners of his mouth grinned slightly.

"Boy, are you?"

"The deity cannot kill you today, the deity is not a magic war!"

The indifferent voice of Mo Wentian was, in the eyes of the demon war, a naked provocation.

At this moment, the power over the phantom rose again.

Looking at Mo Wentian in front of him, the killing intention in the eyes of the demon war was not concealed.

If the eyes can kill people, Mo Wentian at this moment has been beheaded and killed no less than ten million times.

"Buzz ..."

The next moment, the palm of the magic battle was photographed towards where Mo Wentian was.

The billowing magical energy oscillated endlessly in the void, and then, the countless magical energy swept away towards Mo Wentian.

Those magical energies seem to want to ask Mo Wentian.

"Old thing, want to kill me?"

"Not so easy!"

And just as the magic battle was about to land in Mo Wentian, a strange voice sounded.

Seen in the void, Mo Wentian's figure had disappeared.

"Boy, you ..."

"You are awful!"

"Dare to dare to play tricks with this deity, you have thoroughly stirred the deity's anger!"

"Entering this seat not only kills you, but also seals your soul and soul, so that you can withstand this million years of loneliness like your deity! No! You don't have a million years of life. 100,000 years of Shou Yuan, in the days to come, I want you to spend it in the seal! "

Looking at Mo Wentian's figure disappeared, the magic battle was completely angry.

Those hollow eyes quickly glanced around, and the spirits quickly unfolded.

However, no matter how he probed, it was impossible to detect even the slightest breath of Mo Wentian. It seemed that Mo Wentian appeared from me.

"Sigh ..."

At this moment, in the heart of the magic war, he couldn't help but hesitated.

But the next moment, it seemed to be remembering something. In his eyes, the cold mang skyrocketed.

"Old miscellaneous, Bendi said, depending on your strength, you can't kill Ben!"

"The emperor just hid his breath for a moment. You can't even find the emperor's shadow. What else do you talk about beheading the emperor? Are you sure you didn't come here for fun?"

Just then, a figure appeared again in the void.

Mo Wentian's evil smile was full of irony.

The original Mo Wentian was afraid of the magic war in front of him. After all, the power of that palm, Mo Wentian was sure that he had surpassed the emperor's realm, at least also reached the early days of Tianzun.

Only to avoid that palm, he unfolded himself and disappeared into the void.

However, at the moment he unfolded his body and hidden his breath, although Mo Zhan didn't say anything, from the look of Mo Zhan, Mo Wentian saw the blankness in Mo Zhan's heart.

That looks like it's lost its direction in an instant.


"Boss hides his breath, this magic battle can't even find the shadow?"

"So, the boss is very hopeful that this demon war will be destroyed!"

"Asking the strength of the emperor is really terrible. Geniuses are not enough to describe the fear of asking the emperor!"

"Boss must be able to destroy the magic war!"


Looking at the cold and arrogant figure in the void, Xiao Yan and others instantly talked.

I ca n’t say why, although I do n’t ask Tian Tian ’s cultivation, the emperor ’s initial state, and the cultivation at the peak of the demon battle, has already reached the perfect state of heaven.

The completeness of Tianzun and the early days of the Emperor are in stark contrast to strength.

It can even be said that the Heavenly King's successful strong man only needs to move his fingers, and the emperor has already been killed in the early days!

"Boy, you are so arrogant and arrogant!"

"Even if I fight my old life today, I won't let you live!"

"To keep you alive is to leave a time bomb for me!"

And at this moment, in the eyes of the demon war, the light soared and the road was angrily drank.

At this moment, the power of the magic war is terrible.

Can't say why, looking at Mo Wentian before him, there is always a hunch in the heart of the magic war.

That kind of hunch is that Mo Wutian in front of him will threaten his existence.

Even sometimes, a terrible scene appeared in his mind.

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