Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1583: Too tender?

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Chapter 1583 Too Tender?

As he followed, he soon saw the familiar figure.

Mo Wentian was holding the Devouring Sword and beheaded towards the demon war. The demon war also turned into a terrible and magical spirit, which came over to Mo Wentian.

"not good!"

"The power of this magic battle is so strong!"

Suddenly, it seemed that something had been found, and there was a faint light in Ji Wujing's eyes.

Immediately, the figure flickered and disappeared.

When it appeared again, it appeared beside Mo Wentian.

"Ask the Emperor, I will help you!"

The cold voice sounded, and Ji Wujing quickly made countless marks in the hands of the magic spirit.

The next moment, all the soul-destroying powers swiftly attacked the dark and magical spirit.

"Kid's kid is here too!"

"Ji's Soul Killer!"

"The Protoss's Soul Killer!"

"Am I really going to die completely today?"

Feeling the power of exterminating the soul, the demon battle in the void, now I was panicked.

If you want to talk about it, don't ask Wu Tian alone, even if Mo Wentian controls the Soul Killing Sword, he doesn't have much fear.

But Ji Wujing is different. Ji Wujing's cultivation, but has reached the state of heaven, not to mention, Ji Wujing will also Ji Ji's soul killing tactics.

Thinking about this, the heart of the magic war became even more flustered.

At this moment, he even wanted to flee.

But will Mo Wentian and Ji Wujing give him this opportunity?

"Master Ji, you and I shot together!"

"Smash this old mess and kill it completely!"

After hearing the words, Mo Wentian looked at Ji Wujing beside him, his eyes flashed coldly, and he said coldly.

At this moment, Mo Wentian was incomparably powerful, and the three stars in his body could not help rotating.

At the same time, Mo Wentian's breath quickly skyrocketed.


"Kill the old things of the demon world together!"

铿锵 A powerful voice sounded, in Ji Wujing's eyes, there was no bound to kill.

Having said that, the two went directly to the demon battle.

"Protoss and Ji family, come together at the same time!"

"Today I will solve you together!"

Looking at Mo Wentian and Ji Wujing slaying towards him together seemed to remember something. In the eyes of the magic war, the power of the sky skyrocketed, and the power of his body quickly increased.

The wild and boundless magic is boundless.

For a long time, the entire void seemed to be shrouded in the dark magic of darkness, extremely dark.

The next moment, there was no hesitation in the magic war, and it became the phantom of the body.

"Buzz ..."

A magic tower appeared in his hand, and the magic of the surrounding magic tower was immense.

"The Town God Tower of the Wraith!"

"This is an artifact dedicated to the Protoss!"

"Ask the Emperor, this is an artifact dedicated to you, you retreat!"

And at this moment, watching the town **** tower appeared, Ji Wujing's expression changed suddenly, and he quickly reminded Mo Motian beside him.

The town **** Tower Mo asked Tian not to know what it was, but Ji Wujing was extremely clear.

This is a million-year-old war between gods and demons, in order to destroy the people of the protoss in the demon world.

For the Protoss, this artifact is simply the nemesis.

"An artifact dedicated to the Protoss?"

Nana whispered in her mouth, and Mo Wentian's eyes flashed awe-inspiring.

But the next moment, it seemed to be remembering something, and a bright light rose in his eyes.

"The artifact dedicated to the Protoss, if the Emperor is not a Protoss, isn't that the town's pagoda is useless to the Emperor!"

"I have been troubled by my identity for a long time, and this is an opportunity to confirm my identity!"

Mo Wentian's eyes looked at the endless void.

At this moment, Mo Wentian had no fear at all about the town's pagoda, and some had an expectation.

Expecting him under the town **** tower, what will happen?

Thinking about this, Mo Wentian's heartbeat could not help speeding up a bit.

"Boy, are you scared by my town **** tower?"

"Even if the boy of Ji Family is here, you can't stop my town **** tower, die!"

At this moment, the magic battle in the void laughed wildly, and the voice was extremely cold.

After that, the magic battle hit countless marks on the town **** tower.

Suddenly, it was not a palm-sized town **** tower, but within a few breaths, it had skyrocketed.

The tower of a town of the size of a million squares is like a giant mountain of a million squares. It is suppressed toward Mo Wentian, and it seems to suppress Mo Wutian into a crush.

"Ask the Emperor!"

And just when the town's pagoda was going to suppress Mo Wutian, Ji Wujing looked at Mo Wutian, staying still, and said quickly.

"Ji Shaozhu, Zhenshen Tower, this emperor wants to see, how powerful it is!"

Ji Wujing's voice came again, his eyes looked at the void, and Mo asked for the look of heaven, extremely solemn.

The next moment, Mo Wentian's figure flickered, holding the Devouring Sword of Swords, casting his soul-slaying sword, and beheading towards the demon battle.

"Ask the Emperor, I will fight with you!"

Watching Mo Wentian greeted him directly, Ji Wujing's eyes flashed a complex light.

Immediately after, Ji Wujing quickly followed up.

The two fought together toward the demon and greeted them.


"Since you choose to die together, that deity will fulfill you!"

Watching the two of them approaching him together, the eyes of the magic war shrank, and their faces were so vicious.

At the same time, his speed toward the town **** tower, the speed of printing Indian tactics, accelerated even faster.

"Hmm ..."



The next moment, a violent collision sounded.

I saw in the void that the Devouring Sword and the Town God Tower collided together, sparking countless sparks.

The three figures flew upside down at the same time.


Mo Wentian spit out blood.

Although Ji Wujing did not spit out blood, it was not much better. At the moment, Ji Wujing was pale.

Obviously, Mo Wentian and Ji Wujing have already suffered minor injuries.

The magic battle on the opposite side seemed like nothing had happened. On the surface, there were no injuries.

"how about it?"

"Two ants, because you still want to destroy the deity, the deity said earlier, you are too tender!"

The figure of the magic war flashed, standing proudly in the void, looking at Mo Wentian and Ji Wujing with a look of arrogance, said with a mockery of irony.

"It's too tender?"

"Old thing, you thought you hurt us, so where are you going?"

Mo Wentian wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, stood up and looked at the magic battle, Mo Wutian raised a wicked smile on his mouth.

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