Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1587: Breakthrough method

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Chapter 1587: Breakthrough Method

"Senior Pearl, what is it?"

"Also please speak up!"

When Mo Wentian heard that the old man of Shenzhu seemed to know the method, he asked quickly.

At this moment, in Mo Wentian's eyes, there was a very bright light.

"Boy, do you really want to know that method?"

The voice of the old **** beast could not help suppressing it a bit.

"Senior Pearl, please speak up!"

At this moment, Mo Wentian had no choice but to know what the method was. As for the others, Mo Wentian didn't have it at all.

"Boy, since you want to know so much, let me tell you!"

"You want to help Xiaoyu's physical tempering success. In addition to the fire of the fire spirit fluid in the fire spirit vein, you can also find a fifth-level late grass and the fifth-level late Long Queguo! "

"Refining these two elixirs together into elixirs and refining Xiaoyan can also help his physical breakthrough!"

Seeing Mo Wentian so desperately wanting to know, the old man of Shenzhu flashed a complex gleam in his eyes and said slowly.

However, when the old man of the **** bead talked about this method, his expression instantly dignified.

"Senior Pearl, where can you find this body of grass and Long Queguo?"

"The spirit grass in the late five levels seems to have never heard of it in the ancient relics!"

Mo Wen Tian frowned slightly, Shen Sheng asked again.

"Boy, this is where this place tells you hard!"

"This will help Xiaoyu's physical breakthrough to succeed. In addition to this difficult to find spiritual grass, there is one more difficult than this, boy, are you sure you are ready?"

The look of the old **** bead became more dignified.

"Senior Pearl, bluntly, no matter how dangerous it is, I will help Xiaoyu's physique to break through successfully!"

力 A powerful voice sounded, Mo asked the look of heaven, extremely firm.

Although, from the words of the old **** bead, Mo Wentian has felt that it is not easy to help Xiao Xiu.

But in Mo Wentian's heart, the idea of ​​helping Xiaoyu break through was not shaken at all.

"Yes, Senior God Pearl, you said that in addition to the difficulty of finding the spiritual grass, what difficulties are there?"

The next moment, Mo Wentian remembered the words of the old man of Shenzhu, and the light flashed in his eyes.

"Boy, there is another thing that is harder than finding the body grass and the dragon quenching fruit is refining elixir!"

"Although your boy is good at refining elixir, in the ancient relics, the aura and conditions are ultimately limited. You want to refining them to elixir, I'm afraid it's not so easy!"

The look of the old **** bead slightly changed.

Especially when talking about refining elixir, the eyes of the old man of Shenzhu shrank even more.

In fact, before the main body of the **** pearl fell, he was also a wizard for refining elixir.

He knew the importance of external conditions for refining elixir.

"Senior Pearl, this difficulty can be solved!"

"The only thing Bendi wants to know now is how to find those spirit grasses?"

Do not ask the look of heaven, extremely serious.

At this moment, Mo Wentian had only one thought in his mind, which was to find the body and grass and the dragon quenching fruit.

As for the others, Mo Wentian believes that there will only be a solution.

"Boy, this body of grass and Long Queguo are in the same place!"

"That's where the passage opens!"

Mo Wentian's questioning came again, the old man of Shenzhu hesitated for a while, then said slowly.

"Where does the passage open?"

"Senior Pearl, where does this passage open?"

The old man of Shenzhu didn't say where the channel was opened, but Mo Wentian didn't remember where the channel was opened.

Wen Yan asked Mo Wentian without any hesitation.

"The opening of this passage is at the end of the ancient relics!"

"It's also the closest place to the heavenly world, called Nether Valley!"

The deep voice of the old **** bead mixed with a bit of complex emotions.

Although Mo Wentian can't see the look on the old man's face at the moment, but from the voice of the old man on the bead, he can hear that this is not easy.

"The end of the ancient relics?"

"Ghost Valley?"

Nana whispered in her mouth, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a look of expectation.

I ca n’t tell why, this is the first time that Mo Youtian has heard of Mo Wentian, but Mo Wentian always has a familiar feeling.

What's more, the scene in the Nether Valley emerged from Mo Wentian's mind.

It was a valley soaring into the sky, and in that valley, the birds were fragrant and peaceful.

But the deepest part of the valley was totally at odds with the outside world.

The deepest part of the Nether Valley is extremely dark and deadly, and has a weird breath, wantonly in the void.

"Boy, if you want to get decent grass and dragon fruit from the Nether Valley, it will be dozens of times more difficult than you to kill the demon!"

"Do you really want it?"

"There are so many dangers in this Ghost Valley. Maybe one of them is careless, but you have nowhere to go!"

Looking at Mo Wentian's frowned brows, a glimmer of cold mang flashed in the eyes of the old man of Shenzhu.

"Senior Pearl, no need to say more!"

"No matter how treacherous this nether valley is, I must go in order to break through Xiao's physique!"

The voice of Mo Wentian is extremely firm.

"Boy ..."

Looking at Mo Wentian's firm face, the old man of Shenzhu opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Immediately, the old man of the **** bead didn't say anything, the figure flashed, and he went straight to sleep in the **** bead.

After following Mo Wentian for so long, the old man of Shenzhu knew about Mo Wutian's character. He knew that Mo Wutian couldn't change anything no matter what he said.

In this case, he said nothing.

"Boss, were you talking to senior Shenzhu earlier?"

At this moment, Xiao Yan and Huan Tian looked at Mo Wentian and asked Shen Shen.

The dialogue between Mo Wentian and the old man of Shenzhu just now was a secret transmission. Xiaoyu and Huantian didn't know.


"Xiaoyu, Magic Sky, you stay in the Kingdom of Devouring Heaven. There are some things for this Emperor to deal with, you need to leave for a few days!"

The voices of Xiao Yan and Magic Sky came. Mo Wentian returned to God from the dialogue with the old man of Shenzhu.

With that said, Mo Xiaotian had disappeared into the hall before Xiao Yun and Huan Tian returned to God.

"What the **** happened?"

"The boss left so anxiously!"

For a moment, he looked back at Xiao Xiao and Xuan Tian, ​​and looked at each other, his face rising with a look of doubt.

"When the boss comes back, the boss will tell us!"

"Since the boss kept us in the Kingdom of Devouring Heaven, we stay here!"

Xuantian looked at Mo Wentian's direction of disappearance, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

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