Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1589: There are nine in total?

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Chapter 1589: Nine?

When he was trapped in the heavenly mountains, he actively wanted to cooperate with the beast owner, but the beast owner rejected him.

This makes Tianji hate!

This time he came out of the Tianji Mountains. The first thing he did was to come to the Beast Owner to relieve the hatred of his heart.

"What does it cost?"

"Heavenly, what do you mean by that?"

Listening to the words of heaven, the beast owner's heart raised a bad hunch and asked coldly.

At the same time, the Beast Master's heart also began to prepare.

Look at the appearance of heaven, it must be that the visitor is not good!

Fortunately, the beast owner is that his cultivation has been restored to the perfect condition of the emperor. Even if there is a war, he is not afraid of the opportunity in front of him!

Because of this moment's natural power, a weak breath came out from his body. It seemed that his body was hurt in general.

"The meaning of this seat is that you have refused to cooperate with this seat. Now this seat is out of Tianji Mountain without your help!"

"And you rejected this seat before, you have to pay!"

"Tiger boxing!"

The chill and boundless voice sounded, and Tianji shot directly with a punch, blasting towards the beast master.

"Old thing, you really want to hit me!"

"The breath on your body is fluctuating. Do you think you were still at your peak? Today, I am afraid of you!"

Watching Tianji punch a blow at himself, the beast owner's eyes narrowed.

The figure flashed, and instantly turned into a thousands of feet of Tiens beast, also shot with a punch, greeted to the heavenly machine.


The next moment, in the void, a violent collision sounded.

Both figures flew upside down.


A mouthful of blood spewed out of their mouths at the same time.

"Beastmaster, your strength ..."

"How could you be so strong?"

Tianji looked at the Beast Lord, his eyes were full of impressiveness.

"Tianji, it's not that this seat's strength has increased, but that your strength has weakened!"

"Don't you feel that the breath on your body at this moment is extremely weak?"

The beast master stood up, and a wicked smile rang from the corner of his mouth.

The Beastmaster is indeed fearless at this moment, but being able to fight against it, even hurting it, is somewhat unexpected.


"You're right, this one has just finished a battle, and the strength has not been fully restored, but it is a bit weak!"

The beast owner didn't say anything, the heavenly machine hadn't felt it yet. When the beast owner said so, the heavenly machine felt only a burst of weakness.

Then, Tianji threw a handful of elixir into his mouth.

With the swallowing of a lot of elixir, the breath on the sky body gradually recovered.

"This old thing is so fast!"

"I knew it earlier, I shouldn't have said it!"

Watching the gradual recovery of the air on the body of the sky, the beast owner felt a little regretful.

After all, the heavenly machine at this moment, but standing on the enemy side with him, the restoration of the machine is restored, which is not a good thing for him.

"Ahem ..."

"Beastmaster, I don't want to fight you anymore!"

"I have something to discuss with you!"

Just then, Tianji coughed, looked at the owner, and said in a deep voice.

Before the battle with the beast owner, Tianji's heart has full confidence and can kill the beast owner!

However, after a collision with the beast owner, especially after the feeling of weakness in his own body came, Tianji changed his mind instantly.

"No fight?"

Listening to the sudden words of heavenly machines, for a moment, the beast owner still had some disbelief.

"No fight!"

"Not only is there no battle, this seat is also discussing with you one of our big events!"

Tianji looked at the Beast Lord with a firm look.

At this moment, the original suffocation on the heavenly body also all converged, and the look on that face became kind.

"Discuss the big deal?"

"What's the big deal?"

The beast owner looked at Tianji and blurted out subconsciously.


Simple two words, but Tianji has exhausted all his strength.

His strengths are all above the beast owner, but at this moment, he is the second time to propose to cooperate with the beast owner.

In the eyes of heaven, this is a shameless thing.


"How do you want to cooperate with this seat?"

The beastmaster heard this, but was not surprised at all, it seemed that he had expected the heaven to say so.

In fact, after having experienced so many things, the beast owner has already wanted to understand.

To compete with someone else and Mo Wentian, it is better to find more people to compete with Mo Wentian.

What's more, the secret in front of me is not an ordinary warrior!

Thinking in this way, the heart of the beast owner has already agreed.

"The entire ancient relics have become the domain of Mo Wentian. You and I should be the few people who want to compete with Mo Wutian and want to compete with the Kingdom of Devouring Heaven!"

"You and I cooperated to kill Mo Wentian together and destroy the Kingdom of Devourer!"

"The entire ancient relics are you and mine, and those nine dragon-dragon sky maps are also mine!"

After groaning for a while, Tianji said coldly.

When the daytime machine talked about the Shenlongtongtiantu, in his eyes, Jingguang rose suddenly.

Before breaking out of that power from Tianji Mountain, Tianji had no idea whatsoever to win the Dragon Dragon Sky Map.

Because even if he won the Dragon Dragon Sky Map, for him, it has no effect at all!

But now, it's different. He came out of the Tianji Mountains and he is no longer bound. In this way, he won the Dragon Dragon Sky Map, and he can also enter the channel and go to the martial arts shrine.

At the same time, there was a look of anticipation deep in Tianji's eyes.

"Killed Mo Wentian? Destroyed the Kingdom of God?"

"Nine of the Dragon Dragon Sky Maps are ours?"

Nana whispered in his mouth, and the beast owner's eyes were full of magnificent colors.


"You said it was nine pictures of the Dragon's Power?"

"In this ancient relic, there are nine pictures of the dragon's power?"

But the next moment, it seemed to be remembering something, in the eyes of the beast owner, the light soared, and asked quickly.


"Nine Dragon Maps were born, nine each time!"

"Only these nine dragon-dragon sky maps were put together on the Kowloon map of that passage when the passage was opened, and the passage was truly opened, and everyone could enter the passage and go to the martial arts shrine!"

There was a gleam of light in Tianji's eyes.

"Nine Shenlong Tongtian maps come together to make the channel open?"

"It seems we have something to do!"

The eyes narrowed suddenly, and the beast owner's eyes skyrocketed.

"Do you want to compete for the remaining Dragon Dragon Sky Map?"

Looking at the Beast Owner, Tianji looked extremely serious.

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