Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1619: Fear of Witch

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Chapter 1619: The Terrible Witch

Xiao Yan's strength is really terrible!

It was just Xiaolong's emanating Longwei that had made his heart tremble.

"Yunming, chance has been given to you by this emperor!"

"If you don't catch it, that's no wonder the Emperor!"

"Little sister, do it!"

At this moment, Mo Wentian, watching the void in the sky pretending to be a relaxed noise, a mouthful of evil laughter raised his lips.

"Okay, boss!"

As Mo Wentian said this, Xiao Yan quickly agreed.

"Dragon Dragon Wagging Tail!"

Immediately, Xiaozhang had no hesitation, and yelled angrily, and the tail of the dragon drew directly toward the noise.

Xiao Yan's speed is extremely fast, I am afraid that compared with the general strong in the early days of the Supreme Respect, they are still a little stronger.

"Shenlong ..."

Nana whispered in her mouth, her eyes filled with wonder.

The next moment, the strangeness came back to God, and the subconscious wanted to step back, but it was too late.

Xiaoyu's dragon tail drew firmly on his body.


The strange figure flew upside down.


A spit of blood spurted out of his mouth.

For a while, Yiming's face paled.

"Master Xiaoyan is so strong!"

"Yiming is not even a enemy of Xiaoyan Hall!"

"It seems that our choice is correct. Fortunately, we did not choose to fight against the Lord of Heaven. Otherwise, the end of Yiming is our end!"

"Yiming is about to be planted today! But it is also deserved to plant it. Whoever asked him to start work on" too expensive head! ""

"Master Xiaoyan is really terrible!"


Watching Yiming's body fly backwards, the countless warriors with hidden forces took a breath.

The look on their faces was even more terrifying.

In particular, those warriors who were more optimistic about the strange sounds, at this moment, their faces were pale.

"Ask Brother Tian, ​​is this strange sound really so weak?"

Listening to this rumor, Tianhu flashed a faint light in his eyes, and asked a little suspiciously.


"This old mess is not done yet!"

"Don't underestimate anyone at any time!"

Mo Wentian's voice was extremely cold and his expression was even more serious.

Such a questioning day, watching the Sky Fox is slightly lost.

A certain position in Tianhu's heart was beating fiercely at this moment, and the fair-skinned cheeks rose with a crimson at the moment.

"Don't underestimate anyone at all times?"

"Ask Brother Tian, ​​I remember!"

In Tianhu's eyes, a flash of enlightenment flashed and he nodded.

"But, ask Brother Tian, ​​can Xiaoyu kill this strange sound?"

But the next moment, it seemed to be remembering something. Tian Fox looked at Mo Wentian with a little doubt.


"Xiao Yan's strength is naturally enough to kill the stunner, but this squeak should not be underestimated. It is not so easy to kill it!"

Mo Wentian's eyes narrowed for a moment, and there was a flash of cold mang in his eyes.

Yiming is the patriarch of the alien race, the strongest being among the alien races, and the sorceress and the strange beast are present. How can his method be simple!

But Mo Wentian was also very confident about Xiao Yan, and Xiao Yan beheaded to kill this strange sound.

"Ask Brother Tian ..."

Looking at Mo Wentian's confident face, Tianhu opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end, he didn't say anything.

"How old?"

"Are you against our boss?"

And at this moment, in the arrogant void, Xiao Yan shouted coldly and proudly.

"Little reptile, do you think you are really my opponent!"

"You just picked me up while I wasn't paying attention!"

Looking at Xiao Yan, Yiming's eyes, the intention of killing was terrible.

That's what it said, but at this moment in the heart of the strangeness, there was a swagger of fear.

Just now Xiaolong's tail-striking blow from the dragon, but he has already suffered internal injuries.

In his mighty body, in front of Xiao Yan, it was like a piece of thin paper, which was easily broken by Xiao Xiao.

"Huh ..."

With a moan, a salty sweetness came up again.

"is it?"

"Old miscellaneous, your mouth is hard, I will pump until you are soft!"

Listening to Yiming's unwillingness to speak out, Xiao Yan's war intentions skyrocketed.

At the same time, Xiao Yan's breath soared again.

Immediately, without the slightest hesitation, the figure of Xiao Xiao flickered, waving the dragon's tail, and drew towards the strange sound again.

"not good!"

Watching Xiaoyan's dragon tail drew towards himself again, and Yiming's heart raised a bad hunch.

Originally he thought that his physique was enough to resist Xiao Yan, but he did not expect that a random blow would have been broken.

"You can only take out the Witch Monster!"

"Little earthworm, I don't believe it, you can stop my Witchcraft Beast!"

There was a glimmer of gloomy eyes in the eyes, and a secret way in the strangeness.


"come out!"

The next moment, the strange anger drank.

"Roar ..."

"Hmm ..."


"Hmm ..."


Immediately, a strange noise came.

Then, I saw a wing with wings and corners, and a giant monster claw, a colorful, strange monster appeared.

On this monster's body, strange forces spread out instantly.

"Boy, this witch is strangely poisonous!"

"Can't be hurt by him, otherwise, even the strongest in the early days of Tianzun will be seriously injured!"

Watching the sorceress appearing in the void, the voice of the old **** bead sounded in Mo Wentian's mind.

"This witch is so terrible?"

Listening to the old man of Shenzhu, in the eyes of Mo Wentian, Han Mang flickered endlessly.

In his heart, at this moment, he was worried about Xiaoyan.

"This horrible beast is terrible, terrible!"

"But you don't need to worry about Xiaoyu!"

"It's impossible for this witch monster to hurt Xiaoyu!"

The old man of Shenzhu groaned for a while, and a thick voice came again.

"This witch is a strange beast, won't it hurt Xiaoyan?"

"But Senior God Pearl, aren't you saying that the Witchcraft Beast can seriously hurt even the strongest in the early days of Heavenly Supreme, but Xiao Xiu's cultivation is only the Emperor's success?

After hearing the words, Mo Wentian was puzzled in his heart and asked subconsciously.

"Boy, when it's time for you to know, naturally you will know!"

"This seat tells you that this sorceress will not hurt Xiaozhang, but I don't want you to worry about it!"

The voice of the old **** beast suddenly froze.

After that, the figure of the old man of Shenzhu disappeared into Wentiange.

"Senior Pearl, everything is unknown, someday I will get the answer if I ask it!"

Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a faint light, the secret way in his heart.

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