Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1627: Afraid?

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Chapter 1627 Fear?

With Mo Wentian's fist shot, a peerless dragon phantom stood proudly in the void.

Without any hesitation, along with Mo Wentian's fist, blasted towards the blood hunting tiger emperor.


The next moment, a loud crash came.

One paw of the blood hunting tiger emperor collided with Mo Wentian's Shenlong fist.

Mo Wentian's fist was directly crushed by the claws of the Blood Hunting Tiger Emperor.

"not good!"

Mo Wentian's expression suddenly changed, and his body receded quickly.


But even so, the blood tiger hunter on the opposite side rushed up.

Mo Wentian couldn't escape, and the blood hunter's paw caught Mo Wentian's left arm.


In the void, flesh and blood flew, and Mo Wentian's arm was directly torn away.

Under the blood, Bai Sensen's bones were revealed.

But this was a moment of exposure. Mo Wutian's whole body, nine peerless dragons appeared, and surrounded Mo Wutian's whole body to form a layer of protective cover.


Mo Wentian's body stepped back a few feet again.

"Buzz ..."

After a few breaths, Mo Wentian's figure was hundreds of feet away from the blood hunting tiger emperor.

The corners of Mo Wentian's mouth overflowed with blood, and his face paled at the moment.

On the left arm, countless blood surged on the torn arm.

"God Eater!"

Mo Wentian quickly started to eat Tianshenjue.

As the Devouring Heavens God moves, the surrounding aura quickly gathers towards Mowentian.

The torn flesh and blood began to grow at this moment.

But for a moment, the left arm had been restored intact.

But Mo Wentian's breath still fluctuated.

"It's worth the blood hunter!"

Mo Wentian took a deep breath.

The blood hunting tiger emperor's combat strength exceeded Mo Wentian's expectations. His Shenlong fist is already as powerful as the emperor.

"Boy, the power of this blood hunter monster is terrible!"

"If you take it, maybe it will help your cultivation breakthrough!"

Suddenly, the voice of the old man of Shenzhu resounded in Mo Wentian's mind again.

"Will it help my practice breakthrough?"

Mo Wentian's eyes were skyrocketing.

The next moment, Mo Wentian raised a smile on his face.

Since this blood hunting tiger emperor's demon is helpful to his cultivation, then he must ask the god!

"Human, I didn't expect you to have two brushes!"

"But what about this? You met me, and you still want to die today!"

The blood hunting tiger emperor looked at Mo Wentian, with contempt in his eyes.

That look, it seems that Mo Wentian is not in his eyes at all.

For a moment, the tens of thousands of bodies were approaching Mo Wentian.


"But Bendi, you will die today!"

"And Bendi will live well!"

Mo Wentian's voice was extremely low.

The words were light and windy, but Mo Wentian's heart was secretly obsessed.

The blood hunting tiger emperor in front of him is very good, but it is still a bit worse to kill him, but it is not easy to kill the blood hunting tiger emperor.

"Tiger hunting!"

The extremely cold voice sounded, and the blood-hunting tiger emperor shot with one punch and went directly towards Mo Wentian.

At this moment, in the eyes of the blood hunting tiger emperor, the killing intention was terrible.

The fierce boxing power seems to be to smash Mo Wentian into a smash.

"Shadow mystery!"

Angrily, Mo Wentian directly unfolded the shadow mystery.

Immediately, in the void, Mo Wentian's figure turned directly into Jiudao.

Nine Mo Wentian proudly stands in the void.

"Humans, playing tricks in front of me?"

"It's overwhelming!"

Looking at Mo Wentian unfolding his body, the blood hunting tiger in the void sneered.

Then, the blood hunting tiger emperor blasted directly towards Mo Wentian.

And the figure of the blood hunting tiger emperor going away is the true body of Mo Wentian.

"This little sick cat really has some eyesight!"

Watching the blood hunting tiger blasting towards the real body, Mo Wentian's eyes narrowed for a moment, and there was a cold chill in his eyes.

"Time Roulette!"

At the next moment, Mo Wentian gave a cold drink and took out the time wheel directly.

Without the slightest hesitation, Mo Wentian made countless marks directly on the time wheel.

"Buzz ..."

Originally, it was only a palm-sized time wheel, but within a few breaths, it had skyrocketed.

And it is still growing, but in a moment, it has grown to the size of thousands of feet.

On the roulette of thousands of feet of time, a breath of eternal immortality spread.

"Time slows down!"

Immediately, Mo Mantian flashed in his eyes.

With Mo Wentian's words, everything seemed to slow down in the void.

Originally, the blood hunting tiger emperor was only a few feet away from Mo Wentian. At this moment, it seems to be separated by thousands of mountains and rivers. The distance is usually a few breaths away. At this moment, it seems that Mo Wentian cannot be blasted for many years Body.

"Human, what did you do?"

"Why am I so slow?"

Looking at Mo Wentian, the blood hunting tiger's eyes were full of impressiveness.

"It's just time to slow down!"

"Little sick cat, let's die!"

With a cold drink, Mo Wentian's hands reappeared.

Mo Wentian was holding the Heavenly Devouring Sword and chopped directly towards the head of the Blood Hunting Tiger Emperor.

The opposite tiger hunter, looking at Mo Wentian, was beheading himself, but his speed was extremely slow.

At this moment, the blood hunting tiger emperor's heart raised a bad hunch.

He even felt a breath of death on Mowentian's Devouring Sword.

"What's going on? Why doesn't our emperor fight that human?"

"That human artifact is terrible!"

"Isn't the emperor this human opponent?"

"The emperor has a bet with this human being. If the emperor loses, then the human being will be left!"

"The emperor can beat this kid!"


Watching the blood hunting tiger emperor stayed in place, those blood hunting tigers instantly talked.

At this moment, their eyes, looking at the blood hunting tiger emperor, seemed to be waiting for the blood hunting tiger emperor to shoot.

"Boy, you are abominable!"

"Today, I must kill you!"


In the eyes of the blood hunting tiger emperor, the killing intention was terrible.

Immediately, the blood hunting tiger emperor flashed and disappeared into the void.

When it reappeared, the blood hunting tiger emperor appeared behind Mo Wentian.

He thought Mo Motian was attacked from behind Mo Wentian, and that strange time slowed down would not hinder his speed.

But he did not expect that Mo Wentian's time deceleration was directed at space.

No matter what direction he attacks Mo Wentian, the result is the same.

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