Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1636: Dan Yao

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Chapter 1636: Amazing Dan Yao

"Strange Beast Claw!"

With a sigh of rage, the different rat beast opened its claws and grabbed directly at Dan Yao.

Above that fierce claw, Dan Yao was not near, Dan Yao felt only the breath of death and swept towards him.

"not good!"

"I am not his opponent at all!"

Watching the other rat beast shot again, Dan Yao's look changed dramatically, and the subconscious wanted to retreat.

But he's fast, the alien rat is faster.

"Humans, die!"

The sound of Li drinking sounded, and the figure of the strange rat beast looked like a ghost, and the sharp claws seemed to fall on him the next moment.

"Looks like it's time for Bendi!"

Looking at this scene in the void, Mo Wentian outside the countdown, his eyes flashed.

Immediately, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all, the figure flashed and disappeared directly.

When it appeared again, Mo Wentian's figure had already appeared in the void.

Reached out and pulled Dan Yao who was still in place.

The fierce claws of the strange rat and beast, as Mo Wentian and Dan Yao fled, the paws of the strange rat fell to the ground.

Suddenly, the claws of strange rats and beasts on the ground caught several feet deep.

"Hisse ..."

Dan Yao could not help but take a sigh of relief as he watched the place where he was originally located.

He only felt that at this moment his body seemed to be no longer his normal, trembling.

"Dan tribe chief!"

"This strange rat, you are not his opponent!"

At this moment, an indifferent voice came to my ears.

Hearing that, Dan Yao came back to God, looked back, looked at Mo Wentian, Dan Yao's eyes were full of dull look.

Dan Yao is no stranger to Mo Wentian, who is the legend of the ancient relics and the only king of the ancient relics.

Before entering the passage, Mo Wentian gave him a picture of the Dragon Dragon Sky, but he did not forget it.

And only his Dan tribe exchanged and obtained a dragon dragon sky map, so that four of his Dan tribe could enter the channel.

In Dan Yao's mind, Mo Wentian actually had a bit of a favorable opinion.

"Ask the Lord, thank you for your help!"

The next moment, it seemed to be remembering something, Dan Yao arched his hands slightly towards Mo Wentian, his eyes filled with gratitude.

Thinking back to the scene just now, if it wasn't for asking questions, at this moment, I'm afraid he has already become the food of the strange rat and beast, where can he still stand here.

At this moment, Dan Yao could not help raising a little favor for Mo Wentian.

Even in Dan Yao's mind, there was a change in Mo Wentian!

Mo Wentian was not as abominable as rumored at all, but rather good, at least saved him in danger.

"You're welcome!"

Do not ask the look of heaven, extremely indifferent.

"Ask the Emperor ..."

Looking at Mo Wentian, Dan Yao opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"Human, it's you!"

"It is a good thing that you broke this seat. Since you saved this old thing, then you will pay it back!"

At this moment, the strange beast in the void fell on Mo Wentian's body.

Looking at Mo Wentian, in the eyes of the strange rat and beast, the killing intention was terrible.

If it is said that the eyes can kill people, Mo Wentian at this moment, I am afraid that they have been killed by the eyes of strange rats and beasts thousands of times.

In the eyes of the strange rat and beast, if it wasn't for Mo Wentian's shot, Dan Yao had already become something in his pocket. Dan Yao in front of him, although his strength was not good, but Dan Yao was the master of refining the medicine .

He has countless elixir, and those elixir are the most important to him.

But it was Mo Wentian's shot that made all his failures.

This makes the heart of the strange rat beast not angry.

"Roar ..."

The roar sounded loudly, and the breath of the other rat and beast exploded rapidly.

At this moment, the breath of the strange rat and beast has probably reached the early stage of half-step Tianzun.

A terrible horrible Xiao Xiaoqi burst out from the body of the strange rat and beast.

"Repay with the Emperor?"

"Hahahaha ..."

"Little mouse, are you sure you are not teasing Bendi?"

"It's up to you? To kill Bendi, ten are not enough!"

Mo Wentian laughed wildly while listening to this arrogant discourse of the strange rat and beast.

It looked like he was hearing some funny jokes at the moment.

The strange rat and beast in front of him is certainly good, but Mo Wentian is not afraid.

In the early stage of half-step Tianzun, for Mo Wentian, it is not difficult to kill.

"Slay you, ten are not enough?"

"Human, you are so arrogant!"

"Today I will let you know the price of arrogance!"

It was said that in the eyes of the strange rat and beast, the intention of killing became even more terrible.


The next moment, the strange rat beast did not hesitate.

With a cold drink, I once again performed the magic swallow.

As God swallowed again, a powerful suction suddenly swept away towards Mo Wentian.

This suction is stronger than before, I don't know how many times.

Dan Yao, not far from Mo Wentian, raindrops of sweat on his forehead rolled out. It looked like he was under tremendous coercion at the moment.

"Swallow it?"

"Little mouse, you thought you would swallow, wouldn't the emperor?"

"Today Bendi will let you see what is the real devour!"

And Mo Wentian, the body is standing still.

The cold voice sounded. Looking at the strange rat and beast, Mo Mantian's eyes flickered endlessly.

"Real devour?"

"Boy, my **** Tun Ke has never lost, let alone an ant in the realm of your little emperor!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, the strange rat beast sneered, and his words were even more arrogant.

Especially when the strange rat and beast sees Mo Wentian's cultivation, his eyes do not put on Mo Wutian's body at all, because in his view, Mo Wutian doesn't need to take his mind at all.

"is it?"

"God Eater!"

Looking at the strange rat beast, Mo Wentian gave a slight grin at the corner of his mouth and raised a wicked smile.

The next moment, Mo Wentian's expression suddenly cooled down.

With a cold drink, he directly casts the God of Devour.

As the Devourer of Heaven devoured his skills, a powerful suction force swept away towards the other rat and animal in an instant.

At the same time, Mo Wentian's power also skyrocketed.

"Booming ..."

"Roar ..."


In the void, sounds came.

The two powerful suctions entangled themselves in the void.

Only in the comparison of these two suctions, the body of the different rat and animal is receding one by one.

And Mo Wentian's body, like Mount Tai, stood upright.

"Ask the Emperor, how strong!"

And Dan Yao, who was dozens of feet away, looked at this scene and couldn't help taking a sip of cold air, full of impressiveness.

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