Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1647: Contempt

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Chapter 1647: Contempt

"Well mindset?"

"Human, you dare to laugh at this seat, you are looking for death!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, in the eyes of the strange snake beast emperor, the killing intention skyrocketed.


"The disgusting little sister-in-law is so irritated that he doesn't want to kill the Emperor?"

Mo Wentian's expression was cold, but his voice was extremely cold.


A dead letter sounded.

Immediately, in the eyes of this strange snake beast emperor, the fierce light soared, and then the whole person once again became thousands of feet of **** snake.

In the void, I saw the blood-stained serpent, directly toward Mo Wentian.

"Dog, let's die!"

Looking at the entangled alien snake and beast emperor, Mo Wentian's eyes were indifferent.

The next moment, I saw Mo Wentian making a fist.



Powerful, burst out.

In Mo Wentian's physique, nine dragons appeared instantly, Mo Wutian's punch fell, and he collided with the alien snake and beast entangled in the void.


Two figures flew upside down at the same time.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of their mouths.

"Ask the Emperor ..."

"Ask the emperor that the emperor could fight this emperor?"

"Master, let's wait for the order here, let's wait here!"

"That's right, even if we go there, it won't help the host at all!"

"Hope the master can win!"


Watching Mo Wentian's figure flew out, and talked about it.

Dan Yao wanted to help Mo Wentian, but thinking of his strength, Dan Yao was standing still.

Just looking at the figure with his eyes, there was a worry in his heart.

In Dan Yao's heart, Mo Wentian was his life-saving benefactor. If it was not Mo Wutian, he would fall in the battle with the strange rat and beast!

It was Mo Wentian who saved it. Dan Yao was grateful to Mo Wentian!

"How can this human be so strong?"

At this moment, Mo Wentian, the other snake and beast emperor, looked at Mo Wentian, and his eyes were extremely impressive.

Had it not been for the actual collision between Mo Wentian and Mo Wentian, he would never have believed that Mo Wutian's strength would be so terrible!

Unable to say why, at this moment the heart of the strange snake and beast emperor aroused a bad hunch.

The warrior in the early days of the emperor in front of him really really ended him, which made the heart of the strange snake and beast a little worried.


"This human, will not be my opponent!"

The next moment, it seemed to be remembering something, the different snake beast shook his head again and again, and there was a flash of cold mang in his eyes.

He is about to break into the existence of Heavenly Supreme Realm, and Mo Wentian is just a warrior in the early days of the Emperor.

Mo Wentian will not be his opponent!

The strange snake beast emperor, secretly told himself in his heart!

At this moment, the fist of the other snake and beast's fists clenched tightly and looked at Mo Wentian. The killing in his eyes was terrible!

"Ahem ..."

But at this moment, Mo Wentian stood up and wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth.

Looking at the opposite King of the Snake Beast, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a light.

"Disgusting little sister-in-law, said the emperor, to kill the emperor, but you do not have this ability!"

The corner of Mo Wentian's mouth was slightly grinned, and a radian was raised, but the sound was extremely ironic.

"With me, you don't have this ability?"

"Humans, you are so wicked!"

"The strength that this seat exhibited just now, but three or four of ten, I'm letting you, do you really think that this seat can't kill you?"

The ridiculous voice of Mo Wentian came again. In the eyes of the strange snake and beast emperor, the intention of killing suddenly increased.


His whole body turned on a mysterious **** pattern at this moment.

Those **** patterns look strange from afar, and his body exudes a strong and **** smell. This breath makes people want to gag!

"So strong **** smell!"

"Hey, what kind of exercises are you practicing?"

Mo Wentian's eyes narrowed suddenly, his brows could not help narrowing.

I ca n’t say why, at this moment, Mo Wentian has an intuition. This intuition tells Mo Wentian, the strange snake and beast emperor in front of him is not easy!

"It seems Bendi, you need to be careful!"

Nana whispered in her mouth, and there was a flash of light in Mo Wentian's eyes.

"Humans, die!"

And at this moment, the sound of angry drinking sounded.

The opposite King of the Snake Beast once again turned into a thousands of feet of different Snake Beast, but at this moment, the different Snake Beast has two snake heads.

The four eyes on the snake's head were extremely scarlet, and when viewed from afar, they were terrible.

At the same time, the breath of the other snake beast emperor is much stronger than before.

"Eternal snake swallow!"

With an angry drink, the Emperor Snake Beast opened two huge mouths and devoured directly towards Mo Wentian.

That looks like it is going to swallow Mo Wentian directly into the mouth.

"The emperor has performed eternal snake swallows. I look at human beings, and this time is definitely dead!"

"Swallowed by all kinds of snakes, let alone the humans in the early days of this emperor, even if they are different leopards in the same realm, they are not the emperor's opponent at all!"

"This human being can only be said to have offended our emperor. He is unlucky!"

"This human being is really miserable, so it will be swallowed by our emperor!"

"This is what this human seeks. Who makes him even more arrogant than our emperor!"


Watching the other snake beast emperor's eternal snake swallows, the light in the eyes of the countless other snake beasts skyrocketed.

At this moment, their hearts are even more careful.

Under the eternal snake swallowed by the different snake beast emperor, Mo Wentian will surely die!

At this moment, they were waiting for Mo Wentian's scream, and Mo Wen Tian was swallowed up by the other snake beast emperor.

"Ancient snake swallow?"

"If you want to swallow the Emperor, it's not enough for you!"

The cold voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes rose instantly.

The next moment, Mo Wentian's figure flashed and disappeared.

When he reappeared, Mo Wentian's figure appeared behind the King of Snakes and Beasts.

Sky Devouring Sword, in unknown hands, also appeared in Mo Wentian's hands.

"Bite your sword!"

"Breaking the sword!"

With a sigh of anger, Mo Wentian Yijian shot directly, and chopped away at the seven inches of the different snake and beast.

Seven inches is where snake gall is.

The snake courage of the other snake beast is in the metamorphosis stage. When Mo Wentian approaches the snake courage of the other snake beast, the three stars in Mo Wentian field start to circle.

It seems that they are very courageous to long for this alien snake!

"not good!"

"This boy, attacked my courage directly!"

Looking at Mo Wentian attacking directly towards his own snake gall, the strange snake beast emperor's heart raised a bad hunch.

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