Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1653: Solve them all!

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Chapter 1653 Solve It All!

The next moment, all the beasts exerted their strongest power and came madly towards Mo Wentian.

"God Eater!"

"Swallow me!"

And Mo Wentian was not reluctant to be outdone, he screamed angrily, and Mo Wentian's power quickly exploded.

"Buzz ..."

Suddenly, Mo Wentian Hang's devouring power was ten times more powerful.


A scream sounded.

One company in the group of different snakes that were not far away from Mo Wentian fell to the ground directly.

His vitality and vitality were quickly devoured by Mo Wentian, leaving only a green snake gall.

With a wave of Mo Wentian's hand, the green snake gall was directly included in the space ring by Mo Wentian.

This series of actions happened, but it was just a few breaths. Some strange snakes did not even recover from the scream. The strange snake was swallowed up by Mo Wentian. It's clean.

"Booming ..."

In the void, the force of devouring is endless.

The countless strange snake beasts, the vast strange snake beasts in the void, the combined swallowing power is not an indifferent opponent at all.

Their bodies approached Mo Wentian quickly.

That is not that they want to approach Mo Wentian actively, but that Mo Wentian's terrible suction makes them close.

At this moment, they only felt that their whole hearts were shaking, and that terrible breath of death was sweeping towards them.

"Rewind, we are not the kid's opponent at all!"

"Retreat! The more you back, the better!"

"It's too strong!"

"What a terrible suction!"


Feeling the scent of death, those different snakes and beasts that made up the snake array fled one by one.

And that the snake array, it collapsed instantly.

At this moment, where are they thinking of revenge for the other snake beast emperor, they just want to escape, and want to escape from Mo Wentian's demon claw.

But will Mo Wentian let them escape?

The answer is of course impossible. Mo Wentian has never been a kind-hearted person, not to mention, these strange snakes and beasts, for Mo Wentian, will not let him go!

At this moment, looking at the snake array dispersed, the chief of the other snake beast also flashed and wanted to escape.

But his figure was still too late, and Mo Wentian's terrible suction had already locked him firmly.

His body was out of his control at this moment.

"Do not……"

"You can't swallow me!"

At this moment, the head of the strange snake and beast is very clear, and it is impossible to escape from Mo Wentian's hands.

Suddenly, his attitude changed instantly, and he began to pray for Mo Wentian.

"It's you who is going to swallow!"


In Mo Wentian's eyes, the killing intention skyrocketed.

At this moment, Mo Wentian, that violent suction, swept away toward the head of the other snake and beast.


"Do not……"


With that terrible suction falling on the body of the eccentric beast, the eccentric beast screamed instantly.

The strength on him weakened quickly.

But within a few breaths, his vitality disappeared.

Those strengths gathered toward Mo Wentian's body.

At the same time, Mo Wentian's breath soared.

"Ask the Emperor, it is too strong!"

And looking at this scene, Dan Yao is extremely impressive.

At this moment, he is very fortunate. He actively requested to be willing to follow Mo Wentian, which was the most correct decision he made.

With Mo Wentian's horror, follow Mo Wentian, you must not be wrong!

At this moment, Dan Yao's heart became more and more firm. He must follow Mo Wentian, no matter how dangerous it is to enter Tianxian Realm, as long as Mo Wentian is there, he will follow!

At this moment, the chief executives who watched the other snakes have been solved by Mo Wentian. Those strange snakes are even more crazy to escape.

They fled deep into the realm of death.

"In the hands of Bendi, still want to escape?"

Looking at those wild snakes and beasts that fled, Mo Wentian gave a slight grin and raised a wicked smile.

The next moment, Mo Wentian's hand waved, and time roulette appeared in Mo Wentian's hand.

"Time slows down!"

With a cold drink, Mo Wentian directly slowed down the time.

And as Mo Wentian slowed down, the body of those alien snakes that wanted to escape was controlled by them. They clearly developed the ultimate body, but their body, the distance they moved, but Just a step away.

This made their hearts panic.

"So weird time slows down, we can't escape at all!"

"I don't want to die yet, why don't we let this human kill us!"

"Leave us, we are willing to do anything for you!"

"Yeah, as long as you let us go, even if you let us go down the hill and the sea of ​​fire, we will all be willing!"


Each figure, thinking for a while, knew that there was no way out.

Can only beg for Mo Wentian for mercy.

At this moment, the strange snakes and beasts, where is the pride and contempt just now, they are just like a bereavement dog, begging for mercy to Mo Wentian, praying for Mo Rao Tianrao!

"I spare you?"

"Why did you ever want to spare this emperor!"


Listening to this begging for mercy, Mo asked the look of the sky, and suddenly froze.

Mo Wentian, the horrendous endless suction, even went towards those strange beasts begging for mercy.


"Do not……"



Screams rang out instantly in the realm of death.

An hour later, the screams stopped.

"Ask the emperor, is it all done?"

Dan Yao watched all the snakes and beasts were resolved, and the figure flashed to Mo Wentian's side, and Shen asked.

"It's all resolved!"

Mo Wentian opened his eyes and stood up.

Glancing around, looking at the snake bones in the surrounding area, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a cold flash.

"Buzz ..."

Just then, among the innumerable snake bones, a strong and powerful aura spread.

For a moment, I saw a blood-colored lotus floating from the snake bone pile.

The blood of the scarlet lotus, covered with countless deaths, looked strange.

"this is……"

Looking at the blood-stained refinery, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed awe-inspiring.

"Boy, this is the lotus of death born from the breath of death in the field of death!"

"This is a rare occurrence for millions of years. I didn't expect to have your kid meet. Your kid's luck is really good!"

I do not know when the figure of the old **** bead appeared in the void.

Looking at Mo Wentian, the corner of the old man of Shenzhu raised a slightly curved path.

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