Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1657: Battle of the Leopard

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Chapter 1657: Fighting Different Leopard Beasts

However, such a cultivation for strength, in the presence of a little emperor in the middle, was still in a disadvantage.

In their opinion, it wasn't their chief executive who flew upside down, but the Mo Gen was right!


A bite of blood sprayed out of the mouth of the alien leopard beast that was flying backwards.

For a while, the breath on the head of the different leopard beast dropped.

Looking at Mo Wentian, Mr. Leopard's eyes were full of eyes.

"This ... this is simply impossible!"

"With my strength, it's impossible for you to block my punch. How can you blow me out?"

Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, he stood up, and the eyes of Mr. Leopard's general manager were incredible.

Had it not been for the horrible fist of Mo Wentian, he would not have believed it.

A warrior who is only a middle-aged emperor, the power of a punch is so terrible!

But the fact is, he is the one who can bear the fist!

"The Emperor is a legend!"

"With Bendi, nothing is impossible!"

Looking at the ecstatic Leopard Beastmaster with a terrified face, Mo Wentian turned a slight grin and raised a radian.

And just at this moment, outside the passage, the figure of the powerful ones still did not leave.

They looked at the arrogant figure in the bronze mirror, blinking without blinking.

"This kid, it's very nice, there is that person's strength!"

"This kid continues to grow, it must be a terrible existence!"

"Yes, this kid continues to grow, or it will not be long before he will surpass that person, so that we can fight in the world of heaven and earth!

"This boy, I must be in the house of my Yu family and become the glory of my Yu family!"

"Is it your turn to take this boy for your family? My old family is the best place for this boy!"


All the figures were arguing instantly.

For an instant, one after another blushed.

But while arguing outside the aisle, in the realm of death.

"Roar roar ..."

The sound of roar resounded throughout the realm of death.

This roar was heard even outside the realm of death.

"What's this sound? It seems to be coming from the realm of death!"

"The realm of death, as its name implies, is dead, and the number of people who can come out alive is very few to hear!"

"You also heard that someone could come out of the domain of death, but I have never heard of it!"

"I don't know who it is, but I did not fear death and broke into the realm of death!"

"But I heard that it is the emperor who eats the kingdom of heaven, and Mo Wentian entered the realm of death!"


Outside the realm of death, countless warriors talked.

Especially when they talked about Mo Wentian entering the realm of death, a dazzling light rose from the eyes of those figures.

It seems that they are very happy for Mo Wentian to enter the realm of death!

"It turned out that Mo Wentian had entered the realm of death!"


Not far from this group of people, a dark and strange figure appeared.

If Mo Wentian is here, I can definitely recognize that this figure is not someone else, but the beast owner who finds faults three or five times.

After the beast owner escaped from Xiao's hand, he began to recover from his injuries and hid along the way, he didn't even show up.

He was very afraid of meeting Mo Wentian and Xiao Yan. With his strength, he was not Mo Wen Tian and Xiao Yan's opponent at all.

These days, he is living a life that is not as good as chickens and dogs, and such a day is only known to him.

And all of this is blameless to ask the sky, if not ask the sky, he is the only king in the ancient relics of the high.

"Squeak ..."

Thinking like this, in the eyes of the beast owner, the intention of killing is terrible.

The fist clenched instantly, the joints creaked.

"This kid has entered the realm of death, good!"

"Don't say you can come out alive, even if you can come out alive, I'm afraid this seat has already entered the demon world!"

The next moment, it seemed to be thinking something, a gloomy glance flashed in the eyes of the beast owner.

Entering this passage is not only the road to the heavenly realm, but also the road to the heavenly realm.

Countless people are eager to enter the martial arts holy land Tianxian Realm, but he alone wants to enter the Demon Realm.

The demon world is the home of his beast owner, because his body contains the blood of the demon world.

Immediately, the figure of the beast owner flashed and disappeared in place.

And in the realm of death at this moment, the horrible powers rose wildly.

The head of the different leopard beast that had just been blown out by Mo Wentian looked at Mo Wentian with an angry expression, and the roar sounded even more.

It was just this roar, and Dan Yao, who was thousands of feet away, looked pale.


Blood spewed out of their mouths.

The breath on them was quickly reduced.

"Their physique is really bad!"

Feeling the decline of the breath of Dan Yao and others, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a cold touch.

Immediately, a flickering rune flashed in his hand and appeared in the void.

The next moment, Mo Wentian quickly made countless seals on this rune.

As the seals were printed one by one, every rune of defense was wrapped towards Dan Yao and others on that rune.

"Boy, don't see it, you still protect the calf like this!"

Looking at this scene, the director of the opposite Leopard Beast did not take any action to stop it. Instead, a glance of admiration was raised to Mo Wentian in his eyes.

But it was only a moment before it disappeared.

"The battle between this emperor and your alien leopard beasts will not hurt innocent people!"

The voice of Mo Wentian was extremely indifferent.

For Dan Yao, Mo Wentian's heart still has a good impression.

At this moment, when he rescues Dan Yao, he can increase Dan Yao's loyalty to him. This is the most important thing for no problem.

"Boy, you are fine, I still admire you for that!"

"But today you hurt me, and you still hurt me in front of all the disciples of the alien leopard and beast family, and you also killed the entire family of alien rats and alien snakes. Today is your death!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, the director of the different leopard beast turned his thumb up towards Mo Wentian.

But the next moment, the look of the head of the strange leopard beast was cold, and in the eyes of Mo Wentian, a terrible sense of murder was raised.

At the same time, the breath on his body quickly skyrocketed.


With a sigh of rage, the head of the different leopard beast once again shot and went toward Mo Wentian.

The power of this punch is ten times stronger than before.

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