Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1675: Not in your eyes

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Chapter 1675: Not In My Eyes

The next moment, the old man stepped forward and walked towards the hall.

But walking to the door, the old man was still hesitant, pacing back and forth for a while, his eyes flashed.

"Sir patriarch, someone broke our desert enclave, and there are still a lot of people. It's time you asked you to come out and preside over the big picture!"

The old man's voice sounded instantly.

The old man seems to be deliberately ordinary, and it also increases the decibel of the sound a lot.

"Master Qi Tianzun, um ..."

"These people are really disappointed!"


Listening to the old man's remarks, in the hall, a cooing sound of complaining sounded.

"Everyone get away!"

"I want to see, this is a good thing who doesn't know any good, dare to come to bad deity!"

The next moment, a sound of anger and drinking came from the hall.


Immediately, a violent explosion sounded, and a figure burst out of the hall with anger.

This figure, not others, is Qi Tianzun.

The anger in Qi Tianzun's eyes did not hide his breath. At this moment, his body's breath quickly rose up.

"Master Tianzun, Master Tianzun finally came out!"

"Master Tianzun comes out, we Qi Tianjie will not be in danger!"

"Yeah, those who break in, don't seem to have more than our Qi Tianzun!"

"Master Qi Tianzun came out just fine, we Qi Tianjie can't just fall away!"


Watching Qi Tianzun come out of the hall, Qi Tianjie's disciples instantly talked.

The look on their faces changed instantly.

Dim from the original panic, rejoicing.

"Elder, can you find out who this person is?"

"Ya Xing, who dare not to know how to disturb the deity, is just looking for death!"

The next moment, it seemed to be remembering something, Qi Tianzun's eyes fell on the elder's name.

Looking at Qi Ming, Qi Tianzun's eyes flashed a cold chill, and his voice was even more commanding.

"Master Qi Tianzun, I haven't found out who this person is?"

"The breath on him doesn't seem to belong to any world!"

The elder looked at Qi Tianzun in the same name, and looked respectfully.


"The breath on my body doesn't belong to any world?"

"Let's see who this person is!"

The chilling voice sounded, and Qi Tianzun's eyes were terrible.

If it is said that the eyes can kill people, I don't ask Tian at the moment in front of Qi Tianzun, I'm afraid I don't know how many times he was beheaded.

Said, Qi Tianzun went directly to the desert enchantment without any hesitation.

At this moment, his fists clenched tightly, his joints creaked.

And just when Qi Tianzun went to the desert enchantment, Mo Wentian, with Xiaoyu and others, had already come to the hall of Qi Tianjie.

A quarter of an hour has passed.

Mo Wentian took Xiaoyu and others, who happened to meet the Qi Tianjie disciples brought by Qi Tianzun.

"Master Tianzun, this is the boy, it is this boy who led us to break our desert bounds!"

"That's this kid? How is this possible? This kid's cultivation is nothing more than the middle of the emperor!"

"Yeah, this is impossible at all, let alone repairing the strongest desert enchantment in Qitianjie, I'm afraid he can't break even the stones in Qitianjie!"

"The breath on this person is really not from our heavenly world. So who is this person? Where does he come from?"


Looking at Mo Wentian, countless Qi Tianjie's disciples looked with astonishment.

Stunned for a while, then came back to God, and then talked.

They didn't believe it at all, and they could n’t break the Qi Heaven Realm, even the Yuan Heaven Realm that was in front of them couldn't break the desert realm, and it was even broken by a warrior who could not be repaired in the middle of the Emperor!

In their opinion, this is unbelievable.

"Boy, who are you?"

"Where did you come from?"

"What's up in Qitianjie?"

Qi Tianzun's eyes fell on Mo Wentian on the opposite side. Looking at Mo Wutian, the spirit and spirit began to explore, and began to explore the cultivation of Mo Wutian.

Qi Tianzun's heart did not believe that the young man in front of him turned out to be the one who broke his desert enchantment!

But no matter how he probed, Mo Wentian's cultivation was always the middle period of the emperor.

Such a practice is that in Qitianjie, it can only be called a maggot, or even a maggot.

"who am I?"

"Where do you come from?"

"Why did you come to Qitianjie?"

"Old thing, you are all going to die. Ask so much?"

Mo Wentian's eyes narrowed, his voice was extremely cold.

At the same time, a king-like coercion spread.

"The one to die?"

"Boy, you are so arrogant!"

"However, depending on your cultivation in the middle of the emperor, you dare to say you want to kill the deity. Are you teasing the deity?"

"Hahahaha ..."

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Qi Tianzun even laughed wildly.

It looked like he was hearing some funny jokes at the moment.

But in his eyes looking at Mo Wentian, the intention of killing was difficult to hide.

"Ha ha ha ha, this boy is afraid that his head is squeezed by the door, how dare he speak in front of our Lord!"

"I see this man entering our Qitianjie, just to die!"

"This person's practice is that although it is only in the middle of the emperor, I think this person is not easy!"

"It doesn't matter if he's simple or not, it's annoying us, Lord, this kid is dead!"

"Yes, it's not just this guy, everyone who follows him will die!"


Qi Tianjie said this in the world of Qi Tianjie, and quickly joined up.

In the eyes of Mo Wentian, they were full of ridicule.

But what they don't know is that the person they ridicule will soon make them regret their expression at this moment.

"Ask Brother Tian, ​​the breath of Qi Tianzun has reached the mid-term state of Tianzun. We are not his opponents at all. I think we are still ...

Looking at Qi Tianzun, who had a breathtaking atmosphere on the opposite side, Tianhu reminded in a low voice.

"Hahahaha ..."

"It really helps me, there are such beautiful beauties, come here!"

"Boy, give your beauty to the deity, and the deity can let you go!"

Tian Hu's words were too late to be spoken, and a wild laugh sounded.

I saw Qi Tianzun's eyes falling on the body of Tianhu.

Those little eyes, at the moment looking at the sky fox, even smashed into a line.

The evil smile raised in the corner of his mouth revealed the evil thoughts in his heart.

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