Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1689: Find treasure

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Chapter 1689: Finding The Treasury

Unable to say why, Qi Yun had an indescribable admiration for Mo Wentian in front of her.

This admiration was something he had never had before.

"Qi Yun!"

"The Emperor promised to lift the power on your Dantian that hinder your cultivation for ascension. The Emperor will not break his word and will lift it for you now!"

The next moment, it seemed to be remembering something. In Mo Wentian's eyes, the slightest rays of light passed by, suppressing the voice.

"Master, are you ... are you telling the truth?"

"Release it for me now?"

"Aren't you afraid I'm not good for you?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Qi Yun's face rose instantly, even with a bit of incredibleness in his heart.

"What Bendi said was true!"

"Afraid you are not good for this emperor?"

"Bendi believes you won't!"

"Let go of your mind!"

Looking at Qi Yun, Mo Wentian said indifferently.

"The Lord ..."

Looking at Mo Wentian, Qi Yun's eyes raised a touch of moving light.

"Ahem ..."

"Qi Yun, let go of your heart, this Emperor can release that power for you!"

A gentle cough, looking at Qi Yun's appearance, Mo Wentian's mouth, could not help but raise a touch of arc.

"Yes, Master, I will let go!"

In Qi Yun's heart, Mo Wentian was still a little bit stubborn, but Mo Wentian did so, so what else could he believe in Mo Wentian?

Then, Qi Yun let go of his mind instantly.

With the release of Qi Yun's mind, Mo Wentian quickly struck Qi Yun with strength.

"Booming ..."

The next moment, as that power entered Qi Yun's body, the power above Qi Yun's Dantian suddenly disintegrated.

For a moment, however, the power shrouded in Qi Yun Dan Tian disappeared.

A quarter of an hour passed quickly.

Qi Yun opened his eyes, stood up, looked at Mo Wentian, and his eyes moved immensely.

"Master, that **** power on my Dantian really disappeared!"

"Thank you Lord, thank you Lord!"

"From now on, the Lord of the Realms will obey!"

After rejoicing, Qi Yun knelt down towards Mo Wentian, and the look on his face was extremely firm.

"Get up!"

"Qi Yun, Bendi believes in you!"

Mo Wentian raised his hand slightly, Qi Yun's body stood up involuntarily.

"Master of the world, I will follow the master of the world faithfully in the future. What the master of the world will do, Qi Yun will do what I do!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, Qi Yun's voice was full of nagging.


"Qi Yun, now there is something for Bendi to deal with. You go down first. If there is anything in the world, report to Bendi!"

Suddenly, what seemed to be thinking, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a cold touch.

"Yes, Master!"

Qi Yun quickly agreed.

Immediately, Qi Yun's figure flickered and disappeared.

As Qi Yun left, only Mo Wentian and Magic Sky remained in place.

"Buzz ..."

Just then, a figure descended from the void.

The one who came down was not someone else, it was Xiaoyan.

"Boss, I have found out the news of Qi Jing!"

"This Qi Jing is Qi Tianzun's woman ..."

Looking at Mo Wentian, Xiao Yan quickly said the news he had heard.

"These emperors already know, this Jing Emperor has been resolved!"

Looking at Xiao Yan's serious face, Mo Wentian remembered it. He turned Xiao Xiao to check Qi Jing's news, but Qi Jing was brought by Qi Yun early, and he resolved it. .

But he didn't tell Xiaoyao the news, but now Xiaoyao thinks that Mo Wentian doesn't know anything. With a serious look, Mo Wentian can't help raising the arc.


"Boss, you said Qi Jing, did you solve it?"

"Boss, you are too kind and unkind. Why don't you tell me the news?"

Hearing that Xiao Xiao thought he heard it wrong.

But looking at the radian rising from the corner of Mo Wentian's mouth, Xiao Yan seemed to understand something, pretending to be a bit angry.

"Xiao Yun, this emperor should tell you earlier!"

"But Bendi was busy just now, forget it!"

Do not ask the sky to take a step forward, and reached out and patted Xiaoyao, the rising arc in the corner of the mouth, a bit more rich and powerful.

"Boss ..."

Looking at Mo Wentian, Xiaoyu opened her mouth and wanted to get angry, but eventually swallowed it back.

"Boss, although these disciples of Qi Tianjie all said to surrender, I feel that some of them must not really be surrendered!"

"Yes, boss, you should give them some elixir that infused your soul!"

Suddenly, Fantastic Sky's furry figure flickered, reaching out its claws, scratching the road that scratched its ears.

And as Magic Sky said so, Xiao Xiao, who was still angry, quickly said.


"It's really time to make some elixir!"

Xiao Yan and Huan Tian said so. Mo Wentian just remembered that it was time for him to make some elixir.

The elixir that was refined last time has been completely refined, and he wants to expand his power. There are still many places that need elixir!

"Refining elixir?"

"Boss, are you trying to make elixir?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Xiao Yan's eyes instantly flashed an incomparable light, an interesting way.

"Yes, it's time for Bendi to make some elixir!"

Mo Wentian nodded, and there was a complex light flashing in his eyes.

"But Boss, we have just arrived in Tianxian Realm. Where can I find the materials for refining elixir?"

Xuantian stretched out her furry claws, scratched her head, and frowned slightly, a little puzzled.


"In Qitianjie, there must be some material!"

"This matter, wait for the emperor to bring Qi Yun!"

There was a flash of light in his eyes, and Mo Wentian's mouth couldn't help raising a radian.

"Qi Yun!"

Thinking like this, the next moment, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate, said coldly.


With Mo Wentian's cold drink, a figure, but a few breaths, appeared in front of Mo Wentian.

Qi Yun looked at Mo Wentian with a respectful look.

"Qi Yun, the Emperor asks you, where is the treasure house in this heavenly **** world?"

Mo Wentian looked at Qi Yun and asked coldly.

"Going back to the Lord of the Realm, this treasure house in the Devourer Realm is just below this hall!"

"Under the main hall, there are artifacts and elixir for the whole heavenly gods!"

Qi Yun dare not have the slightest neglect, and quickly answered.

"lead the way!"

"Bondi is going to take a look at the treasure house!"

The cold voice sounded, but Mo Wentian's eyes rose with a ray of light.

"Master, please follow me!"

Hearing that, Qi Yun hurried forward and led the way.

Mo Wentian followed closely behind, Xiaoyan and Huantian followed quickly.

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