Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1699: Three Purple Friends Dan

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Chapter 1699: Three Purple Friends

"Stay here when you come?"

"Boss, do you want to kill these people here?"

"I also felt their breath, their cultivation is not weak!"

Looking at Mo Wantian's icy look, Xiaoyu groaned for a while and said in a deep voice.

The ten powerful men in the early days of Tianzun, in the view of Xiaoyan now, have great strength!

He may be the opponent of these people, not just him. If the ten strong men in the early days of the Celestial shot together, they would not be their opponents.

"Xiao Yan, whatever else, wait until this emperor refines this Ziyou Dan first!"

Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a complex light, and the low voice was cold.

"Boss ..."

Hearing that Xiao Xiao opened his mouth, and Ben still wanted to say something, but in the end, he didn't say anything.

The next moment, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all, and quickly smashed one by one towards the Supreme Dan furnace.

"Booming ..."

As Mo Wentian hit one by one on the Supreme Dan Furnace, a rumbling sound was heard in the Supreme Dan Furnace.

Outside the hall at this moment, ten figures were walking towards the hall.

These ten figures are exactly the ten people that Mo Wentian sensed.

Five of them are from the Yu family, three are from the ancient family, and two are from the famous family!

"You ... who are you? Why did you come to me to eat the gods?"

At this moment, the disciples outside the main hall discovered the existence of ten people, watching the ten people, the disciple said with a quivering voice.

"who are we?"

"We are the one you can't provoke!"


A cold voice sounded, and one out of ten shot straight.


A figure flew upside down.


A spit of blood spurted from the man's mouth.

The next moment, the person's body didn't even move, and his vitality was quickly dissipating.

Fallen, just fell in one stroke!

"What kind of people are these people? How did they break into our desert enclave and come in?"

"These people even shot and killed our disciples of Devourers, it was really arrogant!"

"They are arrogant. That's because they have arrogant capital. Their cultivation is not a little bit better than us!"

"These people come to us to find the fault in the heavenly **** realm, and quickly blame it on the master!"

"The lord is refining the elixir. We can't tell the lord about this news, we can't disturb the lord at this time!"


The crowd came back from their drowsiness and quickly discussed.

Although I looked at the ten people in front of my eyes, there was some cyanosis in their hearts. If they were in Qi Tianzun, they would have fled without any trace at the fastest speed.

But at this moment, they have a strong thought in their hearts, that is to stay.

Not only that, they also blocked the ten people for Mo Wentian who was refining Ziyou Dan in the hall, even if it was death!

"Yu Yu, these Qitianjie disciples are really strange. Why do they all call Qitianjie the Devourer of Heaven?"

"Ten heaven world? Why haven't I heard that Qi heaven is also called ten heaven world?"

"Is there a huge change in Qitianjie?"

"Is there any change, we will not know if we go in!"

"There are a lot of disciples inside and outside this hall. Could it be that they broke in hard, but depending on their appearance, they won't let us in!"

"It's really strange to say, isn't it to say that the disciples of Qi Tianjie seem to be scattered? Why are the disciples of Qi Tianjie so united today?"


Listening to the voices of the disciples of Devourers, the ten people who came were puzzled in their eyes.

Unable to say why, they always felt that Qitianjie and the former Qitianjie had undergone tremendous changes.

"Bang bang ..."

And at this moment, in the hall, a violent sound of rattle came.

"Zi Youdan!"

"to make!"

The sound of angry drinking sounded, and Mo Wentian once again printed one by one towards the Supreme Dan furnace.

"Master, it's done!"

"Really it!"

The next moment, a joyous voice came.

I saw Dan Yao's face rejoicing and making a mark on the Supreme Dan furnace.

As Dan Yao created this seal, the scene in the Supreme Dan furnace was like a mirror, and it was presented in front of everyone.

I saw three elixir shining with dazzling purple awns, presented in the Supreme Dan furnace.

On each of those elixir, there were mysterious lines flashing. From a distance, the vastness was immense.

"Boss, three!"

"It's three Ziyou Dan!"

At this moment, Xiao Yan, flashing, fell on Mo Wentian's shoulder, looking at Zi You Dan in the Supreme Dan furnace, Xiao Yan's face was full of joy.

"Three Ziyou Dans, that's great!"

Mo Wentian gave a slight grin, raised a radian, and nodded his head.

Ten purple buds can make three purple buds, and Mo Wentian is quite satisfied.

After all, it is not easy for Ziyoudan to make it.

"Jiezhu, these three Ziyoudan, if you refine the Jiezhu, it will be enough for Jiezhu's cultivation to break into the realm of heaven!"

Suddenly, what seemed to come to mind, Dan Yao's eyes flashed with respectful words.

"Can Ziyou Dan promote the emperor's cultivation to the early days of heaven?"

"This Ziyou Dan is already good, but the emperor's cultivation is not Zi Youdan's help to break through the emperor!"

In Mo Wentian's eyes, a flash of cold mang flashed, and his voice was lowered.

Unable to say why, Mo Wentian's heart had a strong hunch that Zi Youdan had little effect on him.

In this case, it is better to give this Zi You Dan to those in need.

Thinking about this, Mo Wentian's heart secretly had a plan.

Of the three Ziyou Dans, one was promised to the old man of the **** bead, which naturally cannot be underestimated, and the remaining two, one of which was given to Xiaoyu, and the last one was given to Tianhu.

As for Magic Sky, this Zi You Dan is not very effective for Magic Sky!

"Master, but this Ziyou Dan ..."

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Dan Yao opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end, he didn't say anything.

"All right!"

"Since Ziyou Dan has been refined, it is time to go out and face those people!"

The next moment, what seemed to come to mind, Mo Wentian's look suddenly faded.

"Boss, let's go with you!"

Xiao Yan and Xuan Tian both flickered and said at the same time.


Mo asked Tianqing, and nodded.

The next moment, Mo Wentian waved his hand, and collected the Supreme Dan furnace and three Ziyou Dan in the hall.

"Squeak ..."

Immediately, Mo Wentian walked directly towards the gate of the hall.

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