Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1702: Real identity

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Chapter 1702: True Identity

By that time, with his strength, he can't stop it!

"These ten people must be all resolved!"

There was a cold coldness in his eyes, and Mo Wentian's heart secretly planned.

"Isn't Pouyu a disciple within a hundredth ranking? He has a terrible physique. This boy has blocked Pouyu's punch, and he is only slightly injured. This boy is really terrible!"

"This kid is not from our Celestial World. It looks like it came from the ancient relics!"

"Isn't there a group of disciples who came in the ancient relic some time ago? I heard that one of the punches who came in was a boy named Mo Wentian. He was arrogant!"

"This kid is also so arrogant, wouldn't this kid just ask Mo Tian?"

"It's impossible, this boy's cultivation is in the middle of the Emperor's Emperor. How could he not ask God!"


Stuck for a while, returned to the remaining nine people, looked at Mo Wentian, and discussed.

They looked at Mo Wentian's look, and with a little examination, they seemed to want to see something from Mo Wentian's body.

But no matter how they searched, Mo Wentian was so bland, they couldn't find anything.

"Portrait family?"


"Your cultivation is still good. Bendi can now give you a chance. How about surrendering Bendi?"

Listening to the comments, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed.

The next moment, it seemed that I was thinking of something. Mo Wentian cornered his mouth slightly and raised a radian path.

"Submit you?"

"Boy, are you dreaming!"

"Hahahaha ..."

Hearing that, the rain on the opposite side laughed wildly.

That look, as if he had heard any funny joke at this moment, the light in his eyes flickered even more.

"It's ridiculous, this boy wants to collect Pou Yu, doesn't he know who Pou Yu is?"

"Yeah, Po Yu is a genius disciple of the Po family. If he comes back this time, if you bring Zi Youdan back, I am afraid he will be directly watched by the top of the Po community!

"This boy is so arrogant that he didn't take us seriously!"

"What's the use of arrogance, in front of us, it's just ants!"

"This boy is so arrogant that it seems to have completely angered Yuyu. I think this boy is undoubtedly dead today!"


Nine people behind him also laughed sarcastically as Mo Yu laughed wildly.

Especially those who did not deal with Mo Wentian, in their opinion, Mo Wentian was just a mid-term emperor ant.

If they want to beheaded, they can easily.

But what they don't know is that Mo Wentian's strength has already made Su Yu's heart so impressive!


"Bendi will let you know if Bendi is dreaming!"

The icy voice sounded, Mo Wentian's eyes flickered, and a terrible killing intention burst out instantly.

Immediately, Mo Wentian's figure flickered and disappeared.

When he appeared again, Mo Wentian's figure had already appeared behind Mo Yu.


Angrily, Mo Wentian shot a fist and blasted towards the head of Pou Yu.

"Boy, how dare you come!"

"Your courage is commendable, but I'm afraid your life is gone!"

Watching Mo Wentian appear behind him, Piaoyu returned to his mind in an instant, and said extremely ruthlessly.

The next moment, Pou Yu also greeted him with a punch.


In the void, a violent collision sounded again.

One figure flew directly backwards, while the other figure took several steps backwards.


Mo Wentian, who flew upside down, spewed blood from his mouth.

Looking at the opposite rain, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a cold chill.

"The soul of this psychic is really as good as the senior Zhu Zhu said, very good!"

"My Kowloon Eucharist is inferior to him!"

Nana whispered in her mouth, Mo Wentian wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and stood up.

But at this moment, Mo Wentian's heart raised a plan for the rain in front of him.

This person's physique is very strong, and his talent is not bad. If he is subdued, the cultivation of this person will be improved.

Mo Wentian thought like this, and secretly made up his mind.

This person, he wants to stay, this is quite good for him to build power in the heavenly world.

"Blocked? This boy has blocked the rain punch once again!"

"If I read it right now, the punch of Po Yu has already exerted more than 60% of his strength. Isn't this boy's cultivation the realm of the Emperor? How could he block it?

"If the punch of Pouyu was changed to me, even if it is not dead, I am probably seriously injured, but I didn't expect that this kid could block it!"

"This boy must not let him survive in the heavenly realm, otherwise, we would miss many opportunities because of him!"

"Yes, this kid must die!"


Watching Mo Wentian once again blocked the rain punch, at the moment, the hearts of these ten people are no longer focusing on Zi Youdan, but Mo Wentian.

The strength demonstrated by Mo Wentian has caused them to fear, and a sense of danger is coming to them.

"This kid, you must die!"

Listening to this argument, in the eyes of Po Yu, the intention of killing is terrible.

At the same time, the breath of Po Yu also skyrocketed rapidly.

"Must die?"

"The ants are still thinking about killing the emperor?"

"There are only seven hundred feet of ants, but they still want to kill the emperor?"

Mo Wentian's spirit and soul were unfolded, and the thoughts in Pou Yu's heart were all present in Mo Wentian's mind.

Looking at the rain in front of him, Mo Wentian's mouth could not help but raise a radian.

"Boy, who the **** are you?"

"Where are you from?"

"Why is your physique, your strength ..."

The next moment, it seemed to think of something, Po Yu took a step forward, looked at Mo Wentian, and said with a cold face.

Can't tell why, Yu Yu always feels that it is not easy to ask the sky in front of him.

But I do n’t know, it ’s not easy to ask where the sky is!

"For someone who is dying, Bendi tells you no problem!"

"Benediction is from the ancient relics, you are all right, Bendi is the Mo Wentian you said, that arrogant boy!"

"Hahahaha ..."

The light flashed in his eyes, Mo Wentian smiled.

From Mo Wentian's point of view, these people are all about to solve, even if he tells these people their true identity, then why not!

The news of his identity will not be leaked out, and for him, it will not be a problem!

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