Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1716: Mysterious woman in white robe

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Chapter 1716 Mysterious White Robe Woman

There must be disciples who are not sincerely surrendered in Devouring Heaven. This is a time bomb for Mo Wentian.

He absolutely doesn't allow this situation to exist.

"Yes, Master!"

"The situation of the disciples in the Devourer World, I will go to the statistics immediately, and then I will tell the Lord!"

Qi Yun looked at Mo Wentian, looking respectfully.


"You step back!"

The indifferent voice sounded, Mo Wentian waved slightly.

"Yes, Master!"

Qi Yun made a slight gift toward Mo Wentian, and walked directly towards the main hall without hesitation.

And as Qi Yun walked towards the main hall, there was only Mo Wentian Xiaoyu and Huantian left.

"Boss, this disciple in Devourer World should have almost surrendered!"

"Boss, don't you worry about these disciples, let Qi Yun investigate again?"

Looking at Mo Wentian, Xiao Yan's eyes were puzzled.


"Xiaoyu, Magic Sky, the predecessor of Shenzhu is right. We have a long way to go in Tianxian Realm. When we are not on top, we cannot take it lightly!"

Mo Wentian's eyes narrowed for a moment, and a cold cold mang rose in his eyes.

Do not ask the purpose of the sky, but it is standing on the top of the heavenly world.

He doesn't ask God to do things, either don't do it, or do his best!

"Boss, I support you anyway!"

"Boss, I also support you, as long as it is what you want to do, we support you!"

As Mo Wentian said this, Xiao Yan and Huan Tian said quickly.

They looked at Mo Wentian, their expressions were extremely respectful, and their eyes were full of firm eyes.


"Xiao Xun, Magic Sky, Zi You Dan from the Emperor, shouldn't you be refined?"

Suddenly, what seemed to be remembered, Mo Wentian flashed in his eyes and asked coldly.

"Yes, boss, the potency of this Ziyou Dan is really too strong. For a while, I ca n’t really refine it!"

After hearing the words, Xiaoxiong's heart moved, and an elixir flashing with purple awns and a strong scent of medicine was floating in the void.

Zi Youdan at this moment is still intact.

"Now we still have time, you and Huantian are refining well in this hall!"

"I will tell Qi Yun not to let anyone come to disturb you!"

Mo Wentian looked at Xiao Yan and Huan Tian, ​​and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

"Boss, you are not practicing in the hall. Where are you going?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Xiao Yan's expression suddenly became tense and asked quickly.

"Where to go?"

"Bendi just wanted to see how Tianhu was practicing, by the way bring some elixir to Tianhu!"

Mo Wentian gave a slight grin at the corner of his mouth, and raised a touch of radian.

For a moment, Mo Wentian felt both funny and a little irritable. It seemed that Xiao Xiao and Huan Tian were afraid he would leave them and leave.

In fact, Mo Wentian's heart also knew that more Xiaoyu and Magic Sky were worrying about his safety.

In Mo Wentian's heart, why didn't he worry about the safety of Xiaoyan and Xuantian? Otherwise, how could he give the two remaining Ziyou Dan to Xiaoyan and Xuantian, even Tianhu didn't give.

However, this does not mean that Sky Fox is less important to Mo Wentian than Xiaoyu and Phantom Sky. It is also partly because of the special constitution of Sky Fox, which cannot be completely absorbed by Ziyou Dan Sky Fox.

In this way, the efficacy will be greatly reduced. In this way, it is the best choice for Xiaoyu and Magic Sky.

"Boss, go see Tianhu then you go!"

"If you have something, you can't hide from me and Xuantian!"

When I heard Mo Wentian, I just went to see the fox, and Xiaoyan was relieved.

"Rest assured, Bendi just went to see the Sky Fox!"

"What's good, Bendi will never forget you!"

Mo Wen went up to the sky, reached out and patted Xiaoyi and Xuantian, and the radian of the corner of his mouth became more intense.

"Okay, boss, we believe you!"

"Since you want to see Sky Fox, go early!"

Looking at Mo Wentian's so refreshing appearance, Xiao Yan didn't say much, so he could only let Mo Wentian go.

That look, it seems that Xiaoxiong at this moment is even more anxious than Mo Wentian.


Mo asked Tianqing, and nodded.

Immediately, the figure flickered and disappeared directly into the hall.

As Mo Wentian left the hall, Xiaoyin and Magic Sky also fell into cultivation.

"Buzz ..."

Xiaozhang and Magical Sky exercised their skills, and Zi Youdan, all forces gathered towards Xiaoyan and Magical Sky.

At this moment, Xiaoyan and Xuantian's breath grew.

And just a few times, a few hundred thousand feet away from the Devouring Heaven Realm, a figure stood proudly on a mountain peak, this man's immortal style, a white robe, added a strange color.

"Master, I have already inquired about the news!"

"The person who refines the elixir in Qitianjie is the enthusiastic Mowentian who has recently spread in Tianxianjie!"

A figure, respectfully kneeling in front of the white robe man, looked respectfully.

However, in the heavenly realm, except for the people in the world of heavenly gods, the rest of the world do not know at all. The Qi heavenly world at this moment has disappeared, and the only thing left is the world of heavenly gods.

"Do you ask me?"

"Are you asking me again?"

Hearing that, the figure of the white robe turned instantly.

I saw this figure, not at all a fairy-tale man, but a beautiful woman.

A woman's face is like a peach blossom, her facial features are exquisite and pleasing, it is very pleasing to the eye, and she is satisfied just from a distance.

I have to say that this person is definitely a beauty, even if this beauty is better than Sky Fox, it doesn't make much more sense!

But at this moment, Liu Mei frowned slightly on her face, and her anger rose instantly.

"Madam, no need to be angry!"

"I have heard of this person's cultivation, but only in the middle of the emperor. Such cultivation, in the presence of your maiden, wants to beheaded, just like shooting an ant!"

The figure in the white robe shuddered as she looked angry.

But the next moment, this person seemed to be thinking of something, and a very bright light rose in his eyes.


"This person is not beheaded for the time being, it's just that this person's news must be reported to me in time!"

The woman's look eased slightly, but the voice was extremely cold.

"Yes, Lord!"

The man quickly agreed, and in the look, he did not dare to show any disrespect.

Immediately, the man turned and retreated.

And among the mountains, there was only that graceful figure.

"Do you ask me?"

"I want to see how capable you really are, and dare to refuse Elder Ju Yi's disciples!"

With her eyes looking at infinity, a woman's cold mang rose from her eyes.

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