Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1719: Not yet broken?

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Chapter 1719 Haven't Breakthrough?

"Roar ..."

Suddenly, the sound of dragons rang again.

At this moment, Xiao Yan, proudly standing in the void, the power of his body rolled out.

Above his gigantic dragon body, there were dazzling coldness and glitter.

"Boss, the last time Xiaoxiao Xiu broke through to the emperor's realm, all the dragon scales on Xiaoxi's body broke up once!"

"This time he wants to break through to the state of heaven, should he also endure the pain?"

And at this moment, a figure flashed, looking at Mo Wentian, the magical sky looked dignified.

In Huan Tian's heart, Xiao Yan's status is the same as that of Mo Wentian, both of whom are his relatives.

"Yes, the last time Xiao Xiao broke through to the Emperor, he had suffered great pains. This cultivation is about to break through to the state of heaven, and the suffering will be more than last time.

With a whisper in his mouth, Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of cold mang.

"Boss, I'm afraid Xiaoyan will need more power for this breakthrough!"

Xuantian looked at Xiaoyao in the void, and the expression on his face became more dignified.

"I will supply power to Xiaoyu!"

"Magic sky, you and I take good care of Xiaoyao!"

The icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of cold mang.

"Okay, boss!"

The light flashed in Xuantian's eyes and quickly agreed.

"Roar roar ..."

"Hmm ..."

At this moment, the sound of dragons came from the void again.

I saw in the void that Xiaozhang's body, which was the size of a thousand feet, had grown to 25,000 feet, and it was still growing.

At the same time, Xiao Yan's breath also increased sharply.

The anguish suffered by Xiao Yan also increased.

And just in the hall, as Xiao's physique grew, the whole heavenly **** world was instantly boiling.

Countless warriors quickly gathered towards the hall of Devouring Heaven.

"What a terrible Long Wei, this is the breath of Master Xiao Yan?"

"Master, is this going to break?"

"Master Xiaoyan's cultivation has already reached the perfection of the emperor. If Xiaoxiao breakthrough this time, it must be the strongest in the state of heaven!"

"This breath is so horrible. I think it's not easy for Master Xiaoyan to make this breakthrough!"

"If Xiu Wei breaks through to the early days of Tianzun, isn't that the strength of Master Xiaoyan terrible!"


Countless figures, looking at the hall of Devourer Realm, felt the terrible dragon power and breath, countless apprentices of Devourer Realm, couldn't help but sigh.

In the whole world of devouring the gods, the disciples have just surrendered to Mo Tian, ​​but can't say why, Xiao Xiao wants to break through, they are naturally delighted.

"not good!"

"Xiao Yan's breath is so terrible, and the disciples outside the hall will be hurt when he breaks through!"

"Magic sky, you look at Xiaoyu here, Bendi will go back and go!"

Suddenly, spiritual consciousness unfolded, and within that circle of counties that devoured the world of heaven, thousands of disciples gathered from it.

Mo Wentian frowned slightly, looking at the magic sky, Mo Wentian said coldly.

"Okay, boss, rest assured that I will take good care of Xiaoyao!"

Hearing that Xiao Xiao didn't hesitate, and agreed quickly.

The next moment, Mo Wentian's figure flickered and disappeared directly into the hall of Devouring Heaven.

When he reappeared, Mo Wentian's figure had already appeared outside the hall of Devouring Heaven.

"The master of the world has come out. Is this what Xiao Xiong's cultivation has broken?"

"In the hall, the vast Long Wei of Master Xiaoyan is getting more and more scary!"

"The lord of the world has come out, Master Xiao Yan has not yet come out, Master Xiao Yan must be breaking through!"

"Master Xiaoyan's cultivation has not yet been broken, this Longwei is already so terrible. If Xiaoxiao's cultivation is broken, wouldn't it ..."

"Master Xiaoyan is not a supernatural dragon, but what kind of dragon family is Xiaoxiao Xiaomei can't tell!"


Watching Mo Wentian's figure appeared, for a moment, outside the hall of the Devouring Heaven Realm, the pot was instantly exploded.

"Xiao Yan's cultivation is unsuccessful!"

"You all backed away quickly, and Qi Yun took them back quickly!"

Looking at the countless disciples of heavenly gods in front of him, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a cold and extremely cold mang, and his voice was extremely cold.

"Yes, Master!"

"A disciple of Devouring Heaven, back at full speed!"

Hearing that Qi Yun didn't hesitate at all, and said coldly to the countless disciples behind him.

"Yes, Master!"

"Yes, Master!"


Wen Yan, a figure, a respectful way.

Immediately, each figure quickly backed away from the million feet.

Watching the countless disciples who ate heaven and earth, retreated outside Wanzhang, Mo Wentian walked towards the hall with peace of mind.

After a few breaths, when Mo Wentian's figure reappeared, he had already appeared in the hall of Devouring Heaven.

At this moment, Xiao's breath was more terrifying than before.

It seems that the distance to break into the realm of heaven is only half a step away.

At the moment, Xiao's physique has grown to 28 thousand feet.

28,500 feet, 28,600 feet, 28,700 feet, ...

Looking at Xiao's body, it grew to 29,000 feet, Mo Wentian and Huantian could not help but widen their eyes, watching Xiaolong's surge in dragon body.

The eyes didn't blink, they seemed to be waiting for something.

But the next moment, they found that what they expected did not happen.

Xiao Yan's physique is still growing.

"Boss, logically speaking, shouldn't Xiaoyan's dragon scales change?"

"Why is there no change now?"

Seeing Xiao Xu's body skyrocketing in the void, there was a flash of light in the eyes of Xuan Tian.

"Yeah, the scales on Xiaoyu haven't changed!"

Listening to the words of Wutian, Mo Wentian's heart also thought about it.

At this moment, Mo Wentian was anxious.

"Boss, I feel that the pain in me is gone!"

Just then, in the void, Xiao Yan's voice came.

I can see that in the void, Xiao's physique is still strengthening, and Xiao's breath is stronger than the previous growth.

"The pain is gone?"

"What's going on?"

After hearing the words, Mo Wentian's brows tightened, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of complicated eyes.

"Buzz ..."

Suddenly, a wave of void came.

I saw a figure appearing in the hall.

This figure is not someone else, it is the old man who has been sleeping in Tiange for a long time.

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