Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1721: Finally breaking through?

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Chapter 1721 Finally Breakthrough?

"Boss, Xiaoyu ..."

At this time, the magical sky also looked at Xiao Xiao in the void, and a look of worry rose in his eyes.

"Bang bang ..."

Every cracking voice came again.

I saw the dragon scales in Xiao Nu's body in the void, but they were all smashed in a few breaths.

Countless blood dripped from the void, as if it had been raining.

An intense and **** smell spread instantly.

"Roar ..."

"Hmm ..."

Followed by a small cricket's howl, this howl resounded throughout the heavenly gods.

At the same time, Xiao Xun's dragon body circled frantically in the void at this moment.

The thirty thousand feet of dragon body seemed to break through the hall the next moment.

That proud voice, it seemed that at the moment, he was suffering great pain.

And at this moment, outside of Zhangzhang, countless disciples who devoured the world of heaven, stared straight at the direction of the hall.

"This is the dragon's voice of Lord Xiaoyan!"

"Isn't Master Xiaoying breaking through? Why is he making such sounds?"

"Mr. Xiao, what kind of pain is he suffering now?"

"Master Xiaoyao's cultivation is to break through, and he will inevitably suffer from ordinary suffering. Wealth and wealth are in danger. I think that the pain suffered by Xiaoyao this time is not ordinary pain!"

"No, why do I still feel a breath of mind? Is this the mind of Master Xiaoyi?"


The howl of Xiao Yan came, and countless disciples of Devouring Worlds exploded instantly.

"How is this going?"

"Xiao Yan's cultivation is to break through, and it will not be just a moment, all the dragon scales will be broken!"

Looking at the dragon scales on Xiao Yan's body, they all shattered in an instant, and in the eyes of the old man of ancient books, a touch of astonishment came up.

Such a scene, don't say he hasn't seen it, even if he hasn't heard it.

Xiaoxiong was just a moment, and all the dragon scales were shattered, which made him not surprised!

The old man of ancient books knows a little about the identity of Xiao Yan, but Xiao Xi ’s current practice is a breakthrough, but he has never heard of it. For a moment, what made the old man of ancient books not so impressive?

"Old Books Seniors!"

"What's wrong with Xiaoyan's dragon scales breaking up so fast?"

Watching the change in the look of the old man in the ancient books, Mo Wentian's heart raised a bad hunch and asked Shen Sheng.

"Boy, if the scales are broken for a longer time, he will suffer less!"

"And Xiao's dragon scales shattered instantly, and the pain that Xiao's endured will skyrocket!"

The old man of ancient books looked at Mo Wentian, and his expression was dignified.

"Boss, look at Xiaoyu!"

Just then, the sound of exclaiming from the sky sounded instantly.

"Little sister ..."

After hearing the words, Mo Wentian hurriedly looked at the little sister-in-law in the void, and saw the little sister-in-law at this moment, with the numerous dragon scales broken.

At Xiao Mo's dragon body, at this moment, the scales of the dragon were all shattered. Xiao Xiao was like a blood dragon.

At this moment, Xiao Yan's breath was extremely weak.

"The breath has weakened, and the vast Longwei has weakened!"

"It's so weird. Lord Xiaowei's Long Wei was so scary just now. Why did he become so weak for a moment?"

"Weaken? How is this possible? Master Xiaoyan is breaking through cultivation, how can his breath become weaker?"

"This must be the fork that Master Xiaoyi made during the breakthrough. Otherwise, how could this happen!"

"No matter what happens, Master Xiaoyan will be fine!"


Beyond ten thousand feet, feeling Xiao Yan's weak breath, countless disciples of Devouring Heaven, with a worried expression on his face, talked again.

In the hall, Mo Wentian and the old man of ancient books also felt something strange.

"not good!"

"Xiao's breath suddenly weakened, and he became so weak!"

"Continuing this way, don't say that Xiuwei broke through. He has no life at all!"

Feeling the change of the breath in Xiaoyan's body, the old man of ancient books looked at Mo Wentian, and his face was full of dignified expression, which lowered the voice.

"I'm afraid it will fall down if we continue?"

Nana whispered in her mouth, Mo Wentian's brow froze tightly.

Looking at Xiao Yan, his eyes were full of worry.

"Roar ..."

"Hmm ..."

Just then, Xiao Yan's increasingly violent voice resounded again.

"Boss, the breath on Xiaoyu's body is getting weaker and weaker, what should we do now?"

Looking at the magical sky in this scene, his eyes were full of worry, he asked in a deep voice.

"How to do?"

"Predecessors of ancient books, what can be done to solve such a situation?"

Suddenly, what seemed to be remembered, Mo Wentian looked at the old man of ancient books and asked quickly.

"Boy, there is no special way to solve it!"

"All we can do is to make Xiaoyu suffer less!"

"Not only that, but also to provide Xiaoyan with enough strength, so that the breath on him can no longer be weakened!"

The eyes of the elders of ancient books are full of gloom.

"Relieve Xiaoyan's pain?"

"Provide enough strength to Xiaoyu?"

Listening to the old man of the ancient book, Mo Wentian seemed to think of something, and a dazzling light rose in his eyes.

"Buzz ..."

The next moment, Mo Wentian's mind moved, and the elixir appeared in Mo Wentian's hands.

With the advent of this elixir, the power of recovery spread instantly.

"Boss, this is ..."

Looking at the elixir of pills, in the eyes of Magic Sky, a touch of refined light rose instantly.

Although Magic Sky did not know what elixir was in Mo Wentian's hand, the spreading recovery power among the elixir knew that these elixir were elixir that was helpful to Xiaoyao.

At the same time, Mo Wentian also appeared a jade bottle.

In this jade bottle, there is also an elixir, but this one elixir, the power that spreads out, but it is very powerful.

This power is the power provided to Xiaoxiu Xiu for ascension!

"Xiaoyu, swallow these elixir quickly!"

The icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's hand waved, and the elixir of pills instantly floated towards the void.

"Roar ..."

"Hmm ..."

Watching the numerous elixir floating, Xiao Yan's thirty thousand feet dragon body circled frantically.

Hesitating for a while, Xiaoyan opened his mouth wide and swallowed all the elixir.

"Buzz ..."

As Xiaoyan swallowed numerous elixirs, Xiaoya's body, the weak breath, started to recover at this moment.

"Roar ..."

Again, dragons murmured.

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