Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1723: Grow a dragon horn?

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Chapter 1723 Growing Dragon Horns?

"It's Xiaoyan's breath!"

The next moment, it seemed to be remembering something, in Ji Wujing's eyes, there was a faint flash.

There was a little joy in the low voice.

"Little sister?"

"No wonder I feel this breath, so familiar, it turned out Xiaoxiao was breaking through!"

"It's just Xiaoxun's cultivation, not just recently, that he broke through to the emperor's consummation? If his cultivation breaks through again, wouldn't it be to break into the early state of heaven?"

Listening to Ji Wujing's remarks, Ji Ming's eyes rose with a touch of astonishment.

You have to know that Xiaoyi ’s last practice was a breakthrough, but he knew it. How long has it been before Xiaoxi ’s practice was broken.

The speed of this breakthrough is not as fast as he knows. How can Ji Ming's heart not be surprised?

"Early Respect?"

"I'm afraid it's not that simple!"

Gently sighing, Ji Wujing's eyes flashed a complex light.

"Master, isn't that simple?"

Nana whispered in her mouth, Ji Ming's brow frowned.

"This breakthrough of Xiaoyan, you just look at his momentum. I do n’t know how many times stronger than the last time. I think his cultivation is a breakthrough this time, even if he ca n’t reach the middle stage of Tianzun, then It's not too far from the middle of Tianzun! "

Ji Wujing's eyes looked in the direction of Devouring Heaven, and the light flashed in his eyes.

"Young Master, is this impossible?"

"Even in the heavenly realm, there are very few people who can directly break from the emperor's consummation to the middle of heaven!"

"Xiao Yun's talent is not very strong, he can't directly break into the middle of the Supreme!"

Listening to Ji Wujing's words, Ji Ming's expression instantly agitated and said quickly.

"Do not believe?"

"Don't believe it, you and I can go and explore together!"

Ji Wujing's eyes flashed a light, cold voice.

"Tear ..."

Immediately, without any hesitation, he stretched out his hand to tear the void and disappeared into the void.

Seeing this, Ji Ming quickly followed up.

And just as Ji Wujing and Ji Ming went to Devouring Heaven, in the hall of Devouring Heaven.

On Xiao's body, pieces of dragon scales quickly spread out.

Above the spreading dragon scales, there was a blue gleam, and above the gleam, there was a cold chill.

As the new dragon scales grew out, the breath of Xiao Yan's body also quickly increased.

It seems that the distance from the heavenly state is nothing more than a few breaths.

"Buzz ..."

Dragon scales spread quickly, and the breath of Xiao Yan's body became stronger and stronger.

"Roar roar ..."

All incomparable Long Linsheng also resounded.

"Bang bang ..."

With the sound of Xiaoying's dragon chanting, the hall of Devouring Heaven was instantly shattered.

Xiao Yan's thirty-thousand-foot dragon body was completely present in the void.

The thirty thousand feet of dragon body, the layers of blue dragon scales are still growing, and the blue glimmer of light is flashing cold.

Just letting people see it, they felt the whole heart tremble.

"It's Lord Xiaozheng. It's really Xiaozheng. The dragon scales on Xiaozheng will grow out!"

"Master Xiaoyan's dragon body has reached thirty thousand feet, which is really terrible!"

"Thirty thousand feet of dragon body, even if you have seen it, you have never seen it!"

"What kind of dragon are you Xiaoren? But if you are a dragon, shouldn't you have dragon horns?"

"Yes, there is no dragon horn on the head of Master Xiaoyan!"


Watching Xiao Xi's figure appeared, countless devouring disciples in the world instantly exploded the pot.

All of their eyes fell on Xiaoyao's body, and it seemed to be something ordinary from Xiaoyao's body.

"Yes, Xiao Xiao is a dragon, why don't he even have dragon horns?"

Listening to this argument, Mo Wentian didn't tighten up.

Regarding the question of Xiao Yuan's lack of dragon horns, Mo Wentian did not think about it, but now I heard the disciples say this, Mo Wen Tian thinks Xiao Xiao that way, I also think Xiao Xiao is a little weird.

"Predecessors of ancient books, why Xiaoxian is a dragon, but he doesn't even have a dragon horn?"

The next moment, Mo Wentian looked at the old man of ancient books and asked with a low voice.

"Boy, what's the rush?"

"Xiaoyu naturally has dragon horns!"

There was a faint light, cold voice in the eyes of the old man of ancient books.

It seemed that he was a little unhappy about Mo Wentian asking this.

"Ancient book seniors ..."

After hearing the words, Mo Wentian opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"Roar ..."

An hour of time passed quickly.

In the void, all the dragon scales with a blue gleam had grown on Xiaoyao's 30,000-foot dragon body. Above the dragon scales, there were terrible coldness.

At the same time, as Xiaoyao's body all grew out of dragon scales, Xiaoyao's breath broke into the early state of Tianzun.

But this has not stopped!

"It's grown, it's all grown!"

"Boss, Xiaoyi has also broken into the early state of Tianzun!"

At this moment, Magic Sky also noticed the change in Xiao Yan's body, his face full of joy.

In Mo Wentian's heart, Xiao Yan is his loved one. In Xuan Tian's heart, why is Xiao Yan?

Seeing Xiaoxun's Xiuwei break through again, Xuantian's heart was happy for Xiaoxun from the bottom of his heart.

"I'm happy now, isn't it early!"

Mo Wentian stood up.

Looking at Magic Sky, the corner of his mouth said slightly.

"A little earlier?"

"Boss, Xiao Xiu's cultivation, hasn't he finished yet?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Xuantian's eyes could not help looking at Xiaoyu in the void.

Feeling the breath of Xiao Yan, he has not stopped growing. The eyes of Xuantian could not help widening, his eyes were full of awe-inspiring looks.

From the completeness of the emperor, to the early state of the deity, this is not over yet, and the breath of Xiaoxiong is still growing.

Although the magical sky is also clear, Xiao Yun's talent is terrible, but seeing Xiao Yan's breath is still growing, in the heart of the magical sky, can not help but be a little surprised.


"Xiao Yan's cultivation may break through a realm!"

Mo Wentian's eyes were full of firmness.

I can't say why. At this moment, Mo Wentian had a kind of intuition in his mind. Xiao Xiu's cultivation is certainly not just the initial state of Tianzun.

"Boy, your God of Devouring God cannot be conquered yet!"

"Xiao Yun's cultivation needs your help to improve!"

Just then, the voice of the old man from the ancient books came.

"Seniors of ancient books, do you mean, Xiao Xiu's cultivation can be improved?"

Listening to the old man from the ancient books, Mo asked the world subconsciously.

"Boy, aren't you saying, Xiao Xiao is a dragon without dragon horns?"

"Next, keep your eyes open!"

The old man of the ancient books gave a slight grin and raised a radian of the road.

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