Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1732: Go to Qitian Mountains?

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Chapter 1732 Go To Qitian Mountains?

"Ji Wujing, don't you feel familiar with this person?"

Mo Wentian didn't answer, but asked the question back.

"Familiar with?"

"Ask the Emperor, I have never seen this person, and I don't feel familiar!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Ji Wujing's eyes raised a doubt.

Immediately, he shook his head and said in a deep voice.

"Qi Yun, tell him yourself!"

Mo Wentian looked at Qi Yun and said coldly.

"Thank you, Lord!"

Qi Yun looked at Mo Wentian and said gratefully.

The next moment, Qi Yun walked towards Ji Wujing.

"Ji Wujing, it's me, Qi Yun!"

Looking at Ji Wujing, Qi Yun said excitedly.

"Qi Yun?"

"You said you were Qi Yun?"

Looking at Qi Yun in front of him, Ji Wujing seemed to think of something, and a very bright light rose in his eyes, and he asked quickly.

"Yes, I am Qi Yun!"

"You and I finally met!"

Qi Yun said, approached directly to Ji Wujing, walked to Ji Wujing, hugged Ji Wujing, the look was even more exciting.

"Qi Yun, it's you!"

"I still wanted to understand the situation of the god-eating world, and then inquire about your whereabouts. I did not expect that we met here!"

Ji Wujing also embraced Qi Yun, and the corner of his mouth could not help raising a radian.

"We were able to meet. This is no coincidence. Thank you, Lord!"

"It was the master who arranged us to meet!"

Listening to Ji Wujing's words, Qi Yun's eyes flashed the light.


Nana whispered in her mouth, Ji Wujing's eyes were full of doubts.

Qi Yun knows very well about Ji Wujing, and the same Ji Wujing knows nothing about Qi Yun.

According to what Qi Yun said before, the patriarchs in Qitian Realm did not become masters of any realm, but instead became Qi Tianzun.

In this way, there is only one possibility, that is, Qi Tianzun said in Qi Yun's mouth that there is another person.

For a moment, Ji Wujing raised a curiosity about the Qitianjie master.

"Yes, Qi Tianjie has completely disappeared in Tianxianjie!"

"What exists now is the Devourer World, and our Lord is asking the Lord of Heaven!"

Looking at Ji Wujing's confused look, Qi Yun's eyes flashed a faint light, quickly said.

At this moment, Qi Yun's eyes were looking towards Mo Wentian, looking at Mo Motian, Qi Yun's look was instantly respectful.

"Ask the Lord of Heaven?"

"Ask the Lord of Heaven if you mean the Lord of Heaven?"

At this moment, Ji Wujing also understood who Qiyun was talking about.

But in his heart, how to believe that Qi Yun said in the mouth of Qi Jie turned out to be nothing.

How long have you been here before Qi Tianjie?

It turned out that Qi Tianjie was conquered, and it was renamed as Tianwenjie.

For a moment, Ji Wujing was really a bit difficult to digest.

"Ji Wujing, this is exactly what Emperor wants to tell you!"

"Qi Tianjie has been conquered by the Emperor, and now it is renamed as Tian Devourer. Since you are going to follow this Emperor, then you will also be my disciple of Devourer!

At this moment, Mo Wentian aside, his mouth slightly grinned, and a wicked smile was raised.


"Bite of heaven?"

"Master, ask God, it's terrible!"

"How long has this been to Qi Tianjie, Qi Tianjie has become his territory!"

For a while, before returning to his mind, Ji Ming's eyes were full of impressiveness.

If it hadn't been for his own ears, he wouldn't have believed it, it was all true!

"Ask when the monarch is not terrible!"

"In the future, we will follow the master and improve our practice, and always achieve our goal!"

Listening to Ji Ming's remarks, Ji Wujing's eyes raised a touch of cold mang, and the deep voice was even more powerful.

"Ji Wujing, Qi Yun, you haven't seen it for tens of thousands of years. I must have a lot to say!"

"Qi Yun, go with Ji Wujing and Ji Ming!"

"Your cultivation has been improved a lot. It is time to improve on the cultivation of Bendi!"

The next moment, it seemed to be remembering something, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a cold, cold voice.

"Yes, Master!"

"Yes, Master!"


All the figures agreed quickly.

Immediately after, Ji Wujing and Ji Ming followed Qi Yun and left the hall.

As Ji Wujing and others left, only Mo Wentian remained in the hall.

"Ji Wujing, Ji Ming, since you want to follow the Emperor so much, then the Emperor will accept you!"

Looking at the three disappearing figures, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a cold man's way.

"Buzz ..."

At this moment, a wave of void wave came.

A figure appeared in the void.

This figure appearing in the void is not someone else, but an old man of ancient books.

"Ancient book senior, what are you doing?"

Looking at the old man who appeared in the void, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed, and he couldn't help asking.

"Boy, aren't you trying to break through?"

"Before you make a breakthrough, this seat reminds you of one thing!"

In the eyes of the elders of ancient books, a complex light flashed, and the voice was lowered.

"Remind me something?"

"whats the matter?"

Looking at the old man of ancient books, Mo Wentian was full of doubts.

"A miracle fruit of Qitian Mountains is about to mature!"

"It's time to upgrade the magic of magic sky!"

After groaning for a while, in the eyes of the old man of ancient books, the ray of light passed by.

"Is the fruit ripe?"

"It's time to upgrade the magic of magic sky?"

"Predecessors of ancient books, you mean, I am going to the Qitian Mountains immediately!"

Nana whispered in her mouth, Mo Wentian's eyes.

"Yes, it's time for you to go!"

"Although the Qitian Mountains are generally not visited by other people, this does not mean that no one will come!"

"This phantom fruit is of great help to Phantom ’s illusions. If your kid can take it down and help Phantom to enhance illusions, it will be more effective for your boy to expand the power in the heavenly world!"

The old man of ancient books looked at Mo Wentian and looked extremely serious.

"Thank you for reminding our seniors!"

"I see, I must take this miracle!"

For a while, after returning to God, Mo Wentian looked at the old man of ancient books and quickly thanked him.

"Boy, you have to take this magic fruit, you have to think about it!"

"Presumably the last time you went to the Qitian Mountains, you already felt it. This Qitian Mountains is not like other mountains. There are auras in this Qitian Mountains, but the same, wealth and danger!"

"It's extremely dangerous in Qitianjie. If you want to win the magic fruit, I'm afraid it will only be more dangerous. Your kid should think about it!"

In the eyes of the elders of ancient books, a complex eye light rose.

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