Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1735: The old man in the cave

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Chapter 1735: The Old Man in the Cave

"You remember the palace in the Qingfeng Mountains. The situation in this palace is just about the same as that palace!"

"The monsters in the Qitian Mountains are not only more than the monsters in the Qingfeng Mountains, but also stronger in strength. According to the truth, there are so many good things that the monsters must be. To snatch! "

Mo Wentian looked at Xiao Yan, his eyes flashed coldly.

"Boss, you mean, is there a weird existence in this palace?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Xiao Yan's eyes flashed, and said quickly.

"Yes, it must not be easy in this palace!"

Mo Wentian looked at Xiao Yan and Huan Tian, ​​his eyebrows frowned slightly, and his voice was lowered.

There was a strong hunch in Mo Wentian's heart. In this palace, he could not feel the slightest breath. The more he did, the more he felt that things were not easy.

"Boss, then you are talking about the palace, will it be the same as the palace in the Qingfeng Mountains, there is a fear of those monsters!"

"Otherwise, with so much elixir, why wouldn't these monsters take the plunder?"

The sky flashed on Mo Wentian's shoulder, and fluffed out his furry claws, scratching his head.

"That makes sense!"

"Otherwise, the level of elixir in this palace is not bad. Although the monsters in the Qitian Mountains are not bad in cultivation, who would think that there is too much elixir?"

"So, there is only one possibility, that is, there is a fear in this palace!"

Mo Wentian's eyes flickered with coldness, and his voice was full of cold words.

"Boss, you make sense!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's explanation, Xiao Yan nodded again and again.

The dullness on his face disappeared instantly, and a corner of his mouth opened wide.

"Well, the most important thing we have now is not these magical artifacts in front of us!"

"We must first explore what formations are in this palace!"

"First find out the formation method, the elixir and artifact in this palace, we won't be too late!"

Suddenly, it seemed to be remembering something. Mo Wentian's eyes seemed to be cold, and said coldly.

The next moment, without any hesitation, Mo Wentian stepped forward and walked directly into the depths of the palace.

At this moment, don't ask God's look, and be extremely vigilant.

Seeing this, Xiao Yan and Xuan Tian also quickly followed up.

A quarter of an hour passed quickly.

Mo Wentian and others also appeared in a cave flashing with red flames.

"who is it?"

"Dare to break into this place!"

"This seat hasn't tasted fresh flesh for a long time, so good!"

The moment Mo Motian waited for someone to enter the cave, a cunning voice sounded.

"Booming ..."

The next moment, a loud voice sounded, and a figure appeared in the cave instantly.

The appearance of the figure looked at Mo Wentian with a wicked face, and the person's eyes were even more hot, and his eyes seemed to see prey.

The salivation in that mouth seemed to fall down.

"Little sister, Magic Sky, be careful!"

Watching this figure appeared, Mo Wentian's eyes, the light flashed, quickly said.

"Okay, boss!"

"Boss, be careful!"

"This old thing seems to be very difficult to deal with. I can't feel the slightest smell of this old thing. His strength is definitely not bad!"

Wen Yan, Xiao Yan and Xuan Tian, ​​his face was full of dignified color, said in a deep voice.

Although Xiao Yan's cultivation has been broken, the old man who appeared before him, Xiao Yan couldn't even sense the breath on him.

There was a strong hunch in Xiaoyan's heart for a while, and his cultivation must be very strong!

Thinking like this, Xiao Xiao's expression became more dignified.

"He's really good!"

"Just be careful!"

The icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of cold mang.

"Boss, this old mess is coveted. It seems that this old mess is trying to devour us!"

Xiao Yan's eyes flashed, and Mo Wentian's eyes narrowed slightly.

At the same time, Xiaoxuan felt a suction, sweeping towards him, as if to cover him.

"Boss, what do we do now?"

At this moment, Magic Sky also looked at Mo Wentian, his face rising with a touch of solemn color.

"How to do?"

"Look first and then talk!"

Mo Wentian's voice was extremely deep.

The old man in front of him, at least, has reached the level of the later days of heaven.

But now Mo Wentian, only the emperor's mid-term cultivation, relying on the current Mo Wen Tian, ​​want to kill this person, Mo Wen Tian is not the slightest certainty.

And this person can survive in this palace for so long, there must be many means.

Thinking this way, Mo Wentian's brow froze tightly.

"Although this boy's cultivation is not high, there is a cold dragon next to him who is about to break through to the middle of the Celestial Supreme, and there is a monster that cannot even detect his strength. If he wants to devour them, it is cost Some energy! "

And at this moment, the old man looked at Mo Wentian, his eyes flashed with the fiery red flames, and his heart secretly thought.

"Boy, things are all settled, you should be on the road!"

"It's your pleasure to be the food of this seat!"

"Quack quack ..."

The next moment, the old man looked at Mo Wentian with a wicked smile on his face, the Yin Road said.

Then his figure flickered and disappeared.

When he reappeared, his figure appeared in the center of the cave.

"Boss, let me wave this old mess first!"

Watching the old man's figure appeared in the center of the cave, Xiao Yan's eyes flashed, and a flash, turned into a peerless ice dragon, standing proudly in the void.

At this moment, Xiao Wei's body was rolling and the mighty power spread out.

At the same time, Xiao Yan's breath quickly rose.

"Little sister, be careful!"

Looking at Xiao Xiao in the void, Mo asked what Tian Ben wanted to say, but in the end it was just a caring way.

"Okay, boss!"

Xiao Yan quickly agreed.

"Roar ..."

Immediately, the figures of Xiaoyan and Binglong skyrocketed rapidly, but within a few breaths, Xiaoyan had skyrocketed to a thousand feet.

Had it not been for the limited space of the cave, Xiao's dragon body would have skyrocketed to thirty thousand feet.

"Little Xiaolong, do you think you will be your opponent?"

"You can't blame yourself, don't blame this seat for swallowing you directly, you cold dragon, the taste of live swallowing should still be good!"

"Hahahaha ..."

"I'll swallow you alive!"

Looking at the little tadpole in the void, the old man's eyes flashed a bit of coldness, and he drunk.

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