Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1749: Ghost Cold Knife

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Chapter 1749: Ghost Cold Knife

"Dragon Dragon Wagging Tail!"

With a sigh of anger, Xiao Yan's dragon tail, the size of Baizhang, drew it toward Yu Shou again.


The next moment, in the void, a violent collision came.

I saw a figure and flew directly backwards.


A bite of blood squirted out of Yu Shouyi's mouth.

Looking at Xiao Xiao's arrogant face in the void, Yu Shouyi's eyes were full of impressive looks.

Just now he hadn't returned to God, Xiao Xiao's tail had already been drawn, and he could not even respond before he had been drawn away.

He asked himself that his speed was fast enough, but his speed was not enough in front of Xiao Yan.

This made him not scared in his heart!

"What happened just now? Why did one figure flash, and Yu Shouyi's figure flew out?"

"It seems that there is a blue mang flashing, it is the figure of that cold dragon, and that cold dragon's tail is drawn on Yu first-class body!"

"This cold dragon's cultivation is in the early days of talented celestial master, how can his speed be so fast?"

"This Hanlong is really terrible. Will Yu Youyi be his opponent?"

"No wonder this boy and this cold dragon have been in this palace for three days. The strength of this cold dragon is really good!"


Watching Yu Shouyi's figure flew out, one after another, they talked again.

In their eyes, they are also extremely impressive.

Just a dazzling moment ago, Yu Shouyi's figure flew upside down again, which made them not surprised at all.

What's more, Yu Yujie is a person from Yu Tianjie. Yu Tianjie's physical method is faster than people from other worlds, but I don't know how many times.

The warriors in Yu Tianjie, who has always been known in the heavenly world for the physical method, actually suffered because of the physical method in the face of the monsters lower than their own, which made everyone's hearts not shocked?

"Do not……"

"It's impossible. How could he be faster than me?"

Listening to this argument, Yu Shouyi came back, looking at Xiao Yan, Yu Shouyi's eyes were full of incredible.

You should know that the Xiaoyan in front of him can only be in the early stage of Tianzun, but he is in the middle stage of Tianzun, and he is just a step away from the late stage of Tianzun.

But it was his dazzling eye that caused him a minor injury.

How did Yu Shou's heart not be surprised?

"Dog stuff, how about it?"

"Your grandfather and my dragon are swinging tails, right?"

Just then, Xiao Yan's voice filled with taunt.

"It tastes good?"

"Han Long, don't be crazy!"

"While I don't have any skill, I will fight against you well, and I want to let you know that I am superb!"

Listening to Xiao Yan's arrogant words, Yu Shou's hands clenched into fists. Looking at Xiao Yan, the killing in his eyes was unabashed.

At the same time, Yu Shouyi's hands, a knife with a length of several feet appeared, shining brightly on the knife.

With the appearance of the knife, the palace exploded again.

"This is the artifact of the late Emperor Ghost Cold Sword? Ghost Cold Sword, is that the ghost knife that has been lost for a long time and is rumored to be five-living under the same realm?"

"The horror of the Nether Cold Knife is famous, not to mention that this cold dragon's cultivation is worse than Yu Shouyi by a small realm. Even in the same realm, this Hanlong will not be Yu Rongyi's opponent ! "

"It's really a shame that this cold dragon is, in fact, his strength is not bad!"

"Arrogance always has to pay some price, isn't he strong? Isn't he very arrogant? I see how arrogant he is under Yu Youyi's ghostly cold sword!"

"But don't underestimate this cold dragon. Since he dares to stand up to fight Yu Yushou, his strength will not be worse!"


Each figure fell on Xiaoyao's body. They looked at Xiaoyao, and in the eyes of some warriors, there was a touch of sympathy.

It seemed to them that it was impossible for Xiaoyu to survive under Yu Youyi's ghostly cold sword.

At this moment, they were full of confidence in Yu Yiyi, as if they had all seen the scene where Xiaoyi was split in half under Yu Youyi's ghostly cold sword.

At this moment, their eyes did not blink, and they seemed afraid of missing something.

"Han Long, die!"

And at this moment, the chilling voice sounded, Yu Shouyi went straight to Xiaoyan.

The rolling blade on that knife seemed to split Xiaoyao in half.

"Little sister, be careful!"

Looking at the scene in the void, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a cold mang, quickly reminded.


Hearing that Xiao Xiao nodded.

Immediately, the figure flickered and greeted directly towards Yu Youyi.

At this moment, Xiaoyan, with his immense vastness of dragon power, shrouded towards Yu first-class.

"Good strong Longwei, rewind!"

"This dragon is really too strong, and my knees seem to be out of my control now!"

"Isn't this just a cold dragon? How could he be so powerful?"

"This Hanlong, it doesn't seem to be weak, who will be the final winner of this Hanlong and Yu Yiyi?"

"It must be Yu Yiyi, even if this dragon is strong, it will not be able to block Yu Youyi's ghostly cold sword!"


Feeling the violent Long Wei, countless warriors, the figure shivered.

If they hadn't stabilized their minds, I am afraid that among the remaining nineteen people, many of them would kneel down towards Xiaoyu.

At this moment, Xiao Xiao seemed to have the coercion of the king, making them unable to bear to bow down.

However, in most people's hearts, they still believe in Yu Yiyi, after all, Yu Yiyi's cultivation is stronger than Xiao Yan, and there is a ghostly sword in hand.

"Hmm ..."

A loud crash sounded.

It seemed that the collision with the knife was not Xiaolong's dragon body, but an identical sharp blade, which made a sound of metal collision.


Immediately, both figures flew out.


A sip of blood squirted out of the mouth of Xiao Yan and Yu Shouyi at the same time.

"Little sister!"

Looking at this scene, Mo Wentian flashed a cold flash in his eyes.

"Boss, I'm fine!"

"These are first-rate, I must solve them today!"

The small figure flashed, and once again stood proud in the void, with a firm look.

"Xiao Xun, this first-class Ghost Cold Knife is not that simple!"

"You must not let his ghostly sword hurt his body!"

Looking at Xiao Yan's firm face, Mo Wentian looked solemn and solemn, lowering his voice.

"Okay, boss!"

Hearing that Xiao Xiao quickly agreed.

"Ghost Cold Knife?"

"This knife is weird!"

The next moment, it seemed that what was found, Mo Wentian's eyes narrowed, and the secret way in his heart.

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