Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1751: Sneak attack

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Chapter 1751 sneak attack

"Look, this is the ghostly air, this is the ghostly air of rumors!"

"It is rumored that the Nether Cold Knife can only summon the Nether Cold Knife to perfection if it is cultivated to its fullness. I did not expect that this first class is so strong that it can summon the Nether Air!"

"Yu Youyi is still better. Just this dim atmosphere cannot be blocked by ordinary people!"

"This nether air is really terrible. We retreat a bit and can't let this nether air hurt!"

"Yeah, this nether air invades the body a little bit and damages the root, let alone the breakthrough of Xiuwei in the future, I heard that Xiuwei will decrease!"


Every figure came back to God from awe-inspiring.

Feeling the weird sorrowful air coming, all the figures receded quickly.

Even if some of the warriors were slightly lower, they could not bear it at this moment, and their faces were extremely pale.

The figure that was repaired to be the strongest and leanest has been backed up again and again.

Knowing that they had retreated outside Baizhang, they stopped.

Looking at the void, without blinking, his eyes seemed to be afraid of missing something.

"Han Long, I will chop you into pieces!"


The cold voice sounded, and the weird murky air in the void struck madly towards Xiaoyan.

"Hmm ..."

"Han Long, become my delicious food!"


And just as the forces invaded Xiaoxiao, a strange voice sounded in Xiaoyan's ear.

"not good!"

"Boss, this ghostly cold sword has probably formed an instrumental spirit, and this instrumental spirit is shaking Xiaoya's mind!"

At this moment, Phantom seemed to have found something, and a flash of cold mang flashed in his eyes, and he said quickly.

"Shake Xiaoyao's mind?"

"These first-class ones are really indecent, and they want to attack Xiaoyi's mind in such a vicious way!"

"But with the emperor, think of it!"

Listening to the words of the magical sky, Mo Wentian's eyes burst into a very cold cold mang.

At the same time, Mo Wentian's breath quickly skyrocketed, and the cold breath was spreading even more.

"Booming ..."

The next moment, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all, and quickly rushed into Xiaoyin's body one by one.

Mo Wentian's speed is extremely fast. Among the people who printed the secrets, except for the thin figure and barely seeing a residual image, the rest were not found at all.

"This man is really not easy!"

And just as Mo Wentian printed out one by one, the thin figure outside Baizhang flashed a complex light in his eyes, and the secret way in his heart.

"Buzz ..."

And with Mo Wentian's one-by-one Indian tactics hitting, in the void, Xiao Yan only felt that his mind was extremely stable.

It seems that there is no wave that can't attract the mind no matter what. As for the sound that rang in the ear, it can't attract Xiaoyan's attention at all.

"what happened?"

"The cold dragon's heart is so stable. The spirit of the ghostly cold sword can't even attract him in the slightest fluctuation!"

And at this moment, Yu Yiping, who was opposite, soon found that Xiaoyan was unmoved, and a moment of coldness was rising in his eyes.

At this moment, Yu Shou's heart was even more shocked.

The spirit of the Nether Cold Knife, the mind attacked, but he never lost his hand.

But this time in Xiaoyan's presence, he actually lost his hand, which made Yu Shouyi's heart not surprised?

"No matter what, the mind can't attack, then cut it directly!"

The next moment, it seemed to be remembered, Yu Shouyi fell directly towards Xiao Yan's dragon body.

"Dog, I don't know if I live or die!"

The cold voice sounded, and Xiao's eyes skyrocketed.

The next moment, the giant tail drew up directly toward the nether air.


A collision sounded again.

But Yu first-class expected to cut off Xiao's dragon tail, but he didn't cut it. Even he hadn't even touched Xiao Xiao's dragon tail, and Xiao Yan's giant tail had already fallen on him.


A scream rang out instantly.

This scream is undoubtedly Yu Yu first-rate.

Yu Shouyi's body was pumped directly to the ground by Xiaoyu.


There was blood in his mouth, and Yu Shou's face was instantly pale without any trace of blood.

At the same time, Yu Yiyi's breath quickly decreased.

"This ... how is this possible?"

"I have used the Nether Air, how could you still hurt me?"

Looking at Xiao Yan, Yu Shouyi's eyes were incredible.

In his opinion, the strength in front of him is definitely not so terrible, which has left Yu Shou's heart stunned.

"Lost? Yu Yisheng lost?"

"Yu Yiping is not this Hanlong's opponent?"

"Some people's strengths are not for repairs. I think the strength of Hanlong is not measured by repairs!"

"Yu first-class strength is still too bad!"

"This cold dragon is so powerful that it must not be missed. It is good for our tribe to pass on the news and accept him!"


Listening to Yu Shouyi's unbelievable words, countless warriors came back to God.

Looking at the proud figure in the void, at this moment their views on Xiaoyu have changed.

The warriors who believed in Yu Yuyi now believe that Xiao Yan will win!

After all, Yu Shouyu took out even the strongest Ghost Han Dao and Ghost Qi, but he was not Xiaoyan ’s opponent. In their opinion, Yu Shouyu has lost!

"Dog stuff, everything is possible in the presence of Master!"

Xiao Yan's face was arrogant.

"Boy, I'm not fighting this cold dragon, it's you!"

"You offended me, I want to kill you!"

Suddenly, it seems to be thinking of something, Yu Shou's eyes fell on Mo Wentian not far away.

Looking at Mo Wentian, Yu Shouyi's eyes were terrible.

If the eyes can kill people, Mo Wentian at this moment, I do not know how many times have been beheaded by Yu Shouyi.

Having said that, Yu Shou did not hesitate in the slightest, holding the nether cold knife, and beheaded directly towards Mo Wentian.

"not good!"

"It's abominable that this first-class dare to kill the boss!"

Looking at this scene, Xiao Yan's heart was so angry.

Without any hesitation, the figure flickered, and the 20,000-foot dragon body was directly in front of Mo Wentian.

At the same time, the thousands of dragon tails were drawn towards Yu's head.

At this moment, Yu Shouyi had all eyes on Mo Wentian. After all, the face he lost in front of everyone was because of Mo Wentian.

If it were not for asking, how could he be like this.

At this moment, Yu Shouyi put everything down to Mo Wentian.

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