Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1763: Compare illusion

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Chapter 1763 Comparing Illusions

"Can Magic Sky win?"

"Magic sky illusion, fantasy sky is called the second, I am afraid no one dare to call the first!"

In the eyes of Mo Wentian, Han Mang flickered, and his voice was full of confidence.

Mo Wentian is really very confident about the magic of magical sky. He is convinced that the magical beast in front of him is not his opponent at all.

As long as the illusion of the phantom beast is not the opponent of phantom sky, and Jinjin Mountain is present, it is naturally extremely easy to solve this phantom beast.

"I said it, my phantom beast has this courage!"

"Your illusion is definitely better than me!"

And at this moment, the pride of the phantom beast sounded again.


"Jinjin Mountain, when you step back, I will compare the magic with this phantom beast!"

Looking at the phantom beast, Xuantian nodded, and there was a flash of light in her eyes.

The power of this phantom beast is indeed stronger than that of phantom, but phantom also has full confidence and defeats phantom beasts in illusion.

"My phantom beast compares you with illusion. It is simpler than lest it be more complicated. You are awkward!"

The next moment, it seemed to be remembering something, the phantom beast looked at Phantom Sky with a disdainful expression.

"Complicated. Am I awkward?"

"Zhuan Phantom, soon I will let you know that it is not me but you who are embarrassed!"

Listening to the scornful words of the phantom beast, the corner of the mouth of the magical sky even raised a touch of arc, incomparably said.

"is it?"

"Then we will determine the rules of the game!"

"The rules are very simple, that is, three wins and two wins. I will imitate anything first. If you can find out my identity within the prescribed time, I will lose, otherwise I win.

With a slight cough, the eyes of the phantom beast looked at Phantom Sky, full of contempt.

"it is good!"

"Then you set the time, how long does it take to find out your identity?"

Hearing that, the magic sky didn't even think about it, he directly agreed, and the light in his eyes flashed instantly.

He groaned for a moment, and a complex gaze flashed in his eyes, he asked in a deep voice.

"How long does it take to find the ontology?"

"How about a quarter of an hour?"

Slightly hesitated, returning to God, the Phantom Beast said seriously.

"it is good!"

"I agree to your terms, and it's not too late, let's get started!"

Looking at the phantom beast, in the eyes of phantom sky, there was a touch of fine light.

But the next moment, the look of the magic sky suddenly became serious.

"The first game will be illusioned, you will find my own body!"

The indifferent voice sounded, and in the void, the little phantom beast flashed and disappeared into the void.

"Buzz ..."

There was a wave of void in the sky, and I saw that there was no wave in the void at this moment.

Not even the slightest breath surging.

"Boss, this phantom beast has disappeared!"

"What the **** did this illusionary creature become? There is not much in this cave!"

Looking at this scene, Xiaozhang froze slightly, returning to God, and a little doubt appeared in her eyes.

"But don't underestimate this phantom beast. Although this phantom beast's illusion is worse than phantom sky, but in general, his illusion is not bad!"

The icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of cold mang.

I can't say why, watching the figure disappeared, Mo Wentian had a hunch in his heart, this phantom beast must not be simple.

"Booming ..."

But at this moment, I saw the magical sky at this moment, but it was all in the void to make a mark.

With the release of Indian secrets, a mysterious force appeared quietly.

That mysterious power went straight to a corner of the cave.

In that corner, a little ant was crawling at the moment, and all the countless forces were all concentrated on the little ant.

"Phantom, come out!"

The sound of indifference sounded, and the power in Phantom's hands was put away.

"Buzz ..."

With the words of Phantom Sky, a wave of void wave came.

Immediately, a figure appeared.

This figure is not someone else, it is a phantom beast.

"how can that be?"

"I've transformed into an ant, how could you find me in such a short time?"

The phantom beast stood up and looked at Phantom Sky, his eyes were incredible.

In his opinion, the sky in front of him, the breath on his body, but the emperor's realm, compared with him, is not his opponent at all.

How could Phantom find his body in such a short period of time? This is really beyond the expectations of Phantom Beasts.

"It's already a game, you lost!"

"Are you transfiguration or me in the second game?"

At this moment, Magic Sky coughed slightly, and the corner of his mouth raised a radian.

"You must have used something on me in this game, otherwise you wouldn't be able to find out my identity!"

"You're here in the second game. I'll see. How strong is your illusion?"

Listening to the words of the magical sky, the spirit of the phantom beast was still very unconvinced.

"How strong is my illusion?"

"It's not me bragging, even if it's an hour for you, you can't detect my breath, you can't find my body!"

I heard that the arc rising from the corner of Magic Sky's mouth became richer.

In the eyes of the phantom beast, the light in his eyes flashed instantly.

"Magic sky, when you meet, you will go directly to my questioning pavilion. I used to conceal the sky to cross the sea, let alone an hour. Even if it is ten thousand years, he cannot find your body!

As the words of Magic Sky flashed out, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed, and he quickly sent a message to Magic Sky.

"Boss, I think so too, this phantom beast can't find my body at all!"

In the eyes of Xuantian, the slightest rays of light passed by.

"Can't find your identity for an hour?"

"Since you have already said so, then you will give me an hour, but I want to see, how capable you are, how dare you say such crazy words!"

There was a flash of light in his eyes, and the phantom beast looked at Phantom Sky, saying coldly.

"it is good!"

"An hour is a word!"

Xuantian nodded, and the voice was full of rampant Tao.

"This is what you promised, but don't regret it!"

Looking at the magical sky without thinking, he agreed, and the face of the phantom beast instantly rose with a touch of joy.

It is impossible to say why, but in the mind of the phantom beast, there was a bad hunch, and in his heart, there was a feeling of being ridiculed.

This feeling is like a lingering banquet, making people tease.

"No regrets!"

"I can do it!"

Xuantian looked at the phantom beast, and there was a complex gleam of light in her eyes.

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