Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1769: Kill six people!

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Chapter 1769 Kill Six People!

"Come here, stay here?"

"Did he find us?"

"No, this kid is coming towards us!"

"What are you afraid of? The breath on this boy, but the emperor's mid-term situation, so you don't need to worry!"

"The magical fruit in this boy's hand is our purpose. Since he found us, we don't need to hide it, just take it from his hand!"


Feeling the breath of Mo Wentian, a flash of cold mang flashed in the eyes of those figures.

But the next moment, when they saw Mo Wentian's cultivation, the corners of their mouths couldn't help raising a radian.

That look, it seems that Mo Wentian is not in his eyes at all.

You know, their cultivation has reached the middle stage of Tianzun, even if it is not far from the late stage of Tianzun.

For Mo Wentian, who is not in the middle of Tianzun before his eyes, he really didn't take it seriously.

Thinking about it this way, the breath of those six figures rose sharply.

"Boss, these men are so aggressive that they seem to want to hit you!"

In asking the pavilion, Xiao Yan also felt the vastness of the breath. In Xiao Yan's eyes, the rays of light passed by.

"I just want to wait for them!"

"It's better if they shoot together, save me one by one!"

Listening to Xiao Yan's words, Mo Wentian slightly raised the corner of his mouth, and even raised a touch of radian.

It seems that for the six people in front of him, Mo Wentian didn't take it seriously at all.

Seeing Mo Wentian's sudden change in appearance, the six looked at each other.

For a moment, the six were endless.

After all, Mo Wentian is facing six of them. If this is an ordinary warrior in the middle of the emperor, let alone the others, let ’s say that he is above.

One of the six of them wanted to slay a warrior in the middle of the emperor, which was just a breeze.

They knew that Mo Wentian was not easy at the moment, so the six of them planned to take a shot at Mo Wutian and solve it.

In this way, Mo Wentian's magical fruit is theirs.

"Tiger claws!"

"Falcon Fist!"


All the loud drinking sounds sounded, and in the void, the six figures shot directly at Mo Wentian.

That immense power seemed to tear Mo Wutian into pieces.

But Mo Wentian at the moment, but there was no reaction at all, it seems that he did not look at the six people who came here at all.

"Shadow clone!"


But when the fists and claws of the six were about to fall on Mo Wentian, a cold voice sounded.

I saw nine figures in the void, surrounded by six people.

"Nine figures, six people, still seems not enough!"

The next moment, the cold voice sounded again.

"Buzz ..."

Immediately, in the void, those nine figures flashed into eighty-one.

The eighty-one figures, the breath on the body, are exactly the same, and there is no difference between Mo Wentian.

Without the slightest hesitation, the eighty-one Mo Wentian greeted the six directly.

"Shadow avatars? It's terrible to have so many figures turned out!"

"What are you afraid of? These avatars are just some illusions. He can't hurt us at all!"

"Even if these avatars can hurt us, don't forget this boy's cultivation, but it is only in the middle of the emperor. If you do this, you still need to worry?"

"Yeah, what are you afraid of? You don't have to worry about it at all because of his practice in the middle of the emperor's day!"

"Others don't care, find out the real body of this boy, and take the magic fruit from him!"


Looking at the eighty-one identical Mo Wutian that suddenly appeared in the void, the six people froze for a moment.

Looking back, the six looked at each other and seemed to remember something. The six exploded instantly.

Thinking about it this way, the remaining warriors, the mangs in their eyes skyrocketed, and went directly towards Mo Wentian.

"Your courage!"

"But I hope you are as daring as you are now, don't run!"

Mo Wentian's voice was extremely cold.

The Devouring Sword appeared in Mo Wentian's hands, and Mo Wutian's body was full of breath.



The speed of Mo Wentian is extremely fast.

At the moment, the six soldiers in the middle of Tianzun can barely see an afterimage.

The speed of Mo Wentian is too fast.



The six strong men in the middle of Tianzun skyrocketed in their eyes.

In front of Mo Wutian, although the speed is extremely fast, the breath of Mo Wentian is not strong. In the middle of the emperor, the breath of the six people is much more terrible than that of Mo Wutian.

Amidst the tremendous physical strength, these six seemed to want to resist the sword of Mo Wutian.

"court death!"

In Mo Wentian's eyes, a sneer rose.

At this moment, the corner of Mo Wentian's mouth couldn't help but raise a radian.

The cultivation of the six people has reached the middle stage of Tianzun. If the six people fled from the beginning, it would be difficult to ask Tian to kill the six people.

After all, the cultivation of six people is not a matter of a star, but a big world.

However, if these six people resist, it is hard to say.

After all, Mo Wentian's current physique is not ordinary, and coupled with the sword breaking the sword of Tian Tianjue, Mo Wentian's sword is powerful enough to compare with the later days of Tianzun.

"not good!"

The look of the six people changed dramatically,

Mo Wentian's speed was already fast. Eighty-one avatars were separated. For a moment, the six people couldn't see at all. Mo Wentian's body was nowhere.


The icy killing sounded, and Mo Wentian's Devouring Heavenly Sword fell instantly.


The dull voice sounded, and six figures flew backwards.

Although these six people are all strong in the middle of Tianzun, the six did not expect that Mo Wentian would hit himself again.

After all, no one could imagine that a warrior in the middle of the emperor's midterms would be so terrible in combat power, and would take the initiative to attack them, which was really beyond their expectations.


Six figures fell to the ground with heavy blood spurting out of his mouth.

At this moment, the six's faces paled instantly.

Looking at Mo Wentian, the six turned and retreated directly.

"Let's go!"

At this moment, the six people no longer have greed in their hearts. The combat power of Mo Wentian has exceeded their control.

In the hearts of the six, there was only one thought at the moment, and that was to want to leave.

At this moment, they have a strong hunch in their hearts. If they don't leave at this moment, they will die!

"Want to leave?"

Mo Wentian held Tianshen Sword in his hand, his eyes were extremely cold.

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