Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1778: Bloodline connection

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Chapter 1778: The Connection Above The Bloodline


"All five of you get up and follow the Lord of the Shaojie Realm to head to Tianminghai!"

Listening to Yu Li's words, the young man's eyes flashed a fierce gaze, and said coldly.

"Yes, Master of the World!"

"Yes, Master of the World!"


Hearing that the five people stood up quickly, with respectful words.

"Well, go to Tianminghai!"

"Yes Yes!"

A group of people rushed towards the sky.

People in Yutianjie knew the news of Mo Wentian going to Tianminghai, and some people in the world also got the news naturally.

Many people are rushing towards Tianminghai at this moment.

At this moment, Mo Wentian has appeared in front of Tianming Hai.

In front of Mo Wentian, an area of ​​the sea looked far away and boundless.

Over the sea, there are layers of black clouds, and the clouds gather into a vortex.

In the whirlpool, countless thunder and lightning are wanton. These thunder and lightning sometimes fall on the sea area, causing a thousand waves of waves, making people frightened.

"Tian Ming Hai!"

Mo Wentian, the light flashed in his eyes.

"Ask Brother Tian, ​​is this Tianming Sea?"

Looking at the Tianming Sea in front of him, the long-awaited Sky Fox, turned back to God, couldn't help asking.

"Yes, this is Tianminghai!"

"Can you feel the power of thunder and lightning in the underworld this day?"

Mo Wentian nodded.

The next moment, it seemed to be remembering something. Mo Wentian's eyes looked towards Tianhu, lowering his voice.

"Ask Brother Tian, ​​this thunderbolt is very powerful!"

Sky Fox took a breath, and there was a slight dignity in his voice.

"This lightning is really strong!"

"Can you feel the danger?"

Mo Wentian looked at Tianhu and asked again.

"Ask Brother Tian, ​​I don't feel the power of this thunder and lightning, but the power of this thunder and lightning has appeal to me!"

There was a flash of light in Tianhu's eyes, and there were some impressive words.

"Don't feel dangerous, but there is still an appeal?"

Nana whispered in her mouth, Mo Wentian's brows frowned slightly, her heart was even more confused.

"Buzz ..."

When Mo Wentian was in doubt, when he asked Tiange, a wave of fluctuations came.

Immediately, the figure of the old man from the ancient books appeared in Wentian Pavilion.

"Boy, you can feel other powers in the power of thunder and lightning?"

The old man in the ancient book flashed a light and said in a deep voice.

"Are there other powers in the power of lightning?"

Listening to the old man of ancient books, Mo Wentian's heart became more and more confused.

"Boy, in this thunderbolt power, you feel good, but there are other powers, you can know why Sky Fox is not in danger!"

The mouth of the old man in the ancient book slightly raised the corner.

Hearing the words, Mo Wentian developed his soul and spirit and felt it carefully.

It's okay not to feel this way. Mo Wentian's eyes can't help but widen, his eyes are full of eyes.

"Seniors of ancient books, there is also a great power in the power of thunder and lightning!"

Mo Wentian asked quickly.

"Boy, your response is not slow!"

"The power of thunder and lightning is also overwhelming, and your mouth is like a light!"

"On this day in the Underworld, you must have unexpected gains this time!"

The curvature of the mouth of the old man in the ancient books rose more and more intensely, and nodded.

"Thank you for pointing out the ancients!"

Mo Wentian instantly came over and said quickly.

"Boy, although the power of thunder and lightning is not dangerous to Tianhu, you must also pay attention!"

"The power of thunder and lightning is strong and weak, and the power of extreme yin is also rare and rare. Whether Sky Fox's physique can resist these powers of extreme yin is also a question!"

The next moment, it seemed to be remembering something. The look of the old man in the ancient books suddenly became serious.

"Old books, I know, I will definitely pay attention to these!"

Mo Wentian frowned slightly.


"In the deep sea this day, everything depends on the creation of you and Tianhu. This seat is waiting for your good news!"

The thick voice sounded, and when I asked Tiange, the figure of the old man of ancient books had disappeared.

"Ancient book seniors ..."

Don't ask Tian what else he wanted to ask, but before opening his mouth, the old man of ancient books had already fallen asleep in the ancient books.

"Different seniors, same personality!"

Nana whispered in her mouth, Mo Wentian could not help but shook her head.

At this moment, Mo Wentian's mind couldn't help thinking of the old man of Shenzhu.

"I don't know Senior Shenzhu, what's happening now?"

Mo Wentian's eyes looked toward the endless void, and there was a complex light in his eyes.

"Ask Brother Tian, ​​are we going to enter the Ming Hai this day?"

And at this moment, the sound of Tianhu at his ears sounded.


"This day, it's time to enter the underworld!"

Wen Yan, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed.


The next moment, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate in the slightest, and sighed coldly, and went directly to Tianminghai.

"Son, are you going into the sea?"

But just as Mo Wentian stepped out of one foot, a gentle voice heard.

Immediately, a figure appeared beside Mo Wentian.

This figure is definitely superior.

"who are you?"

Before waiting for Mo Wentian to speak, Tianhu was the first to stand up, look at the woman, and an angry word rose in his eyes.

At this moment, even Sky Fox does not know that at this moment, she is like a jealous girl.

"Ahem ..."

"What's the matter?"

At this moment, Mo Wentian coughed lightly, glanced at the woman indifferently, and asked with a stern look.

"My son, our lady wants to enter Tianminghai with my son!"

The woman looked at Mo Wentian and said with a smile.

Only Mo Wentian was next to the fox, and the woman seemed to ignore it directly.

"Your lady?"

"I don't know any lady in this heavenly world?"

The indifferent voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's brow frowned slightly.

The woman in front of her is not weak, she has already reached the middle of Tianzun, and it is only a step away from the late of Tianzun.

"The son doesn't know the little girl, but the little girl is Jiuwen's name!"

But at this moment, a soft voice sounded, and when he heard this voice, Mo Wentian felt only a tremor.

Immediately, a connection above the bloodline was uploaded from Mo Wentian's heart.

I saw a shadow flashing down, this is a beautiful woman, exquisite facial features, graceful posture, even the breath on her body, a little vulgar.

The woman in front of her, even if compared with Sky Fox, could not be farther apart.

The breath of the woman, Mo Wentian, could not detect it for a moment.

There is a kind of intuition in Mo Wentian's heart. The woman in front of her is not easy!

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