Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1787: Sky Fox repair is about to break through?

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Chapter 1787: Sky Fox Xiu Xi wants to break through?

"Little Master, this person's strength, it's already good to hear!"

"If his physique promotes success ..."

And just at this moment, behind Yu Hao, Yu Li's eyes flashed a quizzical light, a deep voice.


"I can't let this guy successfully train his physique. Although his physical tempering doesn't affect me, I can't let him succeed!"

Listening to Yu Li's words, Yu Hao's eyes flashed a fierce gaze.

The next moment, Yu Hao's eyes fell directly on Mo Wentian's body.

And at the moment, in the whirlpool.


Mo Wutian's body started to wake up. Mo Wutian didn't know how long he had cultivated, but Mo Wutian felt that his physique was countless times stronger.

On the body of Mo Wentian, there is an electric arc on the nine surrounding dragons.

The nine Shenlongs flashing arcs, the protection force is getting stronger and stronger, Mo Wentian's breath has also strengthened a lot.

"The peak of the Eucharist in Kowloon!"

There was a whisper in his mouth, and Mo Wentian's eyes rose with a very bright light.

At this moment, Mo Wentian, Xiu Wei has no breakthrough, but Mo Wentian ’s body is the sixth floor of the Kowloon Eucharist, but it reached its peak from the later period.

"The sixth floor of the Holy Eucharist in Kowloon, if my cultivation is promoted to the late emperor, or the peak of the emperor, then my strength is enough to kill the strong in the late emperor!"

"But my cultivation has not yet broken through, but the sixth layer of my immortal body, the Kowloon Eucharist has broken through to the peak, and by virtue of physical fitness, even if it is a warrior in the mid-day state of heaven, with a full blow, May hurt me! "

Feeling the enhanced breath in the body, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a faint light, and the dark road in his heart.

In fact, the immortal body can make a breakthrough in the underworld on this day, which is beyond the expectation of Mo Wentian.

After all, Mo Wentian's purpose of coming to Tianminghai was not for himself, but to clear the power of emotion within Tianhu.

Mo Wentian did not expect that today, Tianming Hai, had this unexpected gain.

"Ask Brother Tian, ​​I feel like I'm breaking through!"

Just then, the voice of Sky Fox came.

"Your cultivation is about to break?"

Listening to Tianhu's remarks, Mo Wentian looked towards Tianhu, and saw the breath of Tianhu at this moment.

The whole body of Sky Fox is countlessly thunderous.

Among the power of thunder and lightning, there is an extremely overcast force. This power surrounds the whole body of Tianhu, but does not directly enter Tianhu's body, it seems to be waiting for something in general.

"Tianhu, let me protect you!"

Looking at Tianhu, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a light, cold voice.

"Ask Brother Tian, ​​I feel the strength on me, I can't bear it anymore!"

"My physique seems to be broken by this power!"

Sky Fox's face was full of solemn color.

That way, it seems that at the moment, she is under an immense amount of coercion.

"Buzz ..."

And just as Mo Wentian was doing his best, a panacea appeared in front of Mo Wentian.

"Boy, this is Ghost Dan, let Sky Fox swallow quickly!"

"She has been suppressed by the power of affection for too long, and she has worked very hard to cultivate. The strength accumulated over a long period of time must be improved at this moment. I am afraid that the physical fitness of Sky Fox is difficult to sustain. Skyfox delays those breakthroughs in one go! "

With the emergence of that elixir, the voice of the old man from ancient books also sounded in Mo Wentian's mind.

"Can it only be postponed for some time?"

"Ancient predecessor, do you mean that this Phantom Dan does not guarantee that Tianhu can successfully break through?"

Listening to the old man of the ancient book, Mo Wentian flashed a touch of Han Mang, and asked quickly.

"Boy, this book cannot be guaranteed!"

The old man of ancient books shook his head slightly.

"You can't guarantee it!"

"Predecessors of ancient books, but if Sky Fox can't support those forces this time? What will happen to Sky Fox?"

After hearing the words, Mo Wentian's expression faded instantly.

But the next moment, what seemed to be remembered, Mo Wentian looked at the old man of ancient books and asked Shen Sheng.

"What will happen to Sky Fox?"

"Boy, I'm afraid the soul will fly away, and the soul will die!"

After groaning for a while, the old voice of the old man from the ancient books came.

"Soul flying away? Divine spirits will die?"

"Predecessors of ancient books, is there no other way for Tianhu to make a breakthrough?"

Suddenly, Mo Wentian's brow froze tightly, his heart tightened even more.

At this moment, Mo Wentian's eyes couldn't help looking at Tian Hu, and Mo Wentian's fist couldn't help but clenched.

"Boy, it's gone!"

"This can only be seen from Skyfox's own fortune!"

"All you can do is make Tianhu a quiet breakthrough, don't let others disturb you!"

The voice of the old man of ancient books came slowly.

"Ancient book seniors ..."

After the old man of the ancient books finished speaking, before Mo Wentian said something, he had disappeared in the center of Wentiange and entered the ancient books.

"Ask Brother Brother, I ..."

"I can't stand it!"

And at this moment, the voice of Sky Fox came again.

"Tianhu, this is Ghost Dan, you quickly take it!"

"This will alleviate these forces!"

Sky Fox's voice came, Mo Wentian returned to God instantly.

With a wave of his hand, the ghost Dan immediately went towards the Sky Fox.

"Thank you, ask Brother Tian!"

Looking at the ghost Dan, Sky Fox swallowed down without any hesitation.

As Tianhu swallowed that ghost dan, Tianhu's violent power suddenly eased a lot.

Sky Fox was sweating like rain, and her pale face was restored to rosy.

"Sky Fox, keep your mind steady!"

"Don't worry, slowly gather your power into Dantian to break through!"

"I'm here to protect you. You can rest assured that your cultivation will definitely break through!"

Watching Tianhu's breath eased, Mo Wentian's heart was slightly relieved.

But the next moment, remembering the words of the old man from ancient books, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a complex light, but in the sound, it was indifferent.

"Ask Brother Tian, ​​you can rest assured that I will keep my mind steady and break through slowly!"

Wen Yan said quickly.

I ca n’t say why, but I ask Heaven where it is. Although the power is immense, Sky Fox has no fear at all.

It seems that Mo Wentian is here, it is her Dinghai Shen needle in general.


Mo asked Tianqing, and nodded.

Immediately, Mo Wentian's figure flickered and disappeared in place.

When he appeared again, Mo Wentian's figure appeared outside Wanzhang.

"Tianhu cultivation can't be disturbed, I must set a ban!"

There was a whisper in his mouth, and Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a firm eye, and his mind was firm.

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