Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1790: Self-determination?

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Chapter 1790: Self-Adjudication?

"It seems that you do not intend to listen to the Lord of this young world?"

Listening to this call for mercy, Yu Hao's look was extremely cold.

His fists clenched, and the terrible punches gathered in his fists.

"Little Master, we are really incompetent!"

"Yes, I ask you to be considerate of the subordinates, and there are old mothers in the subordinates' homes. I can't die!"

"Lord of the Worlds, please let us go a long way, as long as you don't let us fight this kid again, we are willing to do anything for you of the Lord of the Worlds!"

"Yes, Master of the World, we are willing to obey the Master of the World!"

"Little Master, please forgive us!"


One after another, they bowed down to Yu Hao again, and their eyes were full of pleading.

"A bunch of useless people!"

"It would be better to die in the hands of that kid!"

Looking at the three in front of him, Yu Hao's eyes were terrible.

The chilling voice sounded, without any hesitation, Yu Hao shot directly and fell towards one of the three.

"Do not……"



The screams sounded, and the figure fell directly to the ground.

The vitality on his body quickly dissipated.

This figure, which was hit by Yu Hao in one punch, fell directly!

"This kid is really cruel!"

"No wonder you are the Emperor!"

Looking at this scene, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a complex light.

"not good!"

"We can't stay here anymore, the Lord of the Lesser Realms will never let us go!"


At this moment, only the two remaining figures made eye contact, the figure flickered, and they fled in two different directions directly.

"Want to go?"


Looking at the two figures fleeing, Yu Hao's eyes became more terrifying.

The figure flashed and chased directly towards a figure.


For a moment, a scream came, and the figure caught by Yu Hao fell.

"I am Yu Tianjie. Even if I die, I will kill it!"

The chilling voice sounded, and in Yu Hao's eyes, the killing was extremely wanton.

At the same time, Yu Hao's breath quickly rose.

"one left!"

"Escape, you can't escape the palm of my hand!"

The next moment, it seemed to be remembering something, Yu Hao's eyes flashed a vicious glance.

Immediately, the figure flashed again, and in the other direction, the only disciple chased.

"Ant, don't kill everything!"

"What's more, your opponent is me, not that one!"

Watching Yu Hao chasing towards the last disciple, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a complex light, cold voice.

"Ask me, you can remind me!"

"It's you, it's you who killed my disciples, not me!"

"If it weren't for you, they wouldn't have died!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Yu Hao turned back instantly, looking at Mo Wentian, the killing in his eyes was terrible.

At the same time, the fists in his hands clenched again, and the terrible fist energy was gathered together.

"Blame me?"

"Hahahaha ..."

"Yu Tianjie, the young master, is this kind of goods. I originally thought that Yu Tianjie was still a good world, but I didn't expect that you all became the young master of Yu Tianjie. what!"

Listening to Yu Hao's words, Mo Wentian laughed wildly.

Among those words, there was even more ridicule.

The reason why Mo Wentian stopped Yu Hao from going to chase the remaining disciples of Yu Tianjie was not because Mo Wentian was kind, but because Mo Wutian wanted to stay that disciple.

After all, that disciple is Yu Tianjie's person. He is familiar with Yu Tianjie. Mo Wentian left this person in order to reduce some trouble when he confronts Yu Tianjie in the future.

"The smell changes?"

"Boy, my prestige in Yu Tianjie must have changed people's smell!"

"Only your boy, arrogant to the extreme, will be so arrogant, if you see the power of my Yu Tianjie, you will be scared to pee!"

Hearing that, Yu Hao instantly became confident.

Looking at Mo Wentian, said proudly.

But what he didn't know was that Yinger and Mo Qingqing, not far away at the moment, couldn't help laughing.

"Miss, how could there be such a stupid person in this world!"

"Mo Wentian was scolding him, but he should still be bragging about him. I don't think Yu Hao wants to marry you, even if he's going to raise your shoes!"

Listening to Yu Hao's words, Yinger's face was full of ridicule.

Mo Qingqing's expression changed slightly, but he didn't say much.

At this moment, she just wants to see Mo Wentian in front of her, to see how far Mo Wutian's strength has reached.

"Hahahaha ..."

"It seems that you are not only weak, but even your ability to understand human language!"

Looking at Yu Hao, Mo Wentian couldn't help laughing.

"Poor understanding of human language?"

"Boy, you ..."

"You are so abominable!"

"I have never suffered from such humiliation. Today, I must kill you, or I will not have face to live in the heavenly world!"

Mo Wentian's voice came again, and Yu Hao finally understood.

The anger in my heart skyrocketed instantly, and in the eyes of Mo Wentian, the intention of killing was unabashed.

If it is said that the eyes can kill people, Mo Wentian at this moment does not know how many times they have been beheaded.

At the same time, Yu Hao's breath quickly rose.

"Squeak ..."

The clenched fist was creaking at the moment.

"You ants, you said that!"

"If you can't kill the Emperor today, then you will rule yourself!"

Looking at Yu Hao's full of anger, Mo Wentian gave a slight grin and raised a wicked smile.

At this moment, Mo Wentian seems to have seen Yu Hao's humiliating self-discipline in front of him.


"This ant has no such pride!"

But the next moment, it seemed to be remembered, Mo Wentian shook his head, secretly in his heart.

In front of Yu Hao, even if he couldn't fight him, he would not arbitrarily, but would ask him for forgiveness.

"Boy, I really don't know where you came from, nor do you know where Elder Ju Yi sees you!"

"I want to accept you as a disciple. I think Elder Ju Yi is old and his eyes are a bit clumsy. In this case, I am Hao Yu to solve you today and let Elder Ju Yi see your kid clearly. ! "

Yu Hao did not directly agree to Mo Wentian's conditions, but just looked at Mo Wentian, and a complex light flashed in the depths of his eyes, saying coldly.

At this moment, Yu Hao's heart was full of confidence.

Mo Wentian's cultivation behavior was not covered at all, but it was the middle of the emperor. Such cultivation behavior, in front of him, could be killed by waving.

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